For detailed indexes of issue contents, quantity discounts, special offers, and collections for sale see our back issues page.
Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2025
Volume 96 Number 5

Price: $12.00

Winning in the Windy City by Bart Bramley * Swiss Match, XCIII * Critical Moments Keep Coming by David J. Weiss * Queen Plays by August Boehm * Short-Suit Transfer Responses by Tuomo Valiaho . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2025
Volume 96 Number 4

Price: $12.00

The 2023 Bermuda Bowl, III by Kit Woolsey * Swiss Match, XCII * Pittsburgh Problems by Edwin B. Kantar * 2024 Honor Roll * Blackwood Jacoby by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2024
Volume 96 Number 3

Price: $12.00

The 2023 Bermuda Bowl, II by Kit Woolsey * More Transfers After Two-Notrump Bids by Ercan Cem * Tricky Trick by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Swiss Match, XCI * Mixed Bags by Oren Kriegel * Still More Critical Moments by David J. Weiss * Brioche by Barry Bragin . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2024
Volume 96 Number 2

Price: $12.00

The 2023 Bermuda Bowl by Kit Woolsey * Swiss Match, XC * Two-Tier Transfers by Frank Lipniski * Small Doubleton by Alan Truscott * The Milquetoast Variation by Jon Matthew Farber . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2024
Volume 96 Number 1

Price: $12.00

The 2023 Trial, II by Oren Kriegel * Leapfrog by Tuomo Valiaho * Covering More Bases by David J. Weiss * The Vault . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2024
Volume 95 Number 12

Price: $12.00

The 2023 Trial by Oren Kriegel * Transfer Responses Over One-of-a-Red-Suit Overcalls by Ercan Cem * Repositioning by Danny Kleinman * Substitutes by David Bird & Tim Bourke * Deceptive Play by Alfred P. Sheinwold . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2024
Volume 95 Number 11

Price: $12.00

The 2022 Rosenblum Final, II by Kit Woolsey * Swiss Wheel by David J. Weiss * Swinging, II by Moneybags * SPLAT by Mike Wenble * The Doctor and the Convention by Jon Matthew Farber . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2024
Volume 95 Number 10

Price: $12.00

The 2022 Rosenblum Final by Kit Woolsey * Swiss Match, LXXXIX * RELAX by Tuomo Valiaho * Pleasant Reunion by Marshall Miles * Multi-Purpose One Diamond by Mike Wenble * Another Saturday Night by John Swanson . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2024
Volume 95 Number 9

Price: $12.00

High Cards in the Big Easy, II by Bart Bramley * Alma Mater Swiss by David J. Weiss * Return of the Script Doctor by Jon Matthew Farber * Swinging by Moneybags * Double Fit by Mike Massimilla . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2024
Volume 95 Number 8

Price: $12.00

High Cards in the Big Easy by Bart Bramley * The Moysian Fit, V by Jeff Rubens * Saturday Night Blues by John Swanson * Adventures in One-Suit Squeezes by Imre Andras * Sixth Suit Forcing by Tuomo Valiaho . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2024
Volume 95 Number 7

Price: $12.00

Worthy of the Place, II by Oren Kriegel * The Moysian Fit, IV by Jeff Rubens * Not the Only Game in Town by David J. Weiss * Quacks and Wax by Danny Kleinman * Loser on Loser by David Bird & Tim Bourke . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2024
Volume 95 Number 6

Price: $12.00

Worthy of the Place by Oren Kriegel * The Saturday Night Game by John Swanson * The Common Road, XIV by Ercan Cem * Advancing a Cue-Bid by Frank Lipniski * Multi-Splinters by Dr. James Marsh Steinberg & Danny Kleinman * Lunatic or Genius? by August Boehm * The Moysian Fit, III by Jeff Rubens . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2024
Volume 95 Number 5

Price: $12.00

The 2022 Trial, IV by Kit Woolsey * Ogust After Interference by Barry Bragin * Classic Rewind: The Moysian Fit, II by Jeff Rubens * Leather Anniversary Swiss by David J. Weiss * Spadewood by Ulf Nilsson . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2024
Volume 95 Number 4

Price: $12.00

The 2022 Trial, III by Kit Woolsey * The Common Road, XIII by Ercan Cem * The Moysian Fit by Jeff Rubens * Gleaswell by Rob Gleason * Strong Hand Opposite Transfer . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2023
Volume 95 Number 3

Price: $12.00

The 2022 Trial, II by Kit Woolsey * Retooling by Frank Lipniski * The Antidote by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * The Milquetoast Solution by Jon Matthew Farber * Shadow Puppet Stayman by Tuomo Valiaho . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2023
Volume 95 Number 2

Price: $12.00

The 2022 Trial by Kit Woolsey * Artificiality Extended by Ercan Cem * DARE, IV by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Timing the Ruff by David Bird & Tim Bourke * The Good Shepherd by David J. Weiss . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2023
Volume 95 Number 1

Price: $12.00

Worth the Wait by Oren Kriegel * DARE, III by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Afterburner by Tuomo Valiaho * The Oz Knockout by Richard Budd * A Suit-Preference Paradox by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2023
Volume 94 Number 12

Price: $12.00

The 2022 Vanderbilt, II by Kit Woolsey * Diamond-Spade Interchange by Ercan Cem * DARE, II by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * You Have Been Warned by Marshall Miles * Changing Times by David J. Weiss * Heart Medicine by Benoit Brochu . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2023
Volume 94 Number 11

Price: $12.00

The 2022 Vanderbilt by Kit Woolsey * Black Widow by Tuomo Valiaho * Direct Minor Transfers by Frank Lipniski * DARE by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * The Common Road, XII by Ercan Cem * Desperado by Danny Kleinman * Bad News, Good News . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2023
Volume 94 Number 10

Price: $12.00

Double Dutch, II by Bart Bramley * Robinson Splinters by Steve Robinson * Pancakes and Waffles by Allan DeSerpa * More Critical Moments by David J. Weiss * Hold-Up at Dead Man's Gulch by B. Jay Becker * Tragedy and Comedy by Augie Boehm . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2023
Volume 94 Number 9

Price: $12.00

Double Dutch by Bart Bramley * Full House by Danny Kleinman * Clarifying Splinter Raises by Ercan Cem * The Select Few, II by Jian-Jian Wang * Near Neighbors by Terence Reese * Distraction by Michel Schneider * The Milquetoast Squeeze by Jon Matthew Farber . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2023
Volume 94 Number 8

Price: $12.00

Half-and-Half Trial, VIII by Kit Woolsey * Reunion Swiss by David J. Weiss * JLall7 * Matchpoints by Moneybags * Compact Autosplinters by Allan DeSerpa * Quotations from the Masters by Augie Boehm * The Daring Diamond by Michael Shuster . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2023
Volume 94 Number 7

Price: $12.00

Half-and-Half Trial, VII by Kit Woolsey * Transfer Strong Rebids by Ercan Cem * Bridge in Oz by Richard Budd * Youthful Exuberance by Oren Kriegel * JLall6 * Transfers After a Forcing Raise by Tuomo Valiaho * Beat the Swiss! by Jean Besse . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2023
Volume 94 Number 6

Price: $12.00

Half-and-Half Trial, VI by Kit Woolsey * Compact Minor Transfers by Danny Kleinman * Cotton Swiss by David J. Weiss * F O B by Barry Bragin * What is the Title of this Article? by August Boehm * JLall5 . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2023
Volume 94 Number 5

Price: $12.00

JLall4 by Dana Berkowitz & David Berkowitz * Transfers Over Three-Spade Jump-Overcalls by Ed Davis * Half-and-Half Trial, V by Kit Woolsey * That "Idle" Fifth Card by Jean Besse * Mild Expansion by Ron Beall . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2023
Volume 94 Number 4

Price: $12.00

The 2022 Canadian Seniors by Stephen Cooper * Fit-Perfect Stayman by Ercan Cem * Half-and-Half Trial, IV by Kit Woolsey * Half-Mirror Doubles by Danny Kleinman * A Herd of Purple Cows by Richard Budd . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2022
Volume 94 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Half-and-Half Trial, III by Kit Woolsey * Hands from Chicago by Marshall Miles * Sidney Lazard & George Rapee: The Bridge World Interview conducted by Augie Boehm * Snakes by Danny Kleinman * Power-Split Rebids by Tuomo Valiaho . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2022
Volume 94 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Half-and-Half Trial, II by Kit Woolsey * A New Minor-Raise Structure by Ercan Cem * Multi-Purpose Rebids by Mike Wenble * Revenge Swiss by David J. Weiss * Grand Trump Management by Michel Schneider * Intricate by Stefan Ralescu . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2022
Volume 94 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Half-and-Half Trial by Kit Woolsey * Switching Your Birthright by Michael Shuster * Entry Shortage by Imre Andras * Brother Cameron's Misdemeanor by David Bird * The Difference by Edwin B. Kantar . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2022
Volume 93 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Benchmark, II by Bart Bramley * SPOT by Mike Wenble * Simonizing by Danny Kleinman * In Situ by Oren Kriegel * Covering the Bases by David J. Weiss . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2022
Volume 93 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Benchmark by Bart Bramley * Two Constructions by Goran Ofsen * Ask the Doctor: Advice for the Bridgelorn by Jon Matthew Farber * In the Witch's Castle by Richard Budd * Countering One Spade by Tuomo Valiaho . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2022
Volume 93 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Summer of '21, III by Kit Woolsey * Restoring Respect by Ercan Cem * Special-Case Leads Against Notrump by Frank Lipniski * The Quest by Geza Ottlik * The Three Little Pigs by Jeff Rubens * Play with Me by Roman L. Weil . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2022
Volume 93 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Summer of '21, II by Kit Woolsey * Playing Suit Combinations by Fred Gitelman * Beach Blanket Swiss by David J. Weiss * Leftover Duck for Dinner by Stephen Cooper * Never-Never Land by Robert Barr * Plugging the Leaks by Bill Segraves . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2022
Volume 93 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Summer of '21 by Kit Woolsey * Vintage Swiss by Frank Stewart * More Sleep, Fewer Pills by Ercan Cem * The Law of Total Tricks by Jean-Rene Vernes * Mrs. G's Finest Hour by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2022
Volume 93 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Fifty-Six-Board Playoff, II by Kit Woolsey * Kaplan Finnversion by Tuomo Valiaho * The Critical Moment by David J. Weiss * Moon Menaces by Don Kersey * Ripples by Andrzej Matuszewski . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2022
Volume 93 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Fifty-Six-Board Playoff by Kit Woolsey * Can You See It? by Imre Andras * Card Combinations by Edwin B. Kantar * Along the Yellow-Brick Road by Richard Budd * Special Key-Card-Asking by Jian-Jian Wang * A High-Caliber Relay by Ercan Cem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2022
Volume 93 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Photo Finish, II by Bart Bramley * Paper Swiss by David J. Weiss * Two-Suit Transfers by Mil Clyburn * The Patient Defender by Jim Patrick * Achilles Heel by August Boehm . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2022
Volume 93 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Photo Finish by Bart Bramley * JLall3, Continued by Kit Woolsey * Smolen-Plus by Danny Kleinman * Blockbusters, II by Imre Andras * Rate Your Own 1954 Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2021
Volume 93 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Playing Suit Combinations by Fred Gitelman * JLall3 by Kit Woolsey * Overboard by Andrzej Matuszewski * Blockbusters by Imre Andras * The Return of Mr. Milquetoast by Jon Matthew Farber * Advanced Double Transfers by Ercan Cem * Watch One, Do One, Teach One by Richard Budd . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2021
Volume 93 Number 1

Price: $5.00

The JLall Memorial, Continued by Oren Kriegel * The Swiss Against the World by David J. Weiss * Method, Deception, Technique by Matthew Granovetter * For Careful Players by Oren Kriegel * Split Raises by Ercan Cem * Strange by Andrzej Matuszewski * Queenly Appearances by Imre Andras . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2021
Volume 92 Number 12

Price: $5.00

The JLall Memorial by Oren Kriegel * Donkey Two-Bids by David Morgan & Ben Thompson * The Doctor's Claim is Denied by Jon Matthew Farber * No Rush to Judgment by August Boehm * The 2019 Venice Cup, II by Chip & Jan Martel * Adding and Subtracting by Imre Andras * Bath and Anti-Bath Coups by Alfred P. Sheinwold . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2021
Volume 92 Number 11

Price: $5.00

The 2019 Venice Cup by Chip & Jan Martel * Tunnel Vision by Richard Zeckhauser * Short Story by Danny Kleinman * The Common Road, XI by Ercan Cem * Goodbye, Columbus, VI by Bart Bramley * Parity Clarity by Frank Lipniski * The Time Bomb, the Weasel, and Other Nonsense by Jeff Rubens . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2021
Volume 92 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Goodbye, Columbus, V by Bart Bramley * PAMensohl, II by Frank Lipniski * The Overtrick by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * Imp Tactics for Matchpoint Players by Edgar Kaplan * My Deepest Finesse by Larry Cohen . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2021
Volume 92 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Goodbye, Columbus, IV by Bart Bramley * Three-Suiters Via Puppets by Kai-Ching Lin * Electronic Napkin by Oren Kriegel * Return to Wonderland, IV by Frank Stewart * A Deal for Emanuel by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2021
Volume 92 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Goodbye, Columbus, III by Bart Bramley * Ask and Tell by David Morgan * Before-The-Rabbit-Hole Quiz * Return to Wonderland, III by Frank Stewart * Slow Tuesday Night by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * Deja Vu All Over Again by Richard Budd * Mr. Milquetoast and the Doubles by Jon Matthew Farber . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2021
Volume 92 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Goodbye, Columbus, II by Bart Bramley * Helsinki Transfers by Tuomo Valiaho * Extended Leaping Michaels by Michael Becker * The Joys of Marital Swiss by David J. Weiss * The Mark-Time Bid by Alvin Roth * Issues of Partnership Defense, IX by Jeff Rubens * Return to Wonderland, II by Frank Stewart . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2021
Volume 92 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Goodbye, Columbus by Bart Bramley * Long, Short, Simple, Complex by Danny Kleinman * Multi Over Multi Overcalls by Mike Massimilla * Return to Wonderland by Frank Stewart * Bidding with Students by Mike Dorn Wiss * Alternative Alt by Oren Kriegel * Issues of Partnership Defense, VIII by Jeff Rubens . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2021
Volume 92 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Trial Teams, II by Oren Kriegel * Danny Kleinman: The Bridge World Interview, II * Because It's There by Stefan Ralescu * Rate Your Own Game by Edwin B. Kantar * Issues of Partnership Defense, VII by Jeff Rubens * Inverted Cue-Bids by Tuomo Valiaho * Short Road, Long Road by Mark Borinsky . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2021
Volume 92 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Trial Teams by Oren Kriegel * The Common Road, X by Ercan Cem * Danny Kleinman: The Bridge World Interview * Minor-Suit Marionette by Allan DeSerpa * Bridge with My Father by Stephen Cooper * Issues of Partnership Defense, VI by Jeff Rubens . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2020
Volume 92 Number 3

Price: $5.00

The 2019 Canadian Championship, III by Kit Woolsey * Swiss Match, LXXXVIII * A Pair by Kantar, IX by Edwin B Kantar * Paging Dr Howard, Dr Fine, Dr Howard by Jon Matthew Farber * Multi Responses to Flannery by Phil Benner * Issues of Partnership Defense, V by Jeff Rubens . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2020
Volume 92 Number 2

Price: $5.00

The 2019 Canadian Championship, II by Kit Woolsey * Mundane by David J. Weiss * The Common Road, IX by Ercan Cem * Seclusion Blackwood by Allan DeSerpa * Issues of Partnership Defense, IV by Jeff Rubens * Imagine by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2020
Volume 92 Number 1

Price: $5.00

The 2019 Canadian Championship by Kit Woolsey * Ulyana by David Bird & Simon Cocheme * The Duplex Diamond by Tuomo Valiaho * Beginner's Luck by Stephen Cooper * Watson on Play by C. E. Ramsay, Jr. * Pressure by August W. Boehm * Issues of Partnership Defense, III by Jeff Rubens . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2020
Volume 91 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Worthy of the Name, III by Bart Bramley * A True Swiss Match by David J. Weiss * The Common Road, VIII by Ercan Cem * The Mezzanine by Danny Kleinman * Issues of Partnership Defense, II by Jeff Rubens * Unstripping Defense by Stefan Ralescu . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2020
Volume 91 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Worthy of the Name, II by Bart Bramley * There Goes Another Wing by Nick Smith * Restriction or Falsecard? by Martin Cantor * Further Switching by Mike Wenble * Ten Imps by Edwin B. Kantar * Mysteries of a Blue-Ribbon Deal by Michel Schneider * Shameless by Stephen Cooper * Issues of Partnership Defense by Jeff Rubens . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2020
Volume 91 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Worthy of the Name by Bart Bramley * Swiss Match, LXXXVII * A Substitute Revisited by Ercan Cem * The Greatest Bid of All Time by Zia * The Milquetoast Coup by Jon Matthew Farber * Asking Twists by Danny Kleinman * Both Sides Squeezed by Imre Andras . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2020
Volume 91 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Bermuda Bowl XLIV, III by Joel Wooldridge * Swiss Raffle by David J. Weiss * Less is More by Ercan Cem * Robotic Leads by Stephen Cooper * Teaching Lessons by August W. Boehm * Conventional Leads, Old and New by Marshall Miles . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2020
Volume 91 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Bermuda Bowl XLIV, II by Joel Wooldridge * Twenty-Six Chances by Imre Andras * Duck or No Dinner, V by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * The Select Few by Jian-Jian (J. J.) Wang * Tournaments by Moneybags * Ultra-Hi Def by Robert Heitzman * Cue-Bid Ambiguity by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2020
Volume 91 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Bermuda Bowl XLIV by Joel Wooldridge * Duck or No Dinner, IV by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * It Takes a Village by Nick Straguzzi & Danny Kleinman * Six-Key Adjustments by Allan DeSerpa * The Unusual Major by Mike Wenble . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2020
Volume 91 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Spingold in Las Vegas by Chip & Jan Martel * Duck or No Dinner, III by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Bergen Jacoby by Denis Lesage * The House Always Wins by Oren Kriegel * Studio of Dreams by Guy Coutanche * Bohan by Peter Bohan & Richard Troxel * Relevant Irrelevancies by Stephen Cooper . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2020
Volume 91 Number 5

Price: $5.00

The 2019 Trial Final, III by Kit Woolsey * Puzzle Corner: Side Issue by Imre Andras * Duck or No Dinner, II by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * The Common Road, VII by Ercan Cem * Transfers Over Strong Club by Suren Velayutham * A Great Teacher by Jim Patrick * Playing in Minor Keys by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2020
Volume 91 Number 4

Price: $5.00

The 2019 Trial Final, II by Kit Woolsey * Inverted Jumps by Tuomo Valiaho * The Silicon Pairs by Nick Straguzzi & Danny Kleinman * Duck or No Dinner by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Supertriples by Denis Lesage * Honor Roll for 2019 . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2019
Volume 91 Number 3

Price: $5.00

The 2019 Trial Final by Kit Woolsey * Reach-the-Final Quiz by Oren Kriegel * My Son, the Doctor by Jon Matthew Farber * To Elope or Not to Elope by Stefan Ralescu * Endplayed Among Four Suits by Imre Andras * Responding to Undisciplined Two-Bids by Ed Herstein * S.O.S. Game-Tries by James M. Traudt . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2019
Volume 91 Number 2

Price: $5.00

The Vanderbilt Blues, II by Oren Kriegel * Electric Sheep by Nick Straguzzi & Danny Kleinman * Leadoff by David J. Weiss * The Three-Three Stopper by David Dobrin * Inverted Rebids by Denis Lesage * The Limits of Artificial Intelligence by Stephen Cooper * SOLAR by Tuomo Valiaho . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2019
Volume 91 Number 1

Price: $5.00

The Vanderbilt Blues by Oren Kriegel * Say It Ain't So by David J. Weiss * PAMensohl by Frank Lipniski * Einar's Advice Adjusted, II by Anders Wirgren * Innovative Doubles and Redoubles by Ed Davis * A Leading Question by Imre Andras . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2019
Volume 90 Number 12

Price: $5.00

The Rosenblum Final, III by Joel Wooldridge * Einar's Advice Adjusted by Anders Wirgren * The 2018 Spingold, IV by Kit Woolsey * Valiant by Tuomo Valiaho * Loser Management by Denis Lesage * Twists and Turns by Stefan Ralescu * Advancing Four Notrump by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2019
Volume 90 Number 11

Price: $5.00

The Rosenblum Final, II by Joel Wooldridge * The Tiebreaker by Nick Straguzzi & Danny Kleinman * The 2018 Spingold, III by Kit Woolsey * Epitaphs by Zia * Signals Off by George Harris * Superior Superacceptances by Denis Lesage * Transfer Stayman by Tuomo Valiaho . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2019
Volume 90 Number 10

Price: $5.00

The Rosenblum Final by Joel Wooldridge * Constructive-Raise Doubles by Mike Wenble * The 2018 Spingold, II by Kit Woolsey * The Rabbit's Roar by Ezechiele * Grand Illusions by Stephen Cooper * Mystery Raises by Frank Lipniski . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2019
Volume 90 Number 9

Price: $5.00

The 2018 Rosenblum Teams by Chip and Jan Martel * Purple Cows by Imre Andras * The 2018 Spingold by Kit Woolsey * Bold Lead-Directing by Ed Davis * Anyone Can Be a Hero by David J. Weiss * Mixed Transfers by Tuomo Valiaho . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2019
Volume 90 Number 8

Price: $5.00

The 2017 Bermuda Bowl, X by Mark Feldman * CAT by Gregg Deitch * Flat Boards by Nick Straguzzi & Danny Kleinman * Nail-Biting Time, V by Oren Kriegel * Puppets After Transfers by Mike Wenble * Even the Very Best by Jim Patrick . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2019
Volume 90 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Nail-Biting Time, IV by Oren Kriegel * Aces Behind Kings by David J. Weiss * The 2017 Bermuda Bowl, IX by Mark Feldman * Sweet Mysteries by Ezechiele * In Dreams by Dave Caprera * Michelob by W. T. O'Brien * Minor-Suit Inventions by Allan DeSerpa . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2019
Volume 90 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Nail-Biting Time, III by Oren Kriegel * Shared-Captaincy Preempts by August W. Boehm * Ethel by Nick Straguzzi and Danny Kleinman * Squeezes Against Extensions by Imre Andras * The 2017 Bermuda Bowl, VIII by Mark Feldman * Secondary Spades by Denis Lesage . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2019
Volume 90 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Nail-Biting Time, II by Oren Kriegel * A Matter of Honors by Andrzej Matuszewski * The 2017 Bermuda Bowl, VII by Mark Feldman * Competing Over Two Spades by Barry Bragin * Two-Way Two-Over-One by Joost Herweijer * A Pair by Kantar, VIII by Edwin B. Kantar * Confessions of a Pollee by Dave Caprera . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2019
Volume 90 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Nail-Biting Time by Oren Kriegel * Cards Speak by Danny Kleinman * Ogust After New-Suit Responses by Jack Mahoney * The Gift of the White Rabbit by Henry O. * Workout Work Out by Stephen Cooper * The 2017 Bermuda Bowl, VI by Mark Feldman * Scientific Superacceptances by Phil Clayton * Honor Roll for 2018 . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2018
Volume 90 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Philly Freezeout, III by Bart Bramley * Sooner or Later by Jim Patrick * The 2017 Bermuda Bowl, V by Mark Feldman * Double-Barreled Two-Suiters by Mike Wenble * Almost All Roads Lead to Rome by David J. Weiss * Oversized Raises by Denis Lesage * A Short Quiz by Marshall Miles . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2018
Volume 90 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Philly Freezeout, II by Bart Bramley * Two-Suiters After Two Notrump by Allan DeSerpa * The 2017 Bermuda Bowl, IV by Mark Feldman * The Gear by Tuomo Valiaho * Unguarding Correctly by Anders Wirgren . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2018
Volume 90 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Philly Freezeout by Bart Bramley * On the Edge, III by Zia * How to Lose 13 Imps by August W. Boehm * The 2017 Bermuda Bowl, III by Mark Feldman * Offense to Defense by Mike Wenble * The Script Doctor by Jon Matthew Farber * After an Invitational Jump-Shift by Denis Lesage . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2018
Volume 89 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Superiority in Spades by David J. Weiss * Twenty-First Century Bridge: Brogeland vs. Fredin by Ross Amann * The 2017 Bermuda Bowl, II by Mark Feldman * Positional Plus by Suren Velayutham * Three-Suited Delayed Texas by Allan DeSerpa * Midstream Substitution by Serge Fradkoff * All or Nothing by Danny Kleinman * Flexi Two-Bids by Tuomo Valiaho . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2018
Volume 89 Number 11

Price: $5.00

The 2017 Bermuda Bowl by Mark Feldman * Swiss Match, LXXXVI * Pietro's Pearls, XI * After a Forcing Two Notrump by Oren Kriegel * Misdefending Old Men by David J. Weiss * RATFINK by Barry Rigal * The Science of Advice by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2018
Volume 89 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Toronto Spingold, III by Oren Kriegel * Pietro's Pearls, X * On the Edge, II by Zia * Loose Lips by Ed Davis * Trump Suit Swindles by Alfred Sheinwold * No Room at the Inn by Henry A. Shevitz, M.D. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2018
Volume 89 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Toronto Spingold, II by Oren Kriegel * Through the Void, II by Anders Wirgren * Pietro's Pearls, IX * Thanksgiving Day by Ezechiele * The Best of More Worlds by Denis Lesage * Piggyback Relays by Allan DeSerpa * Plays of the Month by Alfred P. Sheinwold . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2018
Volume 89 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Toronto Spingold by Oren Kriegel * Pietro's Pearls, VIII * Through the Void by Anders Wirgren * Dumb Doubles by David J. Weiss * Puppet Kaplan by Allan DeSerpa * Gladzilli by Mike Wenble * Trunk Songs, II by August W. Boehm . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2018
Volume 89 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Let's Play Two!, V by Bart Bramley * Pietro's Pearls, VII * Blaze by Tuomo Valiaho * The Expert's Coup by Anders Wirgren * Speeding to the Horizo by George Harris * The Clark Safety Play by Danny Kleinman * Control-Oriented Superacceptances by Nong Li . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2018
Volume 89 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Let's Play Two!, IV by Bart Bramley * The Beginner's Coup by Anders Wirgren * Pietro's Pearls, VI * Bergen with Splinters by Suren Velayutham * The Castigatory Ace by David J. Weiss * Imperfect by Serge Fradkoff * Notrump Switches by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2018
Volume 89 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Let's Play Two!, III by Bart Bramley * Pietro's Pearls, V * Sine Qua Non by David Bird & Tim Bourke * Double lebensohl by Tuomo Valiaho * Out of the Bushes by August W. Boehm * Assumptions by Stephen Cooper * Two Support-Length Variants by Fred King * Expert-Game Quiz by Marshall Miles . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2018
Volume 89 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Let's Play Two!, II by Bart Bramley * Swiss Match, LXXXV * Pietro's Pearls, IV * The Platnick Adjunct by Oren Kriegel * The Witch by Ezechiele * Four-Three Passed-Hand Raises by Frank Lipniski * Four of a Kind by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2017
Volume 89 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Let's Play Two! by Bart Bramley * Jump-Shift Expansion by Denis Lesage * To Cover or Not To Cover, III by Anders Wirgren * Pietro's Pearls, III * Winners and Losers by Mark Horton * Informative Defense by Danny Kleinman * Responses in the Time of Weak-Two Madness by David J. Weiss . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2017
Volume 89 Number 2

Price: $5.00

K. C. Vanderbilt, III by Kit Woolsey * To Cover or Not To Cover, II by Anders Wirgren * Hand-Typing in Competition by Denis Lesage * The 2016 Canadian Open Pairs by Stephen Cooper * Doctor of Thinkology by Jon Matthew Farber * The Maximum Guess by Mike Michaels * Pushing New Limits by Ercan Cem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2017
Volume 89 Number 1

Price: $5.00

K. C. Vanderbilt, II by Kit Woolsey * To Cover or Not to Cover by Anders Wirgren * Senior Swiss Match by David J. Weiss * So Many Suits, So Little Space, II by Ercan Cem * Seven Problems of Play by Marshall Miles * A Slam for Technicians and Daydreamers by Jim Patrick * Redoubles as Transfers by Denis Lesage . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2017
Volume 88 Number 12

Price: $5.00

K. C. Vanderbilt by Kit Woolsey * Fit-Degree Transfers by Denis Lesage * The Common Road, VI by Ercan Cem * Hippopotamuses, IV by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Super Puppet by Ed Davis * Minnie's Little Sis by Frank Stewart . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2017
Volume 88 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Winners at Wroclaw, III by Ron Klinger * The Common Road, V by Ercan Cem * Excluding Confusion by Edwin B. Kantar * After Reopening One Notrump by Denis Lesage * Robots in Theory and Practice, III by Al Levy * Hippopotamuses, III by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Improvisation by David J. Weiss . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2017
Volume 88 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Winners at Wroclaw, II by Ron Klinger * On the Edge by Zia * Doubler's Crisscross by Allan DeSerpa * Hippopotamuses, II by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * The Common Road, IV by Ercan Cem * Irregulars in Action * Two-Under Transfers Revisited by Denis Lesage . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2017
Volume 88 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Winners in Wroclaw by Ron Klinger * Hippopotamuses by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Winning from the Bench by Michael Becker * The Common Road, III by Ercan Cem * Artificial Hearts by Denise Lesage * Kibitzus Interruptus by Danny Kleinman * Three-Card Stayman by Ulf Nilsson . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2017
Volume 88 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Mile-High Trial, IV by Oren Kriegel * The Common Road, II by Ercan Cem * Petit Fours by Anders Wirgren * The National Zoo, II by Bart Bramley * Trump Length in Competition by Denis Lesage * Never Can Tell by Michel Schneider * Preemptive Flannery Checkback by Lawrence Cheetham . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2017
Volume 88 Number 7

Price: $5.00

The National Zoo by Bart Bramley * Challenging Tradition by Ed Davis * Double-Decker by Denis Lesage * The Common Road by Ercan Cem * Mile-High Trial, III by Oren Kriegel . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2017
Volume 88 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Mile-High Trial, II by Oren Kriegel * Another Forcing Notrump by Mike Wenble * Reno Vanderbilt, IV by Kit Woolsey * The 2015 Trial Final, VI by Mark Feldman * That Lucky Dog by Guy Coutanche * Choice of Majors by Denis Lesage * Client Bridge by August W. Boehm . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2017
Volume 88 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Mile-High Trial by Oren Kriegel * Taking a Detour by David J. Weiss * Reno Vanderbilt, III by Kit Woolsey * A Modern Catchall by Rainier Herrmann * The 2015 Trial Final, V by Mark Feldman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2017
Volume 88 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Reno Vanderbilt, II by Kit Woolsey * Swaps and Surrogates by Danny Kleinman * CLOR by Ian Casselton * The 2015 Trial Final, IV by Mark Feldman * Unconventional Wisdom by Andrzej Matuszewski * Inclusive Exclusion by Allan DeSerpa . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2016
Volume 88 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Reno Vanderbilt by Kit Woolsey * The Doctor's Second Opinion by Jon Matthew Farber * The 2015 Trial Final, III by Mark Feldman * BOSCO by Dave Caprera * The Swanson Solvers' Club by David J. Weiss . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2016
Volume 88 Number 2

Price: $5.00

The President's Cup by Jan Gronlund * Champs in Chennai, IV by Ron Klinger * Transfers by Intervenor by David Grabiner & Art McCann * The Ruffing Game, X by Anders Wirgren * The 2015 Trial Final, II by Mark Feldman * The Professor by Ezechiele * Advanced Idiot Coups by David J. Weiss . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2016
Volume 88 Number 1

Price: $5.00

The 2015 Trial Final by Mark Feldman * Major Untangler by Bob Kerchner * The Ruffing Game, IX by Anders Wirgren * Champs in Chennai, III by Ron Klinger * Passed-Hand Checkback by Oren Kriegel * Throw Away the Key by David Bird & Tim Bourke * Highball/Lowball by David J. Weiss . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2016
Volume 87 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Champs at Chennai, II by Ron Klinger * Bridge World Standard 2017, V * The 2015 Trial Semifinals, VI by Mark Feldman * The Ruffing Game, VIII by Anders Wirgren * Swing Time by August W. Boehm . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2016
Volume 87 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Champs at Chennai by Ron Klinger * The Ruffing Game, VII by Anders Wirgren * T-XYZ by Leeuw Beijdorff * The 2015 Trial Semifinals, V by Mark Feldman * Locust by Tuomo Valiaho * Extra Chances for Both Sides by David J. Weiss * Bridge World Standard 2017, IV . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2016
Volume 87 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Spingold 2015, V by Kit Woolsey * The Ruffing Game, VI by Anders Wirgren * The 2015 Trial Semifinals, IV by Mark Feldman * SuperNamyats by Tuomo Valiaho * Smolen Expanded by Ira Chorush * Bridge World Standard 2017, III * Incomplete Advice by Richard B. Troxel . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2016
Volume 87 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Spingold 2015, IV by Kit Woolsey * The Ruffing Game, V by Anders Wirgren * The 2015 Trial Semifinals, III by Mark Feldman * Yogi's Fork by Danny Kleinman * Space: The Final Frontier by Stephen Cooper . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2016
Volume 87 Number 8

Price: $5.00

The 2015 Trial Semifinals, II by Mark Feldman * The Ruffing Game, IV by Anders Wirgren * The Two-Spade Twist by Denis Lesage * Spingold 2015, III by Kit Woolsey * Robots in Theory and Practice, II by Alvin Levy * Sorry, My Fault by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2016
Volume 87 Number 7

Price: $5.00

The 2015 Trial Semifinals by Mark Feldman * The Ruffing Game, III by Anders Wirgren * Bridge World Standard 2017, II * A Skip-Range Pass by Oren Kriegel * Spingold 2015, II by Kit Woolsey * Antipodean Opportunity * Suit Combinations May Not Be So Simple by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2016
Volume 87 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Spingold 2015 by Kit Woolsey * The Rhino Signal by Rodney Lighton * Bridge World Standard 2017 * The Ruffing Game, II by Anders Wirgren * SATiN by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2016
Volume 87 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Bourbon Street Vanderbilt, V by Bart Bramley * The Ruffing Game by Anders Wirgren * Jill Meyers: The Bridge World Interview * Rate Your Miami Game by Edwin B. Kantar * Risk by August W. Boehm * Stonehead Strikes Again by Ezechiele * Baze and Ezab by Oren Kriegel * The Odds by Peg Kaplan * Fit-Jump Rebids by Frank Lipniski . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2016
Volume 87 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Bourbon Street Vanderbilt, IV by Bart Bramley * Swiss Match, LXXXIV * Falsecarding: An Art by Ray Brown * Driftwood by Danny Kleinman * Memory Lane Revisited by Avon Wilsmore * Lipinsohl by Frank Lipniski * Defensive Suit Plays by Robert Gray . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2015
Volume 87 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Bourbon Street Vanderbilt, III by Bart Bramley * New-Age Roman Two-Bids by Gregg Deitch * Picking the Lock by David Bird & Tim Bourke * Back in the Trenches Again by George Harris * Odds and Ends by Edwin B. Kantar * Transfer Count Trump Signals by Anders Wirgren * Science and Engineering, III by Danny Kleinman * Fred Gitelman: The Bridge World Interview, II . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2015
Volume 87 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Bourbon Street Vanderbilt, II by Bart Bramley * Science and Engineering, II by Danny Kleinman * Swiss Match, LXXXIII * Fred Gitelman: The Bridge World Interview * Sacrificing by Marshall Miles * DONK by Ian Casselton . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2015
Volume 87 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Bourbon Street Vanderbilt by Bart Bramley * Science and Engineering by Danny Kleinman * Excluding Partner's Suit by Edwin B. Kantar * Showdown in Sanya, V by Ron Klinger * The Silicon Solution by David J. Weiss * Changing Fashions by Geoffrey Mott-Smith . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2015
Volume 86 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Showdown in Sanya, IV by Ron Klinger * Daylight Swiss by Frank Stewart * Useful Responses to a Minor by Denis Lesage * After a Same-Suit Minor Rebid by Ed Herstein * Larry Cohen: The Bridge World Interview . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2015
Volume 86 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Showdown in Sanya, III by Ron Klinger * Adjunct to Meckstroth's Adjunct by Bruce Altshuler * Double-Dummy by Default, XIII by Jim Patrick * Wombats and Other Creatures, III by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Calling Doctor Howard by Jon Matthew Farber * Jump-Shift Birthright by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2015
Volume 86 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Showdown in Sanya, II by Ron Klinger * Wombats and Other Creatures, II by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Robots in Theory and Practice by Alvin Levy * Visualization Secrets by Danny Kleinman * A Non-Relay Approach by Oren Kriegel * Rate Your Own Play, II by Theodore A. Lightner . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2015
Volume 86 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Showdown in Sanya by Ron Klinger * Wombats and Other Creatures by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Las Vegas Spingold, IV by Kit Woolsey * Relay After Opener's Raise by Ed Davis * Desperate Times by David J. Weiss * A Respectable Defense by Danny Kleinman * Barometer Puzzle by Jon Matthew Farber . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2015
Volume 86 Number 8

Price: $5.00

A Passage to India, V by Bart Bramley * Las Vegas Spingold, III by Kit Woolsey * Shape-Showing with XYZ by Oren Kriegel * The Links by August W. Boehm * Splinter Switch by Adam Parrish . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2015
Volume 86 Number 7

Price: $5.00

A Passage to India, IV by Bart Bramley * Unique Winner Challenge * Las Vegas Spingold, II by Kit Woolsey * Phoenix Menagerie by Kevin Fay * Long Day's Journey Into Light by August W. Boehm * Take It or Leave It by John C. Stablein * Control-Bid Switch by Mike Massimilla . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2015
Volume 86 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Las Vegas Spingold by Kit Woolsey * A Passage to India, III by Bart Bramley * However by David J. Weiss * La Manoeuvre de Guillemard by Jim Patrick * Direct Three-Card Invitational Raises by Norman Poythress * Clarifying Via Gazzilli by Ed Herstein . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2015
Volume 86 Number 5

Price: $5.00

A Passage to India, II by Bart Bramley * Money Puzzle * True to Form, IV by John Ramos & Chris Willenken * Another Four-Five Two-Bid by Ian Casselton * Thirteen Things I Hate About You by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * Interchange Improvement by Christopher Monsour * Surplus to Requirements by David Bird & Tim Bourke . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2015
Volume 86 Number 4

Price: $5.00

A Passage to India by Bart Bramley * Honor Roll for 2014 * True to Form, III by John Ramos & Chris Willenken * The Not-So-Silly Transfer by Norman Schwartz * A Pair by Kantar, VII by Edwin B. Kantar . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2014
Volume 86 Number 3

Price: $5.00

True to Form, II by John Ramos & Chris Willenken * Strategy-Two Endings, II by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Advancing Wide-Range Cue-Bids by Mike Massimilla * Major Mysteries by August W. Boehm * Extended Puppet Stayman by Ed Herstein * The Golden Treasury of Bridge by Geoffrey Mott-Smith * Double-Dummy by Default, XII by Jim Patrick . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2014
Volume 86 Number 2

Price: $5.00

True to Form by John Ramos & Chris Willenken * Five-Card-Stayman lebensohl by Mike Wenble * Pool Party by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * Strategy-Two Endings by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal OGRE by Danny Kleinman * Teaching by Anders Wirgren * Tying the Record by Barry Rigal . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2014
Volume 86 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Swiss Match, LXXXII * Doctor's Orders by Jon Matthew Farber, M.D. * Going Against the Field by Danny Kleinman * Robinsnest by Larry Robbins, M.D. * Never Say Always by Alan Truscott * Puppet with Slam-Tries by Valentin Carciu * Double-Dummy by Default, XI by Jim Patrick . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2014
Volume 85 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Bali High, IV by Bart Bramley * The Replacements by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * Involving Partner with a Redouble by Denis Lesage * Never Bid Spades! by Dave Caprera * After a Two-Way Reverse by Oren Kriegel * Sleeping Beauty by Barry Rigal . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2014
Volume 85 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Bali High, III by Bart Bramley * Inverted Decompression, II by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Reclaim by Doug Bennion * Saving the Best for Last by Tim Bourke & David Bird * Bridge Movie: Double Feature by David J. Weiss * Timing Your Matchpoint Plays by Michel Schneider * Classic Rewind: And They Shall Follow by Mike Michaels * One Diamond - Two Clubs Revisited by Pierre Chidiac * Double-Dummy b . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2014
Volume 85 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Bali High, II by Bart Bramley * Positional Switch by Bob Kerchner * Child's Play by Danny Kleinman and Nick Straguzzi * Inverted Decompression by Stefan Ralescu and Barry Rigal * Teenage Backstory by Giovanni Delfino * Double Transfers Revisited Again by Frank Lipniski . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2014
Volume 85 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Bali High by Bart Bramley * Singleton Search by Ann & Albert Lilly * International National, II by David Berkowitz * The Maximin-Fit Principle by Jeff Rubens * Double-Dummy by Default, IX by Jim Patrick * More Transfer Doubles by Doug Bennion * A Skip-Range Two-Club Opening by Yuan Shen * Run by Richard Reitman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2014
Volume 85 Number 8

Price: $5.00

International National by David Berkowitz * Swiss Match LXXXI * Rate Your Own 1951 Game * Transfer Rebids by Responder by Ed Herstein * Memory Squeezes by Stefan Ralescu and Barry Rigal * Illizzag by Denis Lesage . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2014
Volume 85 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Double Play, V by Kit Woolsey * Honor Roll for 2013 * Hold 'Em Bridge by Stephen Cooper * Unsafety Plays by Bill Pollack * Rate Your Own Game by Marshall Miles * Shifting the Transfer Burden by Oren Kriegel * Hybrid Rebids After One Notrump by Denis Lesage * Double-Dummy by Default, VIII by Jim Patrick . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2014
Volume 85 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Double Play, IV by Kit Woolsey * Gerald the Genius by Danny Kleinman * In the Speedball Trenches by George Harris * The Thirty-Seven-Percent Solution by Jim Patrick * Glide by Glenn Milgrim and Barry Rigal * Two Pairs and a Kicker by Howard Schenken * Leverage by Ed Herstein . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2014
Volume 85 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Double Play, III by Kit Woolsey * Better Minor Transfers by Frank Lipniski * Swiss Match LXXX * Gentlemen's Agreement by Danny Kleinman and Nick Straguzzi * Controlling Interest * Better lebensohl by Denis Lesage * Double-Dummy by Default, VII by Jim Patrick . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2014
Volume 85 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Double Play, II by Kit Woolsey * Setting Up Side Suits, II by Jim Patrick * Controlwood by Pierre Chidiac * The Immediate Slam Signal by John Hancock * Secrets of Declarer Play by Danny Kleinman * A Pair by Kantar, VI by Edwin B. Kantar * Cy's Unrestricted Choice by Frank Stewart . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2013
Volume 85 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Double Play by Kit Woolsey * Setting Up Side Suits by Jim Patrick * The Doctor Runs Some Tests by Jon Matthew Farber * Double-Dummy Revisited by Stefan Ralescu * Milli-Gazzilli by Stephen Cooper * Show Your Shape by Edwin B. Kantar * Bridge Movie: Unsqueezing With a Bold Queen by Phillip Alder & Richard Zeckhauser . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2013
Volume 85 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Meet Me in St. Louis, II by Chris Willenken * ROPE, II by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Weird Two-Bids and Responses by David Whitehouse * Nemesis by John Carruthers * Reunion by August W. Boehm * Saturday Night at the Zoo by Zookeeper * Red-Suited Two Diamonds by Dr. Miles Storfer . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2013
Volume 85 Number 1

Price: $5.00

ROPE by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Kickbo by Ian Casselton * A Committee of 00000001 by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * The Heart of the Matter by I. T. Sun * Multi-Way Two-Bids by Denis Lesage * Double-Dummy by Default, VI by Jim Patrick * Bridge Movie: Queen Hunt by Marty Bergen . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2013
Volume 84 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Meet Me in St. Louis by Chris Willenken * Non-Stock Options by Jim Patrick * Don't Give Up by Marty Bergen * Blackouts by John C. Stablein * Trunk Songs by August W. Boehm * Big Doubles by Stephen Cooper * Coping at the Three-Level by Denis Lesage . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2013
Volume 84 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Doctor of Philosophy by Jon Matthew Farber * Swiss Match, LXXIX * Higher-Level Mistakes by Jeff Rubens * Eye of the Beholder * Defending Weaker Notrumps by Denis Lesage * Willenken After Checkback by Mike Massimilla * Special Considerations by Stefan Ralescu . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2013
Volume 84 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Return to Lille, IV by Howard Weinstein * Tricky Dental Work by David Bird & Tim Bourke * Canadiana by Stephen Cooper * Choosing a Notrump Defense by Danny Kleinman * The Control-Bid Transfer by John Hancock * What is an Opening Bid? by Marshall Miles * Finding Opener's Five-Card Major by Denis Lesage . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2013
Volume 84 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Return To Lille, III by Howard Weinstein * The Deuce Triumphant by Albert Lilly * Southern Discomfort by Jim Patrick * Platinum Anniversary by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * Spear by Jack Spear * Skip to My Lou by Jeff Rubens . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2013
Volume 84 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Return to Lille, II by Howard Weinstein * Last-Round Swiss Match by John Swanson * Multiple Births by Anders Wirgren * Exploiting Defensive Methods by Gregg Deitch * Coopelletti by Stephen Cooper * Philadelphia Specials by Richard Zeckhauser . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2013
Volume 84 Number 7

Price: $5.00

In Fine Form in Philly, III by Bart Bramley * Pivot by Bruce Watson * Return to Lille by Howard Weinstein * Low-Level Secondary Transfers by Mike Wenble * A Bridge Short-Short by Guy Coutanche * The Cummings Collection Revisited by Avon Wilsmore * Double-Dummy by Default, V by Jim Patrick . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2013
Volume 84 Number 6

Price: $5.00

In Fine Form in Philly, II by Bart Bramley * A Visit from the Vise Squad, II by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Circumstances Alter Cases by David Bird and Tim Bourke * My Favorite Few by Geoff Booth * Two Hearts Double-Negative by Adam Parrish * Semi-Mini-Roman Two Diamonds by Marshall Miles . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2013
Volume 84 Number 5

Price: $5.00

In Fine Form in Philly by Bart Bramley * A Visit from the Vise Squad by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Two-Notrump Tweaks by Ed Herstein * The Revenge of the Turkey by Ezechiele * Ten Blackwood Questions by Danny Kleinman * Double-Dummy by Default, IV by Jim Patrick * Leaving Room by Jean-Pierre Perez . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2013
Volume 84 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Another Comeback Trail, IV by Kit Woolsey * Windy City Blowouts, IV by Larry Cohen * Responder's Major-Suit Search by Denis Lesage * The Orttman Turnoff by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * Tim Seres: The Bridge World Interview * Remembering Kyle by John Hancock * Untangling Three Diamonds by Michael Rosenberg . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2011
Volume 83 Number 3

Price: $5.00

The Comeback Trail by Kit Woolsey * Run for the Roses, IV by Bart Bramley * Competitive Transfers by Robert J. Sartorius * Don'ts Win More by Jeff Rubens * Matchpoint Slam Bidding, II by Marshall Miles * The Second Fit by Steve Bloom and Mel Colchamiro * Janus Jacoby by Frank Lipniski . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2011
Volume 83 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Run for the Roses, III by Bart Bramley * Coups of Hope by Michael Courtney * On Four of the Agreed Minor by Ulf Nilsson * Powerhouse Opposite Lightweight by Marshall Miles * Algorithms and Judgment by Danny Kleinman * Rate Your Own Caretaking by Edwin B. Kantar * The 1957 Intercollegiates by Geoffrey Mott-Smith * Cavendish Clashes by Barry Rigal . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2011
Volume 82 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Run for the Roses by Bart Bramley * Snow White Plays in Six Notrump by Don Kersey * Quindle Qwinkle Twinkle by Guy Coutanche * Strategic Doubles by August W. Boehm * Test Your Declarer Play by Edwin B. Kantar * The End Is Near by Mike Michaels * A Pair by Kantar, III by Edwin B. Kantar * Switched Michaels by Denis Lesage * Stealth Two Notrump by Richard Reitman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2011
Volume 82 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Trading Places, II by Howard Weinstein * So Many Suits, So Little Space by Ercan Cem * Two More Steps Ahead by Avon Wilsmore * Tricks of Declarer's Trade by Larry Cohen * Rate Your Own Play by Richard L. Frey * A Pair by Kantar, II by Edwin B. Kantar * Refusing to Ruff by Marshall Miles * The Queen of Trumps by Mark Kinzer . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2011
Volume 82 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Trading Places by Howard Weinstein * Advancing Wide-Range Michaels by Barry Bragin * Extra Chances by Steve Bloom * How Not To Draw Trumps by Jim Patrick * Sidney Lazard: The Bridge World Interview * A Pair by Kantar by Edwin B. Kantar * The Law of Balanced Distribution by John A. Tierney * Show More, End Lower by Ulf Nilsson * Senior Tales: Nostalgia by Ezechiele . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2011
Volume 82 Number 9

Price: $5.00

New Orleans Spingold, II by Larry Cohen * Choosing Your System by Danny Kleinman * On Two-Level Jumps by Ulf Nilsson * That Bocchi Boy by Guy Coutanche * Three Diamond Suits by Anders Wirgren * Superstrong Raises by Opener by Bob Heitzman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2011
Volume 82 Number 8

Price: $5.00

New Orleans Spingold by Larry Cohen * Specific Spades by James Slinger * Winter of Our Discontent by Nigel Guthrie * Compassion Please by John Swanson * The British Bridge World Par Contest by Terence Reese * Raising on Three Trumps by Marshall Miles * Control Freak by Jim Patrick . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2011
Volume 82 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Going Dutch, IV by Bart Bramley * Domination and Submission by Stephen Cooper * Fibonacci Valuation by Cliff Hancock * Keep the Spotlight Shining by August W. Boehm * Rate Your Own Play by Marshall Miles * Rate Your Own Play by Edwin B. Kantar * Adjusting the Odds by L. Andrew Campbell . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2011
Volume 82 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Going Dutch, III by Bart Bramley * Snow White's First Matchpoint Game by Don Kersey * Chickan-Hearted by Teng-Yuan Liang * The First Trick by Marshall Miles * Rate Your Own Play by Theodore A. Lightner * Rate Your Own Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * To Err is Human by John Hathorn * Forward Look by Terence Reese * A Matter of Linguistics . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2011
Volume 82 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Going Dutch by Bart Bramley * Neutral Game-Tries by Stephen Cooper * Vanderbilt in Reno, V by Kit Woolsey * Moysian Extravagance by Nigel Guthrie * The Art of Self-Cross-Examination by Danny Kleinman * Senior Tales: Cloud Eleven by Ezechiele * The Relevant Distribution by Howard Goldrich * Doubles of Weak Notrumps by Simon Pollack . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2010
Volume 82 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Vanderbilt in Reno, III by Kit Woolsey * Side Suit First by Jim Patrick * In the Trenches by August W. Boehm * The Delayed-Duck Squeeze by Clyde E. Love * Rare Deception by Terence Reese * Sitting Ducks by I. T. Sun * A Morton's Faux Pas by Guy C. Coutanche * Janus Jumps by Danny Kleinman * Eight Ever, Nine Often by Paul Harrington . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2010
Volume 82 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Vanderbilt in Reno, II by Kit Woolsey * Kantdu for the Defense: Two Eggnogs Too Many * Clues to Ace-Underleads by Marshall Miles * Rate Your 1949 Game * A Unique Squeeze Position by Clyde E. Love * Trump Squeezes by Albert H. Morehead * Australian Par Points by M. J. Sullivan * Rate Your Own 1957 Game by A. Moyse, Jr. * Unlimited Fit-Jumps by Dimiter Zlatanov . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2010
Volume 81 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Brazilian Bermuda Bowl, IV by Bart Bramley * Notrump or No Hope by Art McCann * The Rabbit Stews by Steve Dunn * Decline or Fail by Jim Patrick * Jeff Meckstroth: The Bridge World Interview * Town and Country Cousins by John Brown * Something About Squeezes by Paul Hummell . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2010
Volume 81 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Brazilian Bermuda Bowl, III by Bart Bramley * Origins by Tim Bourke * Son of Defense at Trick One by David J. Weiss * Don't Expose Your Hands! by Marshall Miles * A Little Learning by Terence Reese * Delaying Actions by John C. Stablein * Senior Tales: Matchpoints by Ezechiele * Effective Game-Preempts by John Hancock . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2010
Volume 81 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Brazilian Bermuda Bowl, II by Bart Bramley * Senior Tales: Mixed Teams by Ezechiele * Hard to Find by Robert Frick * The Doctor Conducts a Post-Mortem by Jon Matthew Farber * Bench Marks by John Matheson * Muddle Doubles by August W. Boehm * A Universal Splinter by Dimiter Zlatanov . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2010
Volume 81 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Brazilian Bermuda Bowl by Bart Bramley * Swiss Match, LXXIII * Rock-Paper-Scissors by Charles Brenner * Three-Fifths of a Loaf by Larry Cohen * Deceiving Through Extravagance by Marshall Miles * Keep Punching by John C. Stablein * Concealing the Right Amount by Michael Sherman & Kyle Weems * Deep Largesse by Guy Coutanche . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2010
Volume 81 Number 7

Price: $5.00

D. C. Spingold, III by Michael Rosenberg * Steps to Showing Shortness by Dimiter Zlatanov * Senior Tales: The Dream by Ezechiele * Back and Forth by N. Scott Cardell * Zia: The Bridge World Interview * A Master Solvers' Club Problem * Rate Your Own 1950 Game * Who's the Boss? by John C. Stablein * Playing a Suit for No Tricks by Edwin B. Kantar * Honor Roll for 2009 . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2010
Volume 81 Number 6

Price: $5.00

D. C. Spingold, II by Michael Rosenberg * Does Showing Shortness Pay? by Terry S. Feetham * X Truly Marks a Spot by Michel Schneider * X Truly Marks a Spot, II by Anders Wirgren * Erosion by Wolf Stahl * The 1958 Winter Nationals by Frederick B. Turner * Deceptive Play by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Those Blooming Tricks by Donald F. Howard * Transfer Game-Tries by Jeff Rubens . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2010
Volume 81 Number 5

Price: $5.00

D. C. Spingold by Michael Rosenberg * Swiss Match, LXXII * Puppet-Plus by Teng-Yuan Liang * To Each His Own by August W. Boehm * All the Tricks--But One by Helen Sobel * Winning Philosophies of Matchpoints by Marshall Miles * Counsel for the Defense by Alexander Spencer * Three and One by Danny Kleinman * Curtsy to the Queen by James S. Kauder * Discovery and Concealment by Ercan Cem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2010
Volume 81 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Losers' Leads, II * Loser's Treat, II by Larry Cohen * Kind Hearts by N. Scott Cardell * Put Not Ye Faith . . . by Stephen Cooper * Just the Right Card by Danny Kleinman * Chop Suey by Alfred P. Sheinwold * This Swan Was a Goose by Terence Reese * Problems of Defense by Geoffrey Mott-Smith * Slam Doubles by Dorothy Darkner . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2009
Volume 81 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Losers' Leads * Loser's Treat by Larry Cohen * Cavorting at the Cavendish by Bill Pollack * Shortwood by Dimiter Zlatanov * Thinking with the Enemy by Marshall Miles * Safety Plays by Alfred P. Sheinwold * The Defenders Don't Know by Robert Gray * Three-Card-Major Responses by Michael Camp . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2009
Volume 81 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Keys to the Vanderbilt, III by Kit Woolsey * Unbalanced Majors by Ulf Nilsson * Land of Opportunity by Michael Rosenberg * Dick Freeman: The Bridge World Interview * Inferential Problem by Terence Reese * Upsets by John C. Stablein * Plain and Fancy by I. T. Sun * The Reverse Coup by Geoffrey Mott-Smith . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2009
Volume 81 Number 1

Price: $5.00

How to Mix a Problem by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Morehead on Roth-Stone directed by Albert H. Morehead * Go for All the Marbles! by Lawrence Rosler & Roger Stern * Let's Keep the Bidding Simple by George A. W. Boehm * How the Odds Change by Terence Reese * My Father's Son, The Bridge Teacher by Edwin B. Kantar * Fish Kill by Stephen R. Sandler * The Threepenny Opera by Edwin B. Kantar * Clap Hands b . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2009
Volume 80 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Keys to the Vanderbilt, II by Kit Woolsey * Late-Round Transfers by Nikolay Demirev * Clang! by Michel Schneider * Work for Idle Cards To Do by Anders Wirgren * Reversing Course by August W. Boehm * Four Deals in Notrump by I. T. Sun * Wheels Within Wheels by A. Moyse, Jr. * Those Ruffing Entries by Dr. F. Fielding-Reid * Careless Deals by John C. Stablein . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2009
Volume 80 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Keys to the Vanderbilt by Kit Woolsey * Anaconda by Nigel Guthrie * Swiss Match, LXXI * Matchpoint Considerations by Marshall Miles * Faint Hearts and Fair Ladies by I. T. Sun * Par Deals by Geoffrey Mott-Smith * Entry-Making Plays by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Describing Superacceptances by Henry Sun * Play the Eight, Before It's Too Late by Edwin B. Kantar . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2009
Volume 80 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Wintering in Palm Springs by John Swanson * Redoubled Trouble by Marty Bergen * IMP Suit Combinations by Claude Jouineau & Maurice Panis * Discards by Danny Kleinman * The Hold-Up, II by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Defending Against a Two-Suiter by Terence Reese * Alabammy Bound * The Entry That Wasn't There by Jeff Rubens * Once Each Way . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2009
Volume 80 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Beijing Mind Games, III by Howard Weinstein * More Work for the Idle Fifth by Jim Patrick * Adventures on the Range by Stephen Cooper * Royalwoods by Danny Kleinman * The Hold-Up by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Planning a Pseudosqueeze by Terence Reese * Tricks on Time by Sam Gold * Mosher Over Notrump by Peter Seal . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2009
Volume 80 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Beijing Mind Games, II by Howard Weinstein * Puppet Switches by Craig Hemphill * Declarer's "Advantage" by Jeff Miller * Swiss Match, LXX * Nine Fathom Deep by Nigel Guthrie * Avoidance by Alfred P. Sheinwold * The Gambit by John Brown * Cliches by John C. Stablein . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2009
Volume 80 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Beijing Mind Games by Howard Weinstein * The Final of the Cup of the Golden Soul by Jan Gronlund * Talking Shop by August W. Boehm * Take All The Chances by Paul Lukacs * Two Fancy Deals by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Mixed Leads by Journalist . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2009
Volume 80 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Ruff or Sluff by Franco Baseggio * Four-Leafed Clover by Nigel Guthrie * Karma Check by Michel Schneider * Detective Division: The Selection of a Team by Dave Kitzes * An Avoidance of Low Degree by James S. Kauder * Five-Finger Exercise by Jim Patrick * Analyzing the Play by Marshall Miles * The Lurking Kings by George Coffin * Throw-In Plays by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Expanded Single Raises by Dim . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2009
Volume 80 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Las Wages, II by Larry Cohen * Powerhouse Openings by Danny Kleinman * Inferential History * Caveat Emptor by John C. Stablein * Once Upon a Time * The Universal Pastime by Jim Patrick * More Notrump Inversions by Dimiter Zlatanov . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2009
Volume 80 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Las Wages by Larry Cohen * Star Wars by Ercan Cem * See-Saw Clash by Nigel Guthrie * Crossruffs by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Rate Your Own Game * Three Remarkable Deals by W. S. Holdine * Didn't Know the Gun Was Loaded by John C. Stablein * Simple Transfer Responses by Denis Lesage * Transfer Advances of Leaping Michaels by Daniel Wolkowitz . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2008
Volume 80 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Battle for Beijing, III by Larry Cohen * Amarcord: The War by Ezechiele * Bissell's Theories by Stephen Cooper * A Special Birthday by Danny Kleinman * The Post-Mortem by August W. Boehm * That Outside Curve by Frank K. Perkins * The Trump Squeeze by Robert W. Wilkes * Concession by Ercan Cem * Knowledge is Power by Alan Schwartz . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2008
Volume 80 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Battle for Beijing, II by Larry Cohen * Over My Dead Body, II by Jim Patrick * Good Lead, Bad Double by John Matheson * The Ins and Outs of Squeezes by Mike Lipkin * Transfer Advances of One Club Doubled by Barry Bragin * Solving Partner's Problems by Marshall Miles * Postponing Trump Plays by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Her Majesty by George S. Coffin * Amarcord: The Quince Jam Cup by Ezechiele . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2008
Volume 80 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Battle for Beijing by Larry Cohen * Amarcord: On Cloud Nine by Ezechiele * Swinging at the Cavendish by Bill Pollack * Showing Shortness After an Inverted Raise by Winston Munn * Two Steps Ahead by Avon Wilsmore * Frequency vs. Efficiency by Danny Kleinman * Have You Been There Before? by Terence Reese * Encore by John C. Stablein * The Red Herring by I. T. Sun * Cut and Paste by Stephen Cooper . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2008
Volume 79 Number 12

Price: $5.00

At the Polish Club, II by Bart Bramley * Swiss Match, LXVIII * The Suit-Preference Insanity, II by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Hands We Love to Hold by John C. Stablein * The Chance of a Lifetime by I. T. Sun * Think! Think! Think! by Geoffrey Mott-Smith * Amarcord: Alba by Ezechiele * Efficient Asking by Edwin B. Kantar . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2008
Volume 79 Number 11

Price: $5.00

At the Polish Club by Bart Bramley * Amarcord: Florence by Ezechiele * The Doctor Passes the Boards by Jon Matthew Farber * Actions and Inactions by Marshall Miles * The Suit-Preference Insanity by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Lead Values by John Brown * After a Pseudo-Notrump by Ercan Cem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2008
Volume 79 Number 10

Price: $5.00

National Swiss Match by John Swanson * Amarcord: Venice by Ezechiele * Splinterwood by Dimiter Zlatanov * Just a Trump Suit by Anders Wirgren * Notrump Without Stoppers by August W. Boehm * Winning Play by John C. Stablein * Third Hand Not So High by Richard L. Frey * Slim and None by Stephen Cooper * Updates by Mike Cappelletti . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2008
Volume 79 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Shanghai Bowl, III by Michael Rosenberg * The First Millionaire by Michael Courtney * Handling Wide Ranges by Ed Herstein * How to Read Your Bridge World by Larry Cohen * How to Lose Tricks by Henry Brandt * Never Despair by Bruce Bell * Dolphin Transfers by Giovanni Delfino . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2008
Volume 79 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Shanghai Bowl, II by Michael Rosenberg * Trust Your Partner by Marshall Miles * Classic Rewind: Puzzle for Historians * Classic Rewind: Unblocks and Countermeasures by Saxon Fairwood * Three Toughies by Marshall Miles * Impossible by August W. Boehm * Going a Step Further by Ercan Cem * Three-Four Major Raises by Frank Lipniski . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2008
Volume 79 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Shanghai Bowl by Michael Rosenberg * Customs by Marcelo Branco * Troika by Steve Robinson * Inverted Cavarella by Danny Kleinman * Classic Rewind: Play Deluxe by John C. Stablein * Classic Rewind: Theory of Partnership Bidding * Black Herrings by Guy C. Coutanche * Multiple-Meaning Transfers by Ercan Cem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2008
Volume 79 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Music City Spingold, II by Barry Rigal * Bobby Wolff: The Bridge World Interview, II * Intercollegiate Bridge by Henry Brandt * Holdups Beyond Entries by Marshall Miles * Blind Spots by Terence Reese * Perfection by John C. Stablein * Long Live Bridge by Kaj G. Backas * The SCBPA Annual Awards by John Carruthers * Third and Fourth Together by Ed Herstein * Adding Three-Suiters by Stephen Cooper . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2008
Volume 79 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Ticket to Shanghai, III by Bart Bramley * Transfer Responses to Two-Way Openings by William Schramm * Falsecarding by Marshall Miles * Anything Can Happen by John C. Stablein * Jettisoning by M. J. Sullivan * Five-Four Facing Four-Four by Danny Kleinman * Swiss Match, LXVII * Chain Gang by Larry Cohen . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2007
Volume 79 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Matchpoint Suit Combinations by Jeroen Warmerdam * To Unblock or Not to Unblock by Wafik Abdou * Lisa by Jamie Radcliffe & Pete Whipple * Practice to Deceive by Bob Ewen * Doubles and Redoubles by Marshall Miles * Marshall Miles: The Bridge World Interview * Sure Tricks by George Coffin * Grand Slam by Edmund Phillips * Correct Planning by Paul Lukacs * System On After a One-Level Overcall by Den . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2007
Volume 78 Number 12

Price: $5.00

The Cooperative Pass by Phillip Martin * A Golden Nugget by Migry Zur Campanile * Bridge at the Classical Club by Margaret M. Willis * Game-Forcing Transfers by Stephen E. Cooper * Swiss Match, LXVI * Don't Take That Trick! by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Snapshots from a Duplicate by William Nye * The Big Jettison by Nigel Guthrie . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2007
Volume 78 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Ladies' Day, II by Larry Cohen * An Antipodean Quiz by David Morgan * A Dying Art Form by Anders Wirgren * Four Important Treatments by Marshall Miles * Safety Plays at Trump Contracts by Terence Reese * The Wrong Mistake by E. A. Knight * Profitable Quackery by Danny Kleinman * Show That Singleton! by Stephen Cooper . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2007
Volume 78 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Open Power, II by Chris Willenken * Test Your Dummy Play by Danny Kleinman * A Rebounding Two-Edged Sword by Jim Patrick * Taking a Second Look by Ercan Cem * Better Coding of Two-Suiters by Jeff Goldsmith * Luck Be a Lady by August W. Boehm * Too Little and Too Late by John C. Stablein * Relay Superacceptances by Ed Herstein . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2007
Volume 78 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Open Power by Chris Willenken * Swiss Match, LXV * Monday Night Madness by Richard Margolis * Delayed Two-Over-One by Dimiter Zlatanov * Early-Bird Inferences by Marshall Miles * Credit Where Credit Is Undue by Albert H. Morehead * Dirty Work by Frank K. Perkins * Horns of a Dilemma by Pierre Chidiac . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2007
Volume 78 Number 7

Price: $5.00

A Blue Ribbon Pair by Larry Cohen * No Respect by Cameron French * Truly False Preferences by Alan Bell * Three Trump Tricks by Anders Wirgren * Bob Hamman: The Bridge World Interview * "Give the Guy a Chance!" by Frank K. Perkins * Dealing with Bridge by Richard L. Frey . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2007
Volume 78 Number 6

Price: $5.00

The 2006 Open Trial, III by Michael Rosenberg * Playing Guessing Games by Jim Patrick * How Much I Love You by Paolo Farina * Squeeze and Pseudosqueeze by Terence Reese * What's the Idea? by Frank K. Perkins * A Problemist at the Table by Robert Gray * I Hear Music by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2007
Volume 78 Number 5

Price: $5.00

The 2006 Open Trial, II by Michael Rosenberg * Swiss Match, LXIV * The Phantom Cue-Bid by Danny Kleinman * Transfer Competitive Responses by Sandy Barnes * Jumping Around by Marshall Miles * New Strip Variations by Robert Gray * The Crossruff by Stephen White . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2007
Volume 78 Number 4

Price: $5.00

The 2006 Open Trial by Michael Rosenberg * Touch All The Bases by Edwin B. Kantar * Another Rerun, II by Larry Cohen * Jujitsu by Declarer by Phil Clayton * Stealth Baron by Jon Shuster * Experts vs. Expert's Experts by Ercan Cem * Bill Root: The Bridge World Interview * The Accidental Expert by Richard L. Frey * A Problem on Every Deal by Karl E. Righter . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2006
Volume 78 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * The Right Swindle by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Another Rerun by Larry Cohen * Thinking on Your Seat by August W. Boehm * The Story Factor by Geoff Booth * A Responding Catalog by Ercan Cem * Eight Ever, Nine . . . Sometimes by Jim Patrick . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2006
Volume 78 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * World Class, II by Bart Bramley * Better Mousetraps by Dan Gerstman * Painting on a Different Canvas by Robert Lipsitz * Expert Flexibility by Ely Culbertson * Neatest Trick of the Week by Frederic Ley * Reopening, Prebalancing and Countering R . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2006
Volume 78 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * POSSI by Henry Sun * Safety Play by Frits Hart * Jacqui & Vic Mitchell: The Bridge World Interview * World Class by Bart Bramley * The Jam Master by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * Newry by Frank Lipniski * Sub-Moysian Fits by Krishna Vahalia . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2006
Volume 77 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Swiss Match * Reviews * Taiwanese Transfer Free Bids by Teng-Yuan Liang * Partnership and Marriage by Larry Cohen * Game in Every Direction by John Beasley * How to Lose at the Cavendish by Bill Pollack * All Quiet on the Eastern Front by Jim P . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2006
Volume 77 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Losing-Trick-Count Investigations by Terry S. Feetham * Rerun, IV by Larry Cohen * Edgar Kaplan: The Bridge World Interview * All-Purpose Passed-Hand Major-Suit Raises by Alvin P. Bluthman * The Retirement Party by Danny Kleinman & Ni . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2006
Volume 77 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Trump Management by John C. Stablein * Split Screen: A Swingy Slam by Michel Schneider * Rerun, III by Larry Cohen * To The Rescue! * Doctor Who? by Jon Matthew Farber, M.D. * Transfers Over Michaels by Jeff Goldsmith * Niblensohl by Mike Graha . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2006
Volume 77 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Rerun, II by Larry Cohen * Three Quickies * Fifth-Hand Interventions by Danny Kleinman & Jeff Rubens * The Persistence of Memory by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * The Second Era by Tommy Sanders * Sorry His Lot by Geoffrey Mott-Smith * Speci . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2006
Volume 77 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Swiss Match * Reviews * Rerun by Larry Cohen * Five Figures suggested by John Beasley * Rote vs. Logic by August W. Boehm * Capp Extensions by Mike Cappelletti * The Overconfidence Coup by Neil Kimelman * Bridge at the Classical Club by Margare . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2006
Volume 77 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Boris Koytchou: The Bridge World Interview * Heartbreak Hotel, V by Larry Cohen * SAND by Konrad Ciborowski * Why Stop Half Way? by R. A. Priday * Sweating the Details by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * Longman Over Notrump by Kathy . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2006
Volume 77 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Big Guns by John C. Stablein * A Double Finesse by Proxy * At the Hop, II by Bart Bramley * Heartbreak Hotel, IV by Larry Cohen * Clients, LOL's, and Others by Chuck Burton * Hopeless Contracts by Danny Kleinman * ROSCO by Aviel Shapi . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2006
Volume 77 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Two-Point Conversions by Mike Richey * Al Roth: The Bridge World Interview * Heartbreak Hotel, III by Larry Cohen * At the Hop by Bart Bramley * A Three's Lament by Leonard Helfgott * Rush to Judgment by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzz . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2006
Volume 77 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * A Grand National Swiss by John Swanson * A Record-Setting Jinx by Jon Robinson * Mixing It Up, II by Jeff Rubens * Heartbreak Hotel, II by Larry Cohen * Preparedness and the Rose Double by Alan Bell * Big Casino and Little Casino Revi . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2005
Volume 77 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * lhosnebel by Mike Cappelletti * Collectibles by August W. Boehm * Heartbreak Hotel by Larry Cohen * Doctor, No by Jon Matthew Farber, M.D. * Trump Tric . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2005
Volume 77 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Defensive Transfer Squeeze by David Price * An Interview with Dorothy & Alan Truscott, II conducted by August W. Boehm * Side Game by Bill Braucher * D . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2005
Volume 77 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Steel City Vanderbilt by Adam Wildavsky * Antipodean Strip-Squeezes by Jeff Miller * A Tasty Sacrifice by Chuck Burton * An Interview with Dorothy & Al . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2005
Volume 76 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Swiss Match * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Namyats Has It Backwards by Danny Kleinman * Charley's Legacy by Dennis Affholter * Turkish Delight, V by Bart Bramley * The Uncluttered . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2005
Volume 76 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Tales of Chicago by Marshall Miles * Turkish Delight, IV by Bart Bramley * Trivial Trivia * Under a Cloud by August W. Boehm * On Passed-Hand Raises by . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2005
Volume 76 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Conspicuously Absent by Frank K. Perkins * Turkish Delight, III by Bart Bramley * Sleeping Pills by Ercan Cem * Over My Dead Body by Jim Patrick * Keep . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2005
Volume 76 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Conditions of Conquest, IV by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * A Practical Point-Count by Kit Woolsey * Turkish Delight, II by Bart Bramley * Jammer by Doug Ben . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2005
Volume 76 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Swiss Match * Reviews * Simultaneous Par Contests by Terence Reese * Turkish Delight by Bart Bramley * Gazzilli by Giovanni Bobbio * The Battle of the Low Diamonds by Berthold Eng . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2005
Volume 76 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * A View to Entries by Marshall Miles * Big-Apple Spingold, II by Chris Willenken * Conditions of Conquest, II by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * When Anything Went * Showing a Se . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2005
Volume 76 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Strategy and Tactics by John C. Stablein * The 1939 World Bridge Olympic, II * Road to Nowhere, III by Larry Cohen * A League of His Own by Danny Klein . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2005
Volume 76 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Swiss Match * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Countering a Bath Coup by A. Nonymous * Itsy-Bitsy Teeny-Weeny Improvements by Jim Patrick * Two Wood by Frank Lipniski * Sleeping with a . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2004
Volume 76 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Olympic Dumping * TATA Drury-Fit by Gary Bernstein * Road to Nowhere by Larry Cohen * Clients and Professionals by Danny Kleinman * Midnight in the Gar . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2004
Volume 76 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Vanderbilt in Reno, II by Michael Rosenberg * A Tie to Die For * Semi-Artificial Raises by Thomas Ahmann * Into Declarer's Shoes by Ercan Cem * Malmo Runaway by Jim Patrick * The . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2004
Volume 76 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Hot Ice by Danny Kleinman * "Them Wor the Days" by Walter F. Wyman * A Bridge Crossword * Anniversary Trivia Test * A Lion by the Tail by Sidney S. Lenz * The Phantom Double by Da . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2004
Volume 75 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * It's All in the Timing by Barry Rigal * Never Say Die by Mike Becker & Larry Cohen * The Doctor Is Out by Jon Matthew Farber * Sampling by Danny Kleinm . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2004
Volume 75 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Reviews * Same Old Story, Extraordinary Ending, IV by Adam Wildavsky * Memory by Michael Kamil * Equal Rights for Minors by Edwin B. Kantar * An Aggressive Hand-Evaluation Method . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2004
Volume 75 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * One Man's Meat by Jim Patrick * The Surrogate by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * Same Old Story, Extraordinary Ending, III by Adam Wildavsky * Hittin . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2004
Volume 75 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Same Old Story, Extraordinary Ending, II by Adam Wildavsky * Dinner Break by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * Keeping One's Powder Dry by Jim Patrick . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2004
Volume 75 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Swiss Match * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * "Sir, the Queen!" by Frank K. Perkins * Same Old Story, Extraordinary Ending by Adam Wildavsky * The Mistakes of the Past by Richard Flee . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2004
Volume 75 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Self-Alert by August W. Boehm * Cheap Tricks by Larry Cohen * Non-Jump Splinters, II by Vish Viswanathan * The Challenge of Three Notrump by John C. St . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2004
Volume 75 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Time! by Frank Perkins * Chess Players Turn to Bridge by Bruno Grunewald * Preserving Partner's Entries by Marshall Miles * Long Beach Spingold, II by . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2004
Volume 75 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Progressive Squeezes by Jim Patrick * Avoiding Lazy Defenses by Ercan Cem * Major-Opening Auctions Revisited, VII by Eric O. Kokish & Beverly Kraft * Stretching . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2004
Volume 75 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Falsecarding by H. F. Fillis * Lipsitz lebensohl by Robert Lipsitz * A Bumpy Ride by Chip Martel * The Virus by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * The M . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2003
Volume 75 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Improve Your Bidding * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Master Solvers' Club * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Fifty-Two-Card Monte, III by Bart Bramley * Joe's Jacoby by Mike Cappelletti * The Silence of the Lamb by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * Major-Opening Auctions . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2003
Volume 75 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Improve Your Bidding * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Master Solvers' Club * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * High-Tech Cheating by Richard Aronson * Teacher's Pets by August W. Boehm * Fifty-Two-Card Monte, II by Bart Bramley * Matthew 25:29 by Don Kersey * Bridge Table or Dinner Table? by Sue Picus * De . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2003
Volume 75 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Improve Your Bidding * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Master Solvers' Club * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * What's New in Bridge * Sportsmanlike Dumping by Both Sides * Fifty-Two-Card Monte by Bart Bramley * Avoiding Autopilot by Ercan Cem * Major-Opening Auctions Revisited, V by Eric . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2003
Volume 74 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Improve Your Bidding * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Master Solvers' Club * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * What's New in Bridge * The Right Question by Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi * Double Transfers by Frank Lipniski, DDS * The Huddle by Phillip Martin . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2003
Volume 74 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Improve Your Bidding * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Master Solvers' Club * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Grand Illusions by Bart Bramley * Sandwiches with Condiments by Kenneth Eichenbaum & Kenneth Rexford * The Screaming Knave by R. Jayaram * Saturated Squeezes by Don Kersey * Kant . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2003
Volume 74 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Improve Your Bidding * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Master Solvers' Club * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Keystone Knockout by Larry Cohen * Average by Steve Shirey * Ready for Anything by Ercan Cem * The Seres Squeeze Revisited by Ron Klinger * Advancing Notrump Overcalls over a Major by Denis Lesage . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2003
Volume 74 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Improve Your Bidding * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Master Solvers' Club * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Massacred at Montreal by Larry Cohen * Major-Opening Auctions Revisited, III by Eric O. Kokish & Beverly Kraft * Deep Water by Julian Pottage * The Coast-Mortems by Michel Schneider . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2003
Volume 74 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Improve Your Bidding * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Master Solvers' Club * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * A Session at the Club by August W. Boehm * Visualizing the Unseen by Ercan Cem * A New Losing-Trick Count by Johannes M. V. A. Koelman * Bug by Lev V . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2003
Volume 74 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Improve Your Bidding * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Master Solvers' Club * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * D. C. Spingold, III by Ron Gerard * Space Saver by Paul Glick * Major-Opening Auctions Revisited, II by Eric O. Kokish & Beverly Kraft * Montreal Tops and Bottoms, . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2003
Volume 74 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Improve Your Bidding * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Master Solvers' Club * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Extended Flannery by Mike Cappelletti * Overlooking the Obvious by Ercan Cem * A Twist in the Tail by James Kauder * Is There a Better Way? by Danny Kleinman * Splitting Unequals . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2003
Volume 74 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Improve Your Bidding * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Master Solvers' Club * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Choice Cuts by Bart Bramley * Satisfaction by H. E. Fuller * D. C. Spingold by Ron Gerard * Instant Canape Responses by Paul Glick * Kantdu for the D . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2002
Volume 74 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Southern Slams, III by Larry Cohen * West Hands for January Bidding Match * Test Your Play * Test Your X-Factor Bidding by Danny Kleinman * Is There Anything New? by Michael Rosenberg * The Bridge Brothers by Alan P. Wollman * Bits and Pieces * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs conducted by Eric O. Kokish & Beverly Kraft * Master Solver . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2002
Volume 74 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Southern Slams, II by Larry Cohen * Fifty Years Ago * Test Your Play * Brigadoon by Jim Patrick * West Hands for December Bidding Match * Flexible Support Doubles by Michael Shuster * Book Reviews coordinated by Phillip Alder * Bits and Pieces * Out of the Pack * The Third Problem by Danny Kleinman * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs conducted by Eric O. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2002
Volume 74 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Southern Slams by Larry Cohen * Fifty Years Ago * The St. Valentine's Day Massacre by Nick Straguzzi * Shortstop Squeezes by Don Kersey * Test Your Play * The Big Notrumps by Bob Sartorius * Book Reviews coordinated by Phillip Alder * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs conducted by Eric O. Kokish & Beverly Kraft * Master Solvers' Club * . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2002
Volume 74 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Cavendish Puzzles by Larry Cohen * What's New in Bridge: Marionettes Galore * A One-Notrump Rebid Marionette by Dimiter Zlatanov * A One-Notrump Advance Marionette by Danny Kleinman * A One-Notrump Opening Marionette by Paul Glick * Bits and Pieces * Coup Out of the Blue by Ercan Cem * In the Other Room by Barry Rigal * Swiss Match, LV * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Tes . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2002
Volume 73 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Houston Vanderbilt, II by Bart Bramley * Test Your Play * Fifty Years Ago * You Be The Judge * Over a Notrump Overcall by Denis Lesage * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Mud in Your Eye by Bob Ewen * Book Reviews coordinated by Phillip Alder * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs conducted by Eric O. Kokish & Beverly Kraft * Master Solvers' Club * Minor-Opening Auctions R . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2002
Volume 73 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Houston Vanderbilt by Bart Bramley * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B Kantar * Challenge the Champs conducted by Eric O. Kokish & Beverly Kraft * Mole Squeezes by Julian Pottage * Vernes Revisited by Anders Wirgren * Fifty Years Ago * An Artificial Continuation by Robert Lipsitz * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Master Solvers' Club * Classic Rewind: The Necessity Principle by Mar . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2002
Volume 73 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Little Things Mean a Lot by Jeff Rubens * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Nobody Does It Better * Snow White and the Overbidder by Don Kersey * [your name here] Against Notrump by Danny Kleinman * Flexibility by Jim Patrick * Bits and Pieces * Fifty Years Ago * Challenge the Champs conducted by Eric O. Kokish & Beverly Kraft * Book and Software Reviews coo . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2002
Volume 73 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial 2 * The Case of the Microscopic Flaw by Larry Cohen * Swiss Match, LIV * Test Your Play * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Detective Division: The Case of the Disappearing Aces * Danny Dials for Dollars by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * The Play of the Year by Steve Shirey * The Anarchy of Actual Tricks by Anders Wirgren * A Two-Suiter Double by Doug Bennion . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2002
Volume 73 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Test Your Play * The Case of the Delayed Equalization by Larry Cohen * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * One for the Money by Tim Bourke * Inviting Trouble by Jon Heller * Book Reviews coordinated by Phillip Alder * Bits and Pieces * Honor Roll for 2001 * Challenge the Champs conducted by Eric O. Kokish & Beverly Kraft * Fifty Years Ago * You Be The Judge * Master Solvers' C . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2002
Volume 73 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Case of the Substitute Ace by Larry Cohen * Test Your Play * Fifty Years Ago * Challenge the Champs conducted by Eric O. Kokish & Beverly Kraft * Early Miss * New Century Spingold, II by Ron Gerard * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * More Options for Responder by Denis Lesage * Master Solvers' Club * Classic Rewind: Special Signaling Situations by Marshall Miles * Classi . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2002
Volume 73 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * New-Century Spingold by Ron Gerard * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs conducted by Eric O. Kokish & Beverly Kraft * Battling for Bali, V by Larry Cohen * Test Your Anti-Antediluvian Play by Danny Kleinman * It's Not Cricket! Or Is It? * Doubleton Preference After a Two-Over-One by Marshall Miles * Master Solvers' Club * Fifty Years Ago . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2002
Volume 73 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B Kantar * Battling for Bali, IV by Larry Cohen * Fifty Years Ago * Swiss Match, LIII * Test Your Play * Raising on Two by Denis Lesage * Adaptability Quiz, II by Jim Patrick * Kantdu for the Defense: First Rule of Fourth-Hand Play by Danny Kleinman * Book Reviews coordinated by Phillip Alder * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs conducted by Eric O . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2001
Volume 73 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Reviews * Not Ideal by James Kauder * Bridge World Standard 2001, V * Brother Cameron's Oversight by David Bird * Battling for Bali, III by Larry Cohen * Slam Bidding by Eric O. K . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2001
Volume 73 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Reviews * The 1936 World Olympic, II * Battling for Bali, II by Larry Cohen * Bridge World Standard 2001, IV * Win It on Another Board by Larry Cohen * The Nightmare Squeeze by Bo . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2001
Volume 73 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Cannon to Right of Them by Frank Perkins * Innocence by E. A. Knight * Special Defensive Methods by Eric O. Kokish * Bridge World Standard 2001, III * Detective . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2001
Volume 72 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Swiss Match * Bits and Pieces * Bridge World Standard 2001, II * Defensive Bidding by Eric O. Kokish * Clumsy Danny's Adventures by Stefan Ralescu & Barry Rigal * Houdini by Jules . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2001
Volume 72 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * You Be the Judge * Reviews * How To Tell a Bath Coup from a Bathtub by John Ely Burchard & Walter F. Wyman * Applied Psychology by Robert Darvas * Bridge World Standard 2001 * Pol . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2001
Volume 72 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Take Out Insurance by John C. Stablein * The Executionee's Song, II by Nick Straguzzi & Danny Kleinman * Polishing the Vanderbilt Trophy by Bart Bramley * Bridge World Standard 20 . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2001
Volume 72 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Bridge World Standard 2001: Poll 16 * Winkle, Winkle, Little Star by Jeff Rubens * The Executionee's Song by Nick Straguzzi & Danny Kleinman * Adaptabi . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2001
Volume 72 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Ruff-Discard Diagnosis by A. Mitchell Barnes * Anaheim Quiz by Barry Rigal * If At First . . . by Barry Rigal * Mirror, Mirror by Danny Kleinman * Bridge World S . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2001
Volume 72 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * A Complimentary Safety Play by Jim Patrick * Medals at Maastricht, IV by Larry Cohen * Bridge World Standard 2001: Polls 10, 11 & 12 Results * Bridge World Standard 2001: Polls 13 . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2001
Volume 72 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Reviews * The 1935 Olympic, II * Kantdu for the Defense: Amalya's Judgment by Danny Kleinman * Bridge World Standard 2001: Polls 8 & 9 Results * Medals at Maastricht, III by Larry . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2001
Volume 72 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Evolution, Anyone? IV by Jeff Rubens * Better Luck in Play by Melvin G. Faris * In Again, Out Again, . . . * How to Tell a Deschapelles from a Dishpail by John Ely Burchard & Walt . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2001
Volume 72 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Reviews * Bridge World Standard 2001: Poll 12B * The 1935 World Olympic * Medals at Maastricht by Larry Cohen * Three in One by Danny Kleinman * Two-Club Openings by Eric O. Kokis . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 2000
Volume 72 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Reviews * Evolution Anyone? II by Jeff Rubens * Bridge World Standard 2001: Poll 12A * The Distinguished Passenger by David Bird * Raymond Serves Tea by Saxon Fairwood * Accommoda . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 2000
Volume 72 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Reviews * Make No Mistake: Computers vs. Suit Combinations by Ian Frank & David Basin * Bridge for Dummies: The Advanced Course by Danny Kleinman * Bridge World Standard 2001: Pol . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 2000
Volume 72 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * "When is Cincinnati?" IV by Jeff Rubens * Bridge World Standard 2001: Poll 10 * Test Your (Tougher?) Matchpoint Defense by Danny Kleinman * David vs. G . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 2000
Volume 71 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Swiss Match * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * V , 0002 lwoB adumreB by nehoC yrraL * Bridge World Standard 2001: Poll 9 * Detective Division: A Slam Tragedy * "When Is Cincinnati?" II . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 2000
Volume 71 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * You Be the Judge * The Palooka Club by Alfred P. Sheinwold * "When is Cincinnati? II" by Jeff Rubens * Bridge World Standard 2001: Poll 8 * Bridge World Standard Summary * VI ,000 . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 2000
Volume 71 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Kantdu for the Defense by Danny Kleinman * III ,0002 lwoB adumreB by nehoC yrraL * Bridge World Standard 2001: Poll 7 * A Bridge World Standard Follow-Up * "When is Cincinnati?" b . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 2000
Volume 71 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Avoiding the Midnight Oil by David J. Weiss * Bridge World Standard 2001: Poll 6 * Detective Division: The Lady Was Early * II ,0002 lwoB adumreB by nehoC yrraL . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 2000
Volume 71 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Swiss Match * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * 0002 lwoB adumreB by nehoC yrraL * Bridge World Standard 2001: Poll 5 Results * Hold That Middle! by Bill Braucher * After Major-Suit Ope . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 2000
Volume 71 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Second Twin, VI by Jeff Rubens * Bridge World Standard 2001: Poll 4 Results * Managing Your Team by Larry Cohen * The Serious Student by August W. Boeh . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 2000
Volume 71 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Boston Team Party by Bart Bramley * Three Method Twists by Mike Massimilla * Bridge World Standard 2001: Poll 3 Results * The 1933 World Olympic, II * . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 2000
Volume 71 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Opening Lead Strategy, II by Marshall Miles * Second Twin, IV by Jeff Rubens * The 1933 World Olympic, I * Bridge World Standard 2001: Poll 2 Results * . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 2000
Volume 71 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Swiss Match * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * A Bit About Statistics * Bridge World Standard 2001: Poll 1 Results * Snapshot from the 1934 Olympic * Second Twin, III by Jeff Rubens * . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1999
Volume 71 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Bridge World Standard 2001--Poll 5 * Portable Bridge Notation by Kaj Backas * Spingold '99, II by Larry Cohen * Throw Winners, Keep Losers by Patrick Jourdain * Second T . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1999
Volume 71 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Ace-Plays by Walter F. Wyman * After Minor-Suit Openings, III by Eric O. Kokish * Boss Raises by Danny Kleinman * Spingold '99 by Larry Cohen * Bridge World Standard 200 . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1999
Volume 71 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Leading to a Finesse by Albert H. Morehead * Bridge World Standard 2001--Poll 3 * My Three Top Tactics by Larry Cohen * Another New Award by Ron Gerard * Result Merchant by Bill J . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1999
Volume 70 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Vancouver Revisited, II by Jeff Rubens * A Final-Round Swiss by Marshall Miles * Bridge World Standard 2001--Poll 2 * The 1999 Cavendish Invitational by Bart Bramley * T . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1999
Volume 70 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * The 1998 Rosenblum, IV by Eric O. Kokish * Bridge World Standard Summary * Bridge World Standard 2001--Poll 1 * A New Award by Ron Gerard * Paper Problem by Andrzej Matuszewski * . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1999
Volume 70 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * The 1998 Rosenblum, III by Eric O. Kokish * Make Your Own Luck Quiz, II * Doublecross * Winning at The Hague, II by Larry Cohen * Foxglove by Danny Kleinman * After Minor-Suit Ope . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1999
Volume 70 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * What Shall We Play? by Larry Cohen * Winning at The Hague by Larry Cohen * Make Your Own Luck Quiz * Nostalgia Alley by Old Timer * Multi Two-Notrump Response by Ron Kli . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1999
Volume 70 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Reviews * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Losing at Lille, V by Larry Cohen * Truppet Stayman by Allan DeSerpa * Yes or No, II by Edwin B. Kantar * Creative Defensive Communication by Krzysztof Sok . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1999
Volume 70 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Counting the Hands by Theodore A. Lightner * Inferiority Complex in Bridge by Ely Culbertson * Plastic Valuation by Ely Culbertson * The 1998 Rosenblum by Eric O. Kokish * Competi . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1999
Volume 70 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Evaluating the Circumstances, II by Marshall Miles * Following Partner's Signals by Kit Woolsey * The X-Deals by John Carruthers * Losing at Lille, III . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1999
Volume 70 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Losing at Lille, II by Larry Cohen * What's New In Bridge: Competitive Dualities * Weak Must Speak--Naturally by Danny Kleinman * Good Two Notrump by John Ross * A Usefu . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1999
Volume 70 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Swiss Match * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * The American Olympic * First Twin, V by Jeff Rubens * A Different Dimension by John Lowenthal * Those Laborious Length Signals by Finn Jensen * Losing at L . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1998
Volume 70 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Chicago Spingold, II by Larry Cohen * Partnership Style by Larry Cohen * First Twin, IV by Jeff Rubens * A Magnetic Opponent by Steve Beatty * TriColor . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1998
Volume 70 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Improve Your Defense * Improve Your Play * Improve Your Bidding by Beverly Kraft * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Who's Counting? by Danny Kleinman * First Twin, III by Jeff Rubens * Chicago Spingold by Larry Cohen * Responding to One Notrump by Eric O. Kokish * Di . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1998
Volume 70 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * First Twin, II by Jeff Rubens * Test Your Old-Fashioned Defense by Danny Kleinman * The Unnecessary Information Test by David Morgan . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1998
Volume 69 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Reviews * First Twin by Jeff Rubens * Oddball Suit-Combination Plays by Steven Bloom * Bailey Two-Bids by L. Andrew Campbell . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1998
Volume 69 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * The 1998 Cavendish Pairs * Bridge Movie: East or West? by Bill Jacobs * Entry Fee by Alejandro Misk * The Two-Club Responsive Cue-Bid by David Morgan * Perfect Game by Frank Stewart . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1998
Volume 69 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Over the Top by W. F. Hall * Nevada Knockout, II by Larry Cohen * Way Down Yonder, V by Jeff Rubens * Through the Grapevine by Robert Stone . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1998
Volume 69 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Way Down Yonder, IV by Jeff Rubens * Nevada Knockout by Larry Cohen * Cheap More Tell by Santanu Ghose * Counterplay by Don Kersey * A Tale of Two M'Goos by Danny Kleinman * Bridge at the Classical Club by Margaret M. Willis . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1998
Volume 69 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Reviews * Tunisia Finals, II by Barry Rigal * Dummy Player of the Year by Danny Kleinman * Battle with the Arabs by David Bird & Ron Klinger * On Major-Suit Raises by Henry A. Shevitz, M.D. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1998
Volume 69 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Clubs by Moneybags * The Next Step by David Morgan * Bridge World Standard * Edgar Kaplan Remembered, V by Jeff Rubens * Test Your Relaxation by Danny Kleinman * Tunisia Finals by Barry Rigal . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1998
Volume 69 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Tunisia Knockout by Barry Rigal * Edgar Kaplan Remembered, IV by Jeff Rubens * Demystification * Ethics, Huddles and Protests by Edgar Kaplan * Opinion, with Edgar Kaplan * L.O.L. or Z.I.A. by Peggy Kaplan * Overcalling in Four-Card Majors by Marshall . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1998
Volume 69 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * You Be the Judge * Reviews * Trials Diary by Edgar Kaplan * Edgar Kaplan Remembered, III by Jeff Rubens * Tunisia Round-Robin by Barry Rigal . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1998
Volume 69 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * The View from Vu-Graph by Kit Woolsey * A Jacobean Proposal by Henry Bethe * Authors Anonymous * Edgar Kaplan Remembered, II by Jeff Rubens * Life Masters Individual by Edgar Kaplan * Analysis of the 1958 World Championship by Edgar Kaplan . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1997
Volume 69 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Spingold Quiz * Four or Five? by Phillip Alder * That Idle Sixth by Larry Cohen * New Science by Edgar Kaplan * Clarksville by Danny Kleinman * Edgar Kaplan Remembered by Jeff Rubens . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1997
Volume 69 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Way Down Yonder, III by Jeff Rubens * A Remembrance of Edgar Kaplan by Ron Gerard * Cardiac Jumps by Danny Kleinman * The Onion by Alan Truscott . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1997
Volume 69 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * The 1996 Olympiad Open Teams, IV by Eric O. Kokish * Astrolite by Rodney Lighton * They Said It Couldn't Be Done by Don Kersey * Way Down Yonder, II by Jeff Rubens . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1997
Volume 68 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * The 1996 Olympiad Open Teams, III by Eric Kokish * In the Labyrinth by Frank Stewart . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1997
Volume 68 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * The 1996 Olympiad Open Teams, II by Eric Kokish * Hubble by Danny Kleinman * Way Down Yonder by Jeff Rubens . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1997
Volume 68 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Big-D Vanderbilt, II by Jeff Rubens * Oz Raises by David Morgan * The 1996 Olympiad Open Teams by Eric Kokish . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1997
Volume 68 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Crazy Eights at Dallas by Edgar Kaplan * The (Rip Van) Winkle Coup by Danny Mordecai & Barry Rigal * The Anti-Splinter by David Morgan * Big-D Vanderbilt by Jeff Rubens . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1997
Volume 68 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Rate Your Own Game * Next Wednesday? by Mauri Edwards * The Women's Team Olympiad, III by Barry Rigal * Tolerance Redoubles by John Ross . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1997
Volume 68 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Fourpeater, II by Jeff Rubens * The Women's Team Olympiad, II by Barry Rigal * Declarer's Dilemma by Tim Bourke * Two-Step Ogust by Zenko Danijel . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1997
Volume 68 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Miller Lite by Danny Kleinman * The Women's Team Olympiad by Barry Rigal * Fourpeater by Jeff Rubens . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1997
Volume 68 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * You Be the Judge * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * The Road to Rhodes, IV by Edgar Kaplan * Flip-Flop Flannery by Carolyn King & Dr. David S. Schade * Damned if You Do . . . by David J. Weiss . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1997
Volume 68 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Kissing Monarchs by Nikos Sarantakos * The Road to Rhodes, III by Edgar Kaplan . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1996
Volume 68 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * The Dreaded Underlead by Rhoda Habert & Joseph Silver * The Abbot's Long First Round by David Bird * The Road to Rhodes, II by Edgar Kaplan * Compressed Jump Shifts by David Morgan . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1996
Volume 68 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * 1 + 1 = 1 by Walter Schafer * The Road to Rhodes by Edgar Kaplan * The London Bridge Mystery, V by Phillip & Robert King * On the Law of Total Tricks by Matt Ginsberg * Step Game Raises by Nis Graulund . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1996
Volume 68 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * The London Bridge Mystery, IV by Phillip & Robert King * Vanderbilt in Philly, III by Edgar Kaplan * GNATS by Barry Rigal * Ego in Tandem by Steve Weinstein . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1996
Volume 67 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Countering Notrump Interference by Phillip Martin * Vanderbilt in Philly, II by Edgar Kaplan * The London Bridge Mystery, III by Phillip & Robert King . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1996
Volume 67 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Politiken Pairs Problems by Peter Weichsel * The London Bridge Mystery, II by Phillip & Robert King * Vanderbilt in Philly by Edgar Kaplan * RODD by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1996
Volume 67 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * What's New in Bridge * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * The London Bridge Mystery by Phillip & Robert King * The Bourke Relay by David Bird & Tim Bourke * The Lonely Major Transfer by Les Linaman * China Bowls, VII by Barry Rigal * Minnie's Swiss Match by Frank St . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1996
Volume 67 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * China Bowls, VI by Edgar Kaplan & Jeff Rubens * Poor Turnout by Andy Anderson * How Computers Will Play Bridge by Matt Ginsberg * Major Problems by David J. Weiss . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1996
Volume 67 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Rate Your Own Game * China Bowls, V by Edgar Kaplan & Jeff Rubens * High, Middle or Low? by Peter Loeb * A Simple Black-Suit Reverse by Chip Martel . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1996
Volume 67 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * China Bowls, IV by Edgar Kaplan & Jeff Rubens * Beating the Experts by Marvin L. French * Split Roman Two Diamonds by Robert Munger . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1996
Volume 67 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * The 1995 Cavendish Pairs by Jeff Aker * China Bowls, III by Edgar Kaplan * Doorknob Five Two by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1996
Volume 67 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * You Be the Judge * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * China Bowls, II by Edgar Kaplan * New Orleans Spingold, II by Edgar Kaplan & Jeff Rubens * Comprehensive Major-Suit Raises by John Carruthers . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1996
Volume 67 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Transfers After Weak Notrumps by William Schramm * New Orleans Spingold by Edgar Kaplan & Jeff Rubens * China Bowls by Edgar Kaplan . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1995
Volume 67 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Never Say Die by Wafik Abdou * Magic Down Under by David Bird * Big-Time Trials, III by Jeff Rubens * TONTO by Robert Stone . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1995
Volume 67 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Meet the Challenge by Barry Rigal * Big-Time Trials, II by Jeff Rubens * Crime Probe to Reopen by Dr. Andrew Diosy * Entry at the Right Time by Alan Schwartz * Cubic Zirconium by Danny Kleinman . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1995
Volume 67 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Big-Time Trials by Jeff Rubens * Cheap Tricks by Barry Rigal * One Good Play Deserves Another by Robert Stone . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1995
Volume 66 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Week of the Underdogs, IV by Jeff Rubens * The Third Opponent by James A. Kauder * The Finesse by Thomas Rechts . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1995
Volume 66 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Disconnected by Stefan Ralescu * A Suggested Improvement by T. Mil Clyburn * Panel Time by Eddie Kantar * Week of the Underdogs, III by Jeff Rubens . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1995
Volume 66 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Untitled by Ronald M. Wander * Disrupting Communications by James A. Kauder * Week of the Underdogs, II by Larry Cohen * Knockout in New Mexico, V by Edgar Kaplan * Computers and Bidding Systems by David Morgan . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1995
Volume 66 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Knockout in New Mexico, IV by Edgar Kaplan * Week of the Underdogs by Larry Cohen * An Unusual Play by James A. Kauder * The Muses' Choice by Mike Lipkin * Reutilizing Jump Shifts by Robert Lipsitz * The Nameless by Clay Brooks McF . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1995
Volume 66 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Rate Your Own Game * The Substitute by Marshall Miles * Double Dummy Demon by Jon Shuster * Knockout in New Mexico, III by Edgar Kaplan . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1995
Volume 66 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * The Principle of Restricted Talent by Nick Straguzzi * What's in a Name? by Nick Straguzzi * Concealing Declarer's Hand by David Morgan * The 1994 World Pairs, II by Mark Horton * Knockout in New Mexico, II by Edgar Kaplan . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1995
Volume 66 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Knockout in New Mexico by Edgar Kaplan * Danger Avoided by Ronald M. Wander * The 1994 World Pairs by Mark Horton * Quicker Than the Eye by Nick Straguzzi . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1995
Volume 66 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * You Be the Judge * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * A Study in Sherlock by Phillip and Robert King * Pronoun Trouble by Nick Straguzzi * San Diego Spingold, IV by Edgar Kaplan * The Power of Artifical Preempts by Henry T. C. Sun . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1995
Volume 66 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Rate Your Own Game * A New Trump Signal by David Midkiff * Jacoby Transferred by Barry Rigal * How to Lose a Friend by Harry Ross * To Squeeze or Not To Squeeze by Nick Straguzzi . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1994
Volume 66 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * To Bid or Not To Bid by Ron Gerard * San Diego Spingold, III by Edgar Kaplan * Letter from the Editor, II * Vanderbilt Quiz * The Interloper by Nick Straguzzi . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1994
Volume 66 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Chess Thinking by Matthew Granovetter & Martin Hoffman * San Diego Spingold, II by Edgar Kaplan * Play or Defend? by John Cuthbert * A Character Tester by Michal Nowak . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1994
Volume 66 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Grand National Final, II by Jeff Rubens * San Diego Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * The Three-Level Multi by Paul Glick * The Expert Declarer by Stefan Ralescu . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1994
Volume 65 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Best Eaten Cold by Barry Rigal * The Bell Convention by Alan Bell * Grand National Final by Jeff Rubens * The 1994 Mike Smolen Memorial Grosvenor Gambit by Ron Garber . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1994
Volume 65 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Crunch Time, II by Jeff Rubens * Waiting for No Man by Barry Rigal * Features from the Top by W. F. Hall * A Most Unusual Squeeze by Michael Massimilla . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1994
Volume 65 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * For Whom the Bell Tolls by Barry Rigal * Bowls of Chile, V by Edgar Kaplan * Crunch Time by Jeff Rubens * Unhelpful Tip by David Berkowitz * The Battle for Communication by S. Ralescu & P. Alder . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1994
Volume 65 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Bowls of Chile, IV by Edgar Kaplan * Unconsidered Trifles by Barry Rigal * A 3-D Movie by Steven Bloom * A Bridge Cartoon by John Torrey . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1994
Volume 65 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Bowls of Chile, III by Edgar Kaplan * Confusion by Alan Schwartz . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1994
Volume 65 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Puck's Last Stand by Jeff Rubens * Bowls of Chile, II by Edgar Kaplan . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1994
Volume 65 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Bowls of Chile by Edgar Kaplan * The Harlem Shuffle by Barry Rigal * Last Chance by Ron Klinger * Two Optimum Contracts by Michal Nowak * Never Say Die by Alan Schwartz . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1994
Volume 65 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * You Be the Judge * Rate Your Own Game * Networking by John Lowenthal * Head to Head by Barry Rigal * Washington Spingold, II by Edgar Kaplan * Avoidance Squeezes by Don Kersey . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1994
Volume 65 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Swiss Match * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Bridge at the Classical Club by Margaret M. Willis * The Important Dinner Party by David Bird & Ron Klinger * Washington Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * Diversion Ahead by Barry Rigal * The Real "Principle of Fast . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1993
Volume 65 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * The Bluhmer by Jim Foster * Bridge World Standard-1994, VI * Tribulations, IV by Edgar Kaplan * Lull in a Lullaby by K. H. Vahalia . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1993
Volume 65 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Tribulations, III by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge World Standard-1994, V * Ten Count by William Cole . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1993
Volume 65 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Reviews * Nines and Fives by Alan Schwartz * Two-Way Two Notrump by Joe I. McCabe * Diary of a Nobody by Jim Fatka * Unusual vs. Two-Suiters by Alan Bell * Tribulations, II by Edgar Kaplan . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1993
Volume 64 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Reviews * Swiss Match * Tribulations by Edgar Kaplan * Four Suits by Glen Ashton * Hawk vs. Smith by Gylfi Baldursson & Haukur Ingason * Bridge World Standard-1994: Follow-up Poll, II * Bridge World Standard-1994, IV * The Rule of 17 by Robe . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1993
Volume 64 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * You Be the Judge * On Suit-Preference at Trick One by Barry Rigal * Bridge World Standard-1994, III * Bridge World Standard-1994: Follow-Up Poll * TOOT by Jeff Aker * K. C. Vanderbilt, III by Edgar Kaplan . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1993
Volume 64 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Reviews * K. C. Vanderbilt, II by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge World Standard-1994, II * The Compleat Five-Diamond Hambone Experience by Eric O. Kokish * A Taste of the Future by Mats Nilsland . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1993
Volume 64 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Helpmate by Barry Rigal * Bridge World Standard-1994 * Vanderbilt in K.C. by Edgar Kaplan * Hobgoblin by John Torrey * Benito's Secret by David J. Weiss . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1993
Volume 64 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Swiss Match * Olympiad Women's Final, II by Eric O. Kokish * Inviting & Accepting by John H. Lindsey, II & Richard Zeckhauser * Cashing Tops Early by Michal Nowak * Boa Constrictor Bids by William Schramm . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1993
Volume 64 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Reviews * Olympiad Women's Final by Eric O. Kokish * Salsomaggiore Summer, II by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge World Standard-1994: Poll 3 * Double Duty Drury by Allan Bradley & Lee Poissant * The Lost Suit by Santanu Ghose . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1993
Volume 64 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Bridge World Standard-1994: Poll 2 * Salsomaggiore Summer by Edgar Kaplan * Snow White's First Match by Don Kersey * Olympiad Women's Semifinals, II by Eric O. Kokish * Greed Kills by Frank Stewart . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1993
Volume 64 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Bridge World Standard-1994 Poll 1 * Olympiad Women's Semifinals by Eric O. Kokish * A Penny Earned? by Ronald M. Blau * Bridge World Standard-1994: Poll 1 * Four Leads and a Shrink by Paul Burka * The Winning Suit Combinati . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1993
Volume 64 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Swiss Match * One Notrump Burgay, II by Leandro Burgay * The 1992 Spingold, II by Larry Cohen * Trials Final, III by Edgar Kaplan * Four the Record by Don Kersey * The Bell by Frederick B. Turner . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1992
Volume 64 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * The 1992 Spingold by Larry Cohen * One Notrump Burgay by Leandro Burgay * Trials Final, II by Edgar Kaplan . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1992
Volume 64 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Seventh Seat by Paul van Rijckevorsel * Couped at the Cavendish by Larry Cohen * A Subtle Error by Don Kersey * Trials Final by Edgar Kaplan * In Support of Flexibility by Harry Ross . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1992
Volume 64 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * The Terror of Colorado Boulevard, III by Eric O. Kokish * Rumpelsohl by Paul van Rijckevorsel * The Either-Or Principle by Anders Wirgren * Bridge Movie: Yarborough Time by Phillip Martin . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1992
Volume 63 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Swiss Match * The Terror of Colorado Boulevard, II by Eric O. Kokish * Trials Semifinal, II by Larry Cohen . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1992
Volume 63 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * You Be the Judge * Trials Semifinal by Edgar Kaplan * The Terror of Colorado Boulevard by Eric O. Kokish * Another Flat Board by Bob Rowlands . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1992
Volume 63 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * An Uninteresting Problem by Barry Rigal * The 1991 Frank Vine Awards by Ian Crowe * The Brighton Pairs by Jim Gobert * Five-Two Swiss Match by Henry Bethe * The 1991 Bermuda Bowl, VI by Edgar Kaplan . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1992
Volume 63 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * A Real Deal by Barry Rigal * Suit-Under Splinters by J. W. Hawthorne * The 1991 Bermuda Bowl, V by Edgar Kaplan * Surrogate Signals by Phillip Martin * Sticks and Wheels by Joseph Silver . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1992
Volume 63 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Swiss Match * Bridge at the Classical Club by Margaret M. Willis * King's Indian Defense by Santanu Ghose * The 1991 Bermuda Bowl, IV by Edgar Kaplan * The 1991 Venice Cup, III by Eric O. Kokish * What's the Problem? by Barry . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1992
Volume 63 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Blueprint by Barry Rigal * The 1991 Venice Cup, II by Eric O. Kokish * The 1991 Bermuda Bowl, III by Edgar Kaplan * The Lieutenant-Governor's Play by Ian Crowe . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1992
Volume 63 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * The 1991 Bermuda Bowl, II by Edgar Kaplan * The 1991 Venice Cup by Eric O. Kokish * Relay After Reopening Notrump by Barry Rigal * Putting the Great Bull Seal Over by Marty Seligman * Bridge at the Classical . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1992
Volume 63 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * 5 Losers Better than 4 by Mike Passell * The 1991 Bermuda Bowl by Edgar Kaplan * Sweet 16 by Alan Bell * Seeing 20/27 in Indy by Larry Cohen . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1992
Volume 63 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Challenge the Champs * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Swiss Match * Splinter Responses to a Minor by Marvin L. French * Las Vegas Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * Three Golden Oldies by Rixi Markus * What Are You Hoping For? by Michal Novak * First Among Equals by Bar . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1991
Volume 63 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Las Vegas Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * Just Another Wednesday by David Bird and Ron Klinger * Queen's Gambit by Barry Rigal * Quick Trick Responses To Gerber by Marvin French * Fifty Years Ago * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs Shivdasani-Ghose vs. Herbst-Herbst * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1991
Volume 63 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Five Days In May by Edgar Kaplan IV * Scanian Leads by Anders Wirgren * Anatomy Of A Match by Albert Hahn * S.O.S. Doubles by Danny Kleinman * A True Single-Dummy Problem by Robert Stone * Book News For 1991 * Rate Your Own Game * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Challenge the Champs McDaniel-Crigler vs. Shivdasani-Ghose * Master Solvers' . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1991
Volume 63 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Five Days In May, III by Edgar Kaplan * Doubling A Splinter by Danny Kleinman * Women's Playoff by Kit Woolsey * Swing For the Fences by Ron Gerard * Book News For 1991 * What's the Big Deal? by Barry Rigal * Challenge the Champs Bethe's-Mori vs. McDaniel-Crigler * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Fifty Years Ago * Book Reviews * Master Solvers' Club * Rate . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1991
Volume 62 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Five Days In May, II by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge At the Classical Club by Margaret M. Willis * Swiss Match, XXVI * Responding To 2NT Overcalls by Bob Sartorius * Enough Rope by Barry Rigal * Up Periscope by Bob Quinn * Test Your Play * Fifty Years Ago * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs Passell-Lair vs. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1991
Volume 62 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Five Days In May by Edgar Kaplan * Trials Winners * Multi-Freyer by Bill Treble * Four Times Six by Michal Nowak * Long-Suit Signals by Edwin B. Kantar * The 1991 Canadian National Teams by Eric O. Kokish * You Be The Judge * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Fifty Years Ago * Challenge of the Decade Pollack-Pollack vs. Cintra-Branco * Master . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1991
Volume 62 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Boardwalk Vanderbilt, II by Edgar Kaplan * Scanian Signals by Andors Wirgren * Mr. Weinberg's Sharp Defense by David Bird & Ron Klinger * More Transfers by Eric Leong * No Chance by Barry Rigal * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge ofade Pollack-Pollack vs. Cintra-Branco * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1991
Volume 62 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Bridge At the Classical Club by Margaret M. Willis * Fishheads: the New Generation by William Cole * Fifth Suit Forcing by Barry Rigal * X Marks the Spot by Anders Wirgren * The Abandoned Finesse by Doug Heron * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Fifty Years Ago * Challenge of the Decade Cintra-Branco vs. Martel-Stansby * . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1991
Volume 62 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Swiss Match, XXV * The Wisdom Of the Ancients by William Cole * Bridge For Two(BFT) by Michal Nowak * Zip Raises For Majors by Richard Zeckhauser * Meckwell's Straw by Bo-Yin Yang * Challenge of the Decade Woolsey-Manfield vs. Pollack-Pollack * Test Your Play * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Master So . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1991
Volume 62 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Swiss Teams, III by Edgar Kaplan * The Fishhead Coup by William Cole * Cole, II by Kit Woolsey * Matchpoints vs. Imps by Jared Johnson * Trump Trick by Barry Rigal * Countless Coups by Don Kersey * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge of the Decade Passell-Lair vs. Michlmayr-Beers * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1991
Volume 62 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Ridiculously Yours * Swiss Teams, II by Edgar Kaplan * The Tradition Continues by William Cole * Cole by Kit Woolsey * Would You Really? by Bill Braucher * Litmus Test by Ronald M. Blau * Two New Bidding Ideas by Glen Ashton * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Challenge the Champs Martel-Stansby vs. Habeg . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1991
Volume 62 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Swiss Teams by Edgar Kaplan * You Be The Judge * No Choice by Terence Reese * Keller by Steve Nellissen * Lebensohl Against Weak Notrumps by Alan Frank * Test Your Play * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Challenge of the Decade * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1991
Volume 62 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * '90 Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * Swiss Match, XXIV * A Useless Jump Made Useful by Michael Ranis * Bridge Movie: Showdown At the Last Chance Saloon by Ron Gerard * Expert Thinking Explained by John Torrey * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Fifty Years Ago * Challenge the Champs * Book Reviews * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1990
Volume 62 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * '90 Spingold, II by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge At the Classical Club by Margaret M. Willis * The Blind Spot by Don Kersey * Another Transfer by Lyle Poe * Dream Or Reality? by Wang Jianhua * Book News For 90 * Challenge the Champs Passell-Lair vs. Nippgen-Rohowsky * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Fifty Years Ago * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Master Solvers' Club * Test Yo . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1990
Volume 62 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * 90 Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * Choosing the Impossible by Morton Davis * The 1990 Canadian National Teams by Eric O. Kokish * B. Jay Becker: An Appreciation, III by Jeff Rubens * Book News For 90 * Book Reviews * Test Your Play * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge of the Decade Bill & Rozanne Pollack vs. Bergen-Cohen * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Yo . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1990
Volume 62 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Texas Vanderbilt, II by Edgar Kaplan * Seven Clubs by Bart Bramley * White Snow and the Dwarf Sevens by Albert Benjamin * Squeeze En Passant by Don Kersey * Book News For 1990 * B. Jay Becker: An Appreciation, II by Jeff Rubens * Challenge of the Decade Woolsey-Manfield vs. Mitchell-Granovetter * Fifty Years Ago * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kan . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1990
Volume 61 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Texas Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * Swiss Match, XXIII * B. Jay Becker: An Appreciation by Jeff Rubens * Avoiding A Pitfall by Don Kersey * Shared Experiences by J. P. Rocafort * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Fifty Years Ago * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs Bethe-Gwozdzinsky vs. Passell-Lair * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1990
Volume 61 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Antipodean Bowl, V by Edgar Kaplan * You Be The Judge * The Venice Cup Final, II by Eric Kokish * Partial Credit by Robert Stone * Matchpoint Teams by Allen L. Tan * Mystery Convention by William J. Nucker * Test Your Play * Fifty Years Ago * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs El Ahmady-Sadek vs. Bethe-Gwozdzinsky * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1990
Volume 61 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Venice Cup Final by Eric O. Kokish * Bridge At the Classical Club by Margaret M. Willis * Blocking and Unblocking by Anders Wirgren * Antipodean Bowl, IV by Edgar Kaplan * Five Tricks To Go by Fred Barnes * Not Merely For Experts by Ron Gerard * Bridge Movie: A Quick Slam From Sacramento by Eric Leong * For Rusinow Players by Douglas Doub * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kanta . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1990
Volume 61 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The 89 Venice Cup by Eric Kokish * Bridge News * Another Clash by Yang Guo-zhu * Antipodean Bowl, III by Edgar Kaplan * Simulation: A Critical Look by Dave Caprera * Kantar For the Dense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Fifty Years Ago * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs Bluhm-Bramley vs. El Ahmady-Sadek * Master . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1990
Volume 61 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Antipodean Bowl, II by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge At the Classical Club by Margaret M. Willis * Swiss Match, XXII * Two For One by Geoff Booth * What's New In Bridge: Variable Leads * Test Your Play * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs Bluhm-Bramley vs. Shuman-McCallum * Book Reviews * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1990
Volume 61 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Antipodean Bowl by Edgar Kaplan * Card Combinations, II by Edwin B. Kantar * For 89 * Re-q-'Em For the Masses by Dave Caprera * Honor Leads Again Notrump by Marshall Miles * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs Fallenius-Lindkvist vs. Bluhm-Bramley * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1990
Volume 61 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Ridiculous Conclusion * Card Combinations by Edwin B. Kantar * It's In the Mail by Cameron French * Potpourri * Test Your Play * Challenge the Champs Fallenius-Lindkvist vs. Bluhm-Bramley * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1990
Volume 61 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Chicago Spingold, Ill by Edgar Kaplan * Two-way Raises Of Overcalls by Wesley Adamczyk * Art Of the Possible by Barry Rigal * Hero by Dan and Linda Friedman * You Be The Judge * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Fifty Years Ago * Challenge the Champs Fallenius-Lindkvist vs. Otstavel-Sula * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1990
Volume 61 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Chicago Spingold, II by Edgar Kaplan * Swiss Match, XXI * Variations On A Theme * Catfeet by Paul Van Rijckevorsel * Crack Signals by Kees Schaafsma * Artificial Intelligence: Grosvenor Revisited by Charles Firke * Test Your Play * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs Woolsey-Manfield vs. Fallenius-Lindkvist * Master Solvers . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1989
Volume 61 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Spingold '89 by Edgar Kaplan * Major Summer National Results * The Balanced Hand Principle by D.L.H. Morgan * Good News, Bad News by Josh Parker * Bridge Arguments Classified by Dave Caprera * Book News For 89 * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs Woolsey-Manfield vs. Terraneo-Fucik * . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1989
Volume 61 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Ridiculous Continuation * One More Defense by Kit Woolsey * Berth For Perth, III by Edgar Kaplan * Computer Products, II * Puzzle Corner: Another Simple Switch by Richard Stearns * Book News For 89 * Test Your Play * Fifty Years Ago * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs Woolsey-Manfield vs. Lewis-Arledge * Master Solv . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1989
Volume 61 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * A Berth For Perth, II by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge At the Classical Club by Margaret M. Willis * The Latest by Jon Shuster * One Point Two by Sidney Lorvan * Computer Products * Book News For 89 * Major-Suit Raise Structures by Steve Beatty * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs Karlaftis-Kannavos vs. Woolsey-Manfield * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Fifty Years Ago * Ma . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1989
Volume 61 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Simple Switch, II by Howard Sard * Bridge At the Classical Club by Margaret M. Willis * Swiss Match, XX * A Berth For Perth by Edgar Kaplan * Oh, Well Done! by Barry Rigal * Unkind Offer by Terence Reese * Hess Cue-Bids by William C. Beall * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs Lorer-Deleva vs. Karlaft . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1989
Volume 60 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The 89 Vanderbilt, II by Edgar Kaplan * You Be The Judge * "Better You Than Me" by Don Kersey * A Rubensohl Application by Paul Van Rijckevorsel * Test Your Play * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs Dodd-Habegger vs. Woolsey-Manfield * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1989
Volume 60 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The 89 Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * Major Spring National Results * Eyelash by Jeff Rubens * Staid Bidding by Barry Rigal * The Three R's Revisited by Norman Roshel * Fifty Years Ago * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs Dodd-Habegger vs. Eisenberg-Rotman * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1989
Volume 60 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Bridge At the Classical Club by Margaret M. Willis * Ridiculous Report * Three Buried Treasures by Don Kersey * Three Times the Value by Phillip Alder * Sex and the Spingold, III by Jeff Rubens * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Fifty Years Ago * Challenge the Champs Dodd-Habegger vs. Rebattu-Kreyns * Ma . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1989
Volume 60 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Swiss Match, XIX * Sex and the Spingold, II by Jeff Rubens * 24 In the Time Of 16 by Larry Cohen * Defense by Elimination by Barry Rigal * Swedish Bridge Movie by Anders Wirgren * Olympiad In Venice, VI by Edgar Kaplan * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs Dodd-Habegger vs. Deas-Palm . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1989
Volume 60 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Sex and the Spingold by Jeff Rubens * Olympiad In Venice, V by Edgar Kaplan * What's the Problem? by Cameron French * A Suit Combination by Phillip Martin * For 88 * Cash and Switch by Richard Aronson * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs Dodd-Habegger vs. Deas-Palmer * Master Solvers' Club * Test Yo . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1989
Volume 60 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Olympiad In Venice, IV by Edgar Kaplan * The 88 Intercollegiates by Jeff Rubens * Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Don Kersey * Coping With Competition by D.L.H. Morgan * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Fifty Years Ago * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs Dodd-Habegger vs. Cayne-Burger * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1989
Volume 60 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Olympiad In Venice, III by Edgar Kaplan * You Be The Judge * A Maximization Problem by Ron Halstad * Major Fall National Results * The Manchester Candidate by Mel Colchamiro * Challenge the Champs Dodd-Habegger vs. Gordon-Gordon * Fifty Years Ago * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1989
Volume 60 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Olympiad In Venice, II by Edgar Kaplan * Sex Marathon by Alan Truscott * Swiss Match, XVIII * The Back Relay by Mark Buchignani * Major Summer National Results * Fifty Years Ago * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs Dodd-Habegger vs. Gu-Zhang * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1988
Volume 60 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Olympiad In Venice by Edgar Kaplan * Two-way Checkback by Philip M. Cowan * Two Defensive Problems by Alan Schwartz * The Garden Of Bright Images by Barry Rigal * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Fifty Years Ago * Challenge the Champs Dodd-Habegger vs. Gu-Zhang * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1988
Volume 60 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The European Carousel by Phillip Alder * Third-and-Lowest, Or Fourth? by Edwin B. Kantar * Two-Notrump Asking-bids by William Schramm * Trials Of the Memphis Seven, V by Edgar Kaplan * Puzzle Corner: Small Switch by Howard Sard * Fifty Years Ago * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs Nisar-Munir vs. Dodd-Habegger * Mast . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1988
Volume 60 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Trials Of the Memphis Seven, IV by Edgar Kaplan * Follow-Up by Mike Cappelletti * One-Way Street by Roger Stern * Book News For 1988 * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs Nisar-Munir vs. Sundelin-Flodqvist * Fifty Years Ago * Book Reviews * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1988
Volume 59 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Trials Of the Memphis Seven, III by Edgar Kaplan * Swiss Match, XVII * OSTOT by Nis Graulund * A Paradox, A Paradox by Alan Truscott * Rate Your Own Game * Fifty Years Ago * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs Nisar-Munir vs. Turner-Carroll * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1988
Volume 59 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Trials Of the Memphis Seven, II by Edgar Kaplan * Last 6 and Last 55 James M. Leonard * At Second Glance Frank Stewart * You Be The Judge * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Fifty Years Ago * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs Travis-Lusk vs. Nisar-Munir * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1988
Volume 59 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Six the Hard Way * Trials Of the Memphis Seven by Edgar Kaplan * Place the Ace by Eric Leong * Liberalized Leaping Michaels by Mike Cappelletti * How Would You Rule * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Fifty Years Ago * Challenge the Champs Schoenborn-Edgar vs. Travis-Lusk * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1988
Volume 59 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Shuffle Off, II by Edgar Kaplan * Opener's Reverses by Peter A. Pender * Reverses, Another View by Norman Kay * Dexter Plays Defense by Will Beall * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Fifty Years Ago * Challenge the Champs Meyer-Le Royer vs. Schoenborn-Edgar * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1988
Volume 59 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Shuffle Off by Edgar Kaplan * Common Theme by Fred Gitelman * Extended Flannery by William Schramm * Swiss Match, XVI * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Fifty Years Ago * Challenge the Champs Westra-Leufkens vs. Meyer-Le Royer * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1988
Volume 59 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The 87 Intercollegiates by Jeff Rubens * The First 20 Years by Paul Kramer * For Experts Only * Not Merely For Experts by Ron Gerard * The Kentucky Club by Bill Molett * Nemesis by Michael Schneider * Bridge Movie: Double Duck by Kit Woolsey * For 87 * Test Your Play * Puzzle Corner * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Fif . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1988
Volume 59 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Championships in Jamaica, III by Edgar Kaplan * Side-suit Signals by Jeffrey Sapire * The Abbot's Warm Welcome by David Bird * Sohl Satisfying by Glenn Mcintyre * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Fifty Years Ago * Challenge the Champs Meckstroth-Rodwell vs. Martel-Truscott * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1988
Volume 59 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Championships In Jamaica, II by Edgar Kaplan * First Suit Forcing by David Morgan * The Last Three by Glen Ashton * You Be The Judge * Fifty Years Ago * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs Sowter-Bethe vs. Meckstroth-Rodwell * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1988
Volume 59 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Championships In Jamaica by Edgar Kaplan * Bermuda Bowl Teams * Venice Cup Teams * Swiss Match, XV * The Spearfish Relay by Rolland R. Reid * J / W by Doug Jacobs and Steve Williamson * Doubly Restricted Choice by Alvin Levy * Fifty Years Ago * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Challenge the Champs Boyd-Robinson vs. Sowter-Bethe * Master . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1987
Volume 59 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * European Championship Diary by Terence Reese * Using the Opponent's Plan by Alan Schwartz * Two Endplays On the Same Trick by Don Kersey * Studies In Perspective by Phillip Martin * The Cavendish Invitational Pairs by Phillip Alder * How Would You Rule * Pro et Contra * Bits and Pieces * Fifty Years Ago * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1987
Volume 59 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Baltimore Spingold, II by Edgar Kaplan * The Three R's by Norman Roshel * Masters and Mistresses by Victor Mollo * The 35th European Championships by Phillip Alder * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1987
Volume 59 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Baltimore Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * For Experts Only * The Defense Rests by Robert Stone * The Seventy-Percent Solution by Larry Cohen * A Single-Dummy Exercise by Henry Bethe * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1987
Volume 58 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Grand National Teams by Edgar Kaplan * Sunday the Rabbi Played Well by Ron Klinger * Cannes-ing the French by Phillip Alder * Cast Thy Bread by Harry Ross * Hungarian Goulash * Yet Another Sohl by William Schramm * Major Summer National Results * Bridge Movie: Where Credit Is Due by Ron Gerard * Swiss Match, XIV * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Fifty Years Ago * Book Reviews * . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1987
Volume 58 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Team Trials, II by Edgar Kaplan * You Be The Judge * Power Preempts by Phillip Alder * For Bad Players Only by Pamela & Matthew Granovetter * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Fifty Years Ago * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1987
Volume 58 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Team Trials by Edgar Kaplan * Major Spring National Results * A Falsecarding Situation by Marek Kosmulski * The 12-Board Playoff by Phillip Alder * Morgan Two Diamonds by David Morgan * A Choice Of Squeezes by H.E. Fuller * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Fifty Years Ago * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1987
Volume 58 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The '87 Vanderbilt, II by Edgar Kaplan * Parking Lot Redoubles by Jerold Fink * The Forgotten Squeeze by Don Kersey * The Abbot's Good View by David Bird * Sahara by Gene Benedict * Maximum Pain by H.E. Fuller * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Fifty Years Ago * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1987
Volume 58 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The '87 Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplanand Phillip Alder * Swiss Match, XIII * Transfers After Two-Notrump Rebids by Richard J. Mydloski * For Experts Only * Fifty Years Ago * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1987
Volume 58 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Matters Of Ruffing by Journalist * The Balancing Negative Double by Mark Buchignani * Not-So-Instant Replay by John Lowenthal * The Bridge Whirl * The Captain's Hat by Mike Cappelletti * For Experts Only * Challenge the Champs * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Fifty Years Ago * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1987
Volume 58 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Plain and Fancy by Jeff Rubens * What Happened? by Frank Stewart * Cue-bid Splinter by Richard J Mydloski * The Salvation Of Abbot Hugo by David Bird * Bridge Movie * Bridge World Standard * Lazard Transfers by Sidney Lazard * Book Reviews * Fifty Years Ago * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1987
Volume 58 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Alpwater Quiz * Water, Wenches and Warbles by Phillip Alder * The 1986 Intercollegiates by Jeff Rubens * The Tracer Bid by Krishna Vahalia * You Be The Judge * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Fifty Years Ago * Bits and Pieces * Test Your Play * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1987
Volume 58 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Swiss Match, XII by Marshall Miles * Rosenblum Cup, II by Edgar Kaplan * A Simple Sequence by Edwin B. Kantar * Potpourri: An All-Around Deal by William R. Cantrall * Rate Your Own Game * Fifty Years Ago * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1986
Volume 58 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Rosenblum Cup 1986 by Edgar Kaplan * The Pleasure Factor by Matthew Granovetter * Cinderella by Jeff Rubens * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Fifty Years Ago * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1986
Volume 58 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Toronto Spingold, II by Edgar Kaplan * Crazy About Bridge by Robert Stone * Team Test by Terence Reese * A Special Game Try by Josh Parker * Fifty Years Ago * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1986
Volume 58 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Toronto Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * The Abbot's Kind Thought by David Bird * Two-Notrump Overcalls: Transfers by Josh Parker * Book News For 1986 * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Fifty Years Ago * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1986
Volume 57 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Grand National Teams 1986 by Edgar Kaplan * Swiss Match, XI * The Irony and the Ecstasy by Joseph Silver & Eric Kokish * Major Summer National Results * The Bic Cue-Bid by Arian E. Shochet & James Adkins * An Average Board by John E. Sherman * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Maste . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1986
Volume 57 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Canadian Team Championship by Glen Ashton * Last Round by Ron Klinger * You Be The Judge * Supercrash by W. D. Bannion * Defense In Depth by Martin Hoffman * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * For Experts Only * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1986
Volume 57 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Bidding Over Preempts--Your Own by Mel Colchamiro * Bridge In the Small Time by Will Beall * What's New In Bridge * Coldbottom Played Pro by Frank Vine * A 100-Mile Hand by Harry Ross * Positive Declarer Play by Terence Reeseand Julian Pottage * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Test Your Play * Potpourri * For Experts Only * Puzzle Corner: Very Careless by Donald R. Woods * Kantar . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1986
Volume 57 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Cave-in At the Cavendish Quiz * Cave-in At the Cavendish by Josh Parker * Countering Obstructionist Methods, III by Jeff Rubens * 16 Years Later, II by Edgar Kaplan * The Abbott's Riposte by David Bird * Tigress At the Table by Rixi Markus * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1986
Volume 57 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Swiss Match, X * Countering Obstructionist Methods, II by Jeff Rubens * 16 Years Later by Edgar Kaplan * Handling Major Two-Suiters by Josh Parker * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1986
Volume 57 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Countering Obstructionist Methods by Jeff Rubens * Suit-preference Echo by Marry Lavine and Peter A. Loeb * Two Suit Combinations by Julian Pottage * Championships In Brazil, III by Edgar Kaplan * For 85 * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1986
Volume 57 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Championships In Brazil, II by Edgar Kaplan * The Cut-off Coup by Jeffrey Isralsky * Booboos, Bungles and Bids by Ron Klinger * Legislators In Opposition by Derek Rimington * Defense In Depth by Martin Hoffman * Positive Declarer Play by T. Reese and J. Pottage * How Would You Rule * Tigress At the Table by Rixi Markus * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1986
Volume 57 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Championships In Brazil by Edgar Kaplan * Triple Dummy by Stephen E. Cooper * Defense In Depth by Martin Hoffman * Tigress At the Table by Rixi Markus * You Be The Judge * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1986
Volume 57 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Swiss Match, IX * Sudden Death by Kit Woolsey * The Abbot's Rescue Mission by David Bird * Grand Deals by Steven Bloom * Constructive Auctions by William Schramm * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Bits and Pieces * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1985
Volume 57 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Bridge For Brownie Points by John E. Eichenlaub, M.D * Insight Quiz * Insight On Zia by Phillip Alder * Bridge World Standard * Wilfred Cue-bids by Bill Runnagen * Seven Up by Josh Parker and Jeff Aker * High Tech Doubles by Jerold A. Fink * Playing With the Big Boys by Robert Stone * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Chal . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1985
Volume 57 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Las Vegas Spingold, 11 by Edgar Kaplan * The Abbot's Good News by David Bird * Cliff Over One Club by Dave Cliff * Defense In Depth by Martin Hoffman * Old Church, New Pew by Mel Colchamiro * Control-Showing Rebids by A. Shochet & J. Adkins * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1985
Volume 57 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Las Vegas Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * Major Summer National Results * Tigress At the Table by Rixi Markus * The Mozart Convention by Frank Vine * More Relays by George Rosenkranz and Alan Truscott * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1985
Volume 56 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Swiss Match, VIII * Defense In Depth by Martin Hoffman * Tribulations, II by Edgar Kaplan * Coping With Lead-directing Doubles by William Schramm * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1985
Volume 56 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Paula by Matthew Granovetter * Tribulations by Edgar Kaplan * You Be The Judge * Second-round Count Signals by Moshe Cooper * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1985
Volume 56 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Major Spring National Results * Le Vanderbilt, II by Edgar Kaplan * Once Upon A Time In Cognito by Matt Zebell * The Choice Of Games Cue-bid by Ed Manfield * A Quiz From the Fast Lane by J. Silver and E. Kokish * Bro. Paulo's Biltcliffe Coup by David Bird * Tigress At the Table by Rixi Markus * Defense In Depth by Martin Hoffman * Another Two-Diamond Opener by Mike and Vicki Erickson . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1985
Volume 56 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Le Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * Puzzle Corner by Charles M. Pelleg * I, Robert by Frank Stewart * Tigress At the Table by Rixi Markus * Defense In Depth by Martin Hoffman * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1985
Volume 56 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Swiss Match, VII * The Newlyweds by Marshall Miles * Defense In Depth by Martin Hoffman * Two-suited Jump Shifts by J. Dan Duke * Matchpoints by Paul Kramer * The Eighth Hole by Frederick B. Turner * Tigress At the Table by Rixi Markus * Alphabet Soup, Gerald Plevin * How To Prolong the Right Rubbers by Dr. J. Eichenlaub * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1985
Volume 56 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Knockout In Seattle, III by Edgar Kaplan * Buried Treasure by Geza Ottlik * Bridge Movie Number 21 by Ron Gerard * Who Is the Goat? by Anne B. Motroy, * Equals To the Task by Robert Stone * Puzzle Corner by Howard Sard * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1985
Volume 56 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Knockout In Seattle, II by Edgar Kaplan * The Frozen Suit by Jeffrey Isralsky * Crazy Eights by Stephen E. Cooper * Three Vanderbilt Problems by Phillip Martin * Coldbottom In Front Of the Committee by Frank Vine * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1985
Volume 56 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Knockout In Seattle by Edgar Kaplan * Contradicted Choice by Robert Stone * What's New In Bridge * Brother Aelred's Mysterious Assignment by David Bird * You Be The Judge * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1985
Volume 56 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Tigress At the Table by Rixi Markus * Swiss Match, VI * Single Or Double? by Roger Pies * The H-factor by Jeffrey Selbst * The Weaker-minor Principle by Ed Manfield * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * The Majority Rule by Phillip Martin * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Pro et Contra * Challenge the . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1984
Volume 56 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Instruction Of Brother James by David Bird * Tigress At the Table by Rixi Markus * Confession Is Good For the Soul by B. Jay Becker * Potpourri * No Frills by Frank Stewart * Bridge World Standard 1984, IX * Short and Perfect by Charles Coon * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Bridge World Standard * Book Reviews * Master Solvers' Cl . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1984
Volume 56 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Memories Of the Baron by Prince Joli Kansil * Hooks and Crooks-the '84 Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * Major Results Of the Summer Nationals * What's New In Bridge * Bridge World Standard 1984, VIII * Puzzle Corner * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1984
Volume 56 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Battle For Seattle, II by Edgar Kaplan * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * The Money Game by Ronald Blau * Bridge World Standard 1984, VII * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1984
Volume 55 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Swiss Match, V * Battle For Seattle by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge World Standard 1984, VI * Bridge World Standard 1984 Summary * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1984
Volume 55 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Vanderbilt In San Antone, II by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge World Standard 1984, V * Bridge World Standard 1984 Follow-up Poll, III * You Be The Judge * Bridge Movie N 20 * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1984
Volume 55 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Vanderbilt In San Antone by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge World Standard 1984, IV * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * Potpourri * Bridge World Standard 1984 Follow-up Poll, II * Puzzle Corner * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1984
Volume 55 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Enjoyable Misunderstandings by Victor Mollo * Same Old Story, III by Edgar Kaplan * Appeals Committee, XVII * Bridge World Standard 1984, III * Tides Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * Bridge World Standard 1984 Follow-up Poll, I * Two New Suit-combination Plays by Arthur Ramer * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Ma . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1984
Volume 55 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Swiss Match, IV * Same Old Story, II by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge World Standard 84, II * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * For 83 * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1984
Volume 55 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Same Old Story by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge World Standard 84, I * Bridge World Standard84 Poll, XII * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1984
Volume 55 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Stockholm Semi-finals, II by Edgar Kaplan * Appeals Committee, XVI * A Foul-weather Quiz by Ron Gerard * Last Straw, II by Jeff Rubens * Bridge World Standard84 Poll, XI * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1984
Volume 55 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Stockholm Semi-finals by Edgar Kaplan * Last Straw by Jeff Rubens * You Be The Judge * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bridge World Standard 1984 Poll, X * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1984
Volume 55 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Swiss Match, III * Appeals Committee, XV * Bridge World Standard 1984 Poll, VIII * Bridge World Standard 1984 Poll, IX * Did Einstein Play Bridge? by David Brown * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Bits and Pieces * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1983
Volume 55 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Round 14 by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge Movie #19 * The Man Who Knew Too Much by Mel Colchamiro * Bridge World Standard 1984 Poll, VII * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1983
Volume 55 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Spingold In Jazz City, II by Edgar Kaplan * Those Were the Days, My Friend by Frank Vine * Bridge World Standard 1984, Poll VI * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * You Be The Judge * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1983
Volume 55 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Spingold In Jazz City by Edgar Kaplan * Limit Jump-shift Rebids by William Schramm * Bridging the Gap by Linda Hemphill * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Master Solvers' Forum . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1983
Volume 54 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Swiss Match, II * East and West by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge World Standard84 Poll, V * Capp/Imx by Mike Cappelletti * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1983
Volume 54 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Head Mole by Peter Burrows * Balloon Bids by Krishin H. Bhavnani * Pointed Preempts by Jetold A. Fink * Potpourri * Bridge Movie #18 * Using the Rules by William D. Cole * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * Five Chances by Phillip Martin * Appeals Committee, XIV * Bridge World Standard84 Poll, IV * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1983
Volume 54 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Swiss Match, I * Waikiki Vanderbilt, II by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge World Standard84, Poll, III * Tales Ofice Game by Frank Stewart * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1983
Volume 54 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Waikiki Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * Major Spring National Results * Challenge the Champs Standard by Wood Studenmund * Relays For Standard Bidders by G. Rosenkranz/A. Truscott * Appeals Committee, XIII * The Anticipatory Overcall by Jim Wood * Bridge World Standard84 Poll, II * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play by Paul Luka . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1983
Volume 54 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Oh! Calcutta! by Zia Mahmood * Rubensohl by Bruce Neill * Bridge At Bat by Michael B. Huston * Bridge Movie N 17 * The Master by Norma Sands * Appeals Committee, XII * Potpourri * Son Of Bridge World Standard * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1983
Volume 54 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Trials For Stockholm, II by Edgar Kaplan * The Abbot's Match-Winning Board by David Bird * A Paul Lukacs Album * You Be The Judge * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1983
Volume 54 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Trials For Stockholm by Edgar Kaplan * A Much Needed West by Carl Hudecek * The Computers Are Coming by Daniel Hossard * What's New In Bridge * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1983
Volume 54 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Rosenblum Cup, III by Edgar Kaplan * The Bet--Part II by Frank Vine * Potpourri * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * Challenge Yesterday's Champs by M. Larochelie & E. Kokish * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1983
Volume 54 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Rosenblum Cup, II by Edgar Kaplan * Appeals Committee, XI * Gray's Elegy by Charles Gray * Probability Illusions by Emmett Keeler * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Bridge World Standard * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1982
Volume 54 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Rosenblum Cup by Edgar Kaplan * A Child Of An Idle Brain by Frank Stewart * Appeals Committee, X * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1982
Volume 54 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Tripleton by Jeff Rubens * North Of the Master Solvers' Club by Frank Vine * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * You Be The Judge * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1982
Volume 54 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Southwest Spingold, II by Edgar Kaplan * One Imp * Four C's * Brother Aelred's Winning Line by David Bird * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1982
Volume 53 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Southwest Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * Coldbottom: On Being Trustworthy by Frank Vine * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * What's New In Bridge * Game-force Relays After One Notrump by Ron Klinger * Simple Relay by Ed Manfield * Puzzle Corner * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1982
Volume 53 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Song Of Albuquerque by Jeff Rubens * Summer National Major Results * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * What's New In Bridge * Bridge Movie by Frank Stewart * Appeals Committee, IX * Sluffing and Ruffing by Sidney Lorvan * The Grand Slam Farce by Norma Sands * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1982
Volume 53 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Great Charles River Grudge Match by Peter Winkler * Who's Really Behind the Cards? by Dale Maxwell * Diabolique by Ringwood * After A Simple Major Overcall, II by William Schramm * Appeals Committee, VIII * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Bridge World Standard * Challe . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1982
Volume 53 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Spring At the Falls, II by Edgar Kaplan * After A Simple Major Overcall by William Schramm * Immaterial Squeeze by Richard Clinite * Appeals Committee, VII * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1982
Volume 53 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Three Times Three * Spring At the Falls by Edgar Kaplan * An Updated Bridge Glossary by Jared Johnson * The Chancellor's Cup by David Bird * Potpourri * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1982
Volume 53 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * I've Strained My Credulity by Alan Truscott * Wednesday the Rabbi Played Bridge by Frank Vine * I've Got A Secret by Ed Manfield * Appeals Committee, VI * What Do You Lead? by Morris E. Clark * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * You Be The Judge * For 81 * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1982
Volume 53 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Bowls Of Rye, III by Edgar Kaplan * Defense Quiz by Marshall Miles * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * Appeals Committee, V * B. Jay and the Bear by Brian Glubok * How Would You Rule * Launch Time by Aug Boehm * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1982
Volume 53 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Smarty Pants by Eric Kokish and Joe Silver * What's New In Bridge * Bowls Of Rye, II by Edgar Kaplan * A Smooth Duck In New York by Richard Crawford * Stillborn by Ron Klinger * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1982
Volume 53 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Bowls Of Rye by Edgar Kaplan * Clap Hands by David Brown * Tales Of Hoffmann by Martin Hoffman * Some Roads Lead To Victory by Joseph Silver * Appeals Committee, IV * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bridge World Standard * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1981
Volume 53 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Boston Spingold, II by Edgar Kaplan * The Hand That Never Was by Ron Gerard * The Relay Concept by Kit Woolsey * Appeals Committee, III * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1981
Volume 53 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Boston Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * Reverse Flannery by Responder by William Schramm * In Training by Jeff Rubens * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Bridge World Standard * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1981
Volume 53 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Would You Have Done Better? by Terence Reese * You Be The Judge * Puzzle Corner by Paul Lukacs * Theatre Of the Absurd, II by Jeff Rubens * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1981
Volume 52 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Grand National by Jeff' Rubens * What's New In Bridge * Appeals Committee, II * Czechoslovakia's Unluckiest Player by Russell Hill * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1981
Volume 52 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Canadian National Teams by Eric Kokish * Ravings by Frank Stewart * Bridge Over Poland's Crisis by Sat & Krzemien * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * The Appeals Committee * Book Reviews * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1981
Volume 52 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Competing In the Vanderbilt * '81 Model Vanderbilt, II by Edgar Kaplan * Specific Trump Cue-bids by Fan Mccance * Keep Winners, Throw Losers by Patrick Jourdain * The Useful-imp Principle by Phillip Martin * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Puzzle Corner * Bits and Pieces * Challenge t . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1981
Volume 52 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The New Laws Of Rubber Bridge by Victor Mollo * '81 Model Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * What's New In Bridge * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1981
Volume 52 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Deceptive Defense, II by Ken Lebensold * The Not-the-sunday-times Tournament by Jeff Rubens * The Falworth Papers by Allan Falk * Individual Tournaments by Harry Shearer * Exclusion Blackwood by Ron Gerard * How Would You Rule * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Maste . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1981
Volume 52 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * A Mole's-eye View by Peter Burrows * Potpourri * A Psychiatric Quiz by Frank Stewart * You Be The Judge * The Useful-space Principle, VI by Jeff Rubens * For 80 * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Bridge World Standard * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1981
Volume 52 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * A Chip Of China by Ron Klinger * Masterpoint Hunting by Gene Prosnitz * How Would You Rule * The Useful-space Principle, V by Jeff Rubens * Dutch Treat, II by Alan Truscott * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1981
Volume 52 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Coming Through For Rye, II by Edgar Kaplan * What's the Problem? by Frank Vine * Dutch Treat by Alan Truscott * Tales Of Hoffman by Martin Hoffman * The Useful-space Principle, IV by Jeff Rubens * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1980
Volume 52 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Olympiad Final by Edgar Kaplan * Twenty Years After by Alan Truscott * The Useful-space Principle, II by Jeff Rubens * Bits and Pieces * Bridge World Standard * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1980
Volume 52 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * 80 Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * The Useful-space Principle by Jeff' Rubens * You Be the .Judge * Pro El Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1980
Volume 52 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Trying For 500 * Morehead Trophy by Edgar Kaplan * I Hate the Queen by Tony Sowter * Roman Key Card Blackwood, IV by Edwin B. Kantar * Theatre Of the Absurd by Jeff Rubens * A Question Of Play by Terence Reese * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1980
Volume 51 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Canadian Teams Championships by Eric Kokish * Seeing Through A Glass--Darkly by Ringwood * Roman Key-card Blackwood, III by Edwin B. Kantar * Practical Puzzling by Jeff Rubens * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1980
Volume 51 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Calcutta Diary by John Lowenthal * Cavendish Individual by Kit Woolsey * Ultimate Indignity by Jeff Aker, Josh Parker * How Would You Rule * Roman Key Card Blackwood, II by Edwin B. Kantar * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1980
Volume 51 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Roman Key Card Blackwood(Rkc) by Edwin B. Kantar * The Fresno Five * San Joaquin Valley Vanderbilt, II by Edgar Kaplan * How Would You Rule * Computer-assisted Bidding by Jim Cole * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1980
Volume 51 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * San Joaquin Valley Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * The Falworth Microfilm by Allan Falk * What's Old In Bridge by Pedro C. Cabral * Down the Stretch by Frank Stewart * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1980
Volume 51 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Pairs Championship, III by Edgar Kaplan * Nailed by Eric Kokish * Ten Guesses by John Lowenthal * Preemptive Strategy by Aug Boehm * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1980
Volume 51 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Potpourri * For 79 * Pairs Championship, II by Edgar Kaplan * What's New In Bridge * You Be The Judge * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Bridge World Standard . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1980
Volume 51 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Pairs Championship by Edgar Kaplan * Coldbottom On Sportsmanship by Frank Vine * Triangular Trials, II by Jeff Rubens * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Forum . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1980
Volume 51 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Triads * Triangular Trials by Jeff Rubens * Confessions Of A Mckenney Widow by Susan Brooks * "That Idle Fifth" Revisited by Ed Manfield * Rollercoaster In Rio, III by Edgar Kaplan * A Question Of Play by Terence Reese * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1980
Volume 51 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Rollercoaster In Rio, II by Edgar Kaplan * Extra Innings by Jeff Rubens * How Would You Rule * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1979
Volume 51 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Rollercoaster In Rio by Edgar Kaplan * The Congratulatory Jack by David Weiss * Brilliancies and Blunders At Lausanne by Terence Reese * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Kantar for the Defense * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1979
Volume 51 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Las Vegas Spingold, II by Edgar Kaplan * Requiem For A Bridge Writer by Allan Falk * You Be The Judge * Test Your Play * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1979
Volume 51 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Golden Anniversary by Jeff Rubens * Las Vegas Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1979
Volume 50 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Grand National by Edgar Kaplan * Another Kind Of Bridge Detective by Frank Vine * Action Doubles by Kenneth Lebensold * Post-Mortem * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1979
Volume 50 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Small Talk by Ryszard Baranowski * What's New In Bridge L * How Would You Rule * A Question Of Play by Terence Reese * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1979
Volume 50 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Cavendish Quiz * The Cavendish Invitational Pairs by Kit Woolsey * The Four-four Dilemma by Edwin B. Kantar * Which Way Is It? by Matt Ginsburg * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play * A Question Of Play by Terence Reese * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1979
Volume 50 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Upside-Down Signals by Kit Woolsey * Inclined To Error by Frank Stewart * Virginia Vanderbilt, II by Edgar Kaplan * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * A Question Of Play by Terence Reese * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1979
Volume 50 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Virginia Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * Brother Luke's Parrot by David Bird * High-level Bridge, V by Ed Manfield * How Would You Rule * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Puzzle Corner * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1979
Volume 50 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * High-level Bridge, IV by Ed Manfield * Playoff, II by Edgar Kaplan * You Be The Judge * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1979
Volume 50 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Blue Ribbon Battle by Edgar Kaplan * Reward Reaped by Matt Ginsburg * Imp Odds by Kit Woolsey * What's New In Bridge * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Puzzle Corner * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Bridge World Standard . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1979
Volume 50 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * by A Nose by David Berah * Mixed Bridge In the Menagerie by Victor Mollo * The Zero Defense by Kit Woolsey * Plagiarizing the Editor, III by George A.W. Boehm * A Question Of Play by Terence Reese * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Puzzle Corner * Solution To Play On Words * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the C . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1978
Volume 50 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Debate With Ron Klinger and Jeff Rubens * The Grand National by Edgar Kaplan * Play On Words * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1978
Volume 50 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Canadian Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * Ante-meridiem Post-Mortems by Frank Stewart * Test Your Partner's Dummy-putting by Ron Gerard * How Would You Rule * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Bridge World Standard . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1978
Volume 50 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The 49th Anniversary Awards by John Kelly Karasek * The Rosenblum Cup, II by Edgar Kaplan * You Be The Judge * The Deep Eight by John D. McGervey * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1978
Volume 49 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Rosenblum Cup by Edgar Kaplan * High Level Bridge, III by Ed Manfield * Paradise Lost by David Brown * The Two-step by Jeff Rubens * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Puzzle Corner * Bridge Movie * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1978
Volume 49 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Final Final In New Orleans by Alan Truscott * Detective Division by Geza Ottlik * Asking and Trump-asking Bids by Edwin B. Kantar * A Question Of Play by Terence Reese * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1978
Volume 49 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Houston Vanderbilt, II by Edgar Kaplan * Extended Plob by John Swanson * The Grosvenor Gamble by Kit Woolsey * How Would You Rule * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Book Reviews * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1978
Volume 49 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Houston Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * Destroy These Hands With Me by Eric Kokish * A Question Of Play by Terence Reese * Compound Squeezes Illustrated by Fook H. Eng * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1978
Volume 49 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Secret To Finishing Second by Robert Lipsitz * The '76 Olympiad--Pair by Pair by Georgiana Gates * Adroitly Sinister by Eric Kokish * Compound Squeezes Illustrated by Fook H. Eng * An Australian Toenote by Jeff Rubens * A Question Of Play by Terence Reese * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Puzzle Corner * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bridge Movie * Bits and Pieces . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1978
Volume 49 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Blue Ribbon Finals by Steven Bloom * The Pain Factor(the Art Of Losing) by Matthew Granovetter * Puppet Stayman Revisited by Kit Woolsey * For 77 * You Be The Judge * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1978
Volume 49 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * High-level Bridge, II by Ed Manfield * The 77 Bermuda Bowl, III by Edgar Kaplan * An Oscar For the Coldest Bottom by Victor Mollo * How Would You Rule * Showing Good Suits by Marshall Miles * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1978
Volume 49 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Opening Underleads by Dick Cummings * The 77 Bermuda Bowl, II by Edgar Kaplan * Dirty Harry by Jess B. Cohen * What's New In Bridge * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bridge Movie * Bits and Pieces * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1977
Volume 49 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * From the Commentary Box by Terence Reese * The 77 European Championship by Pierre Schemeil * The Bet by Jeff Rubens * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1977
Volume 49 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Chicago Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * The Bet by Jeff Rubens * A Question Of Play by Terence Reese * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Bits and Pieces * Puzzle Corner * Book Review * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1977
Volume 49 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Chicago Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * The Bet by Jeff Rubens * You Be The Judge * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1977
Volume 48 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Bet by Jeff Rubens * The Grand National by Edgar Kaplan * What's New In Bridge * Summer Nationals Major Results * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Book Reviews * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1977
Volume 48 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * High-level Bridge by Ed Manfield * Beat the Swiss! by Jean Besse * A Question Of Play by Terence Reese * Theme and Variations by John Lowenthal * Point Taken by David Brown * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1977
Volume 48 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Pasadena Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * Plagiarizing the Editor by George A.W. Boehm * A Question Of Play by Terence Reese * A Salt Lake Solution by Ron Gerard * How Would You Rule * Rate Your Own Game * Detective Division * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Bridge Wor . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1977
Volume 48 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Pasadena Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * Spring Nationals Major Results * Help! by Bill Mcwilliams * Getting Out Of Notrump by John D. Mcgervey * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Puzzle Corner * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1977
Volume 48 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Freeway To Manila by Edgar Kaplan * Aftermath * Adjustments by Robert Gray * A Question Of Play by Terence Reese * Count by Moneybags * You Be The Judge * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1977
Volume 48 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Road To Manila by Edgar Kaplan * Near Neighbors by Terence Reese * What's New In Bridge * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1977
Volume 48 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Road To Manila by Edgar Kaplan * More A Showdown Than A Show-Up by Terence Reese * Do the Odds Change? by John D. McGervey * Trophy Time by Frank Vine * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Bridge Movie by H.W. Kelsey * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1977
Volume 48 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Road To Manila by Edgar Kaplan * How Would You Rule * The Way It Is by Geza Ottlik * Stiff, Small Voice by Matt Ginsberg * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukas . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1977
Volume 48 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Blue Ribbon Finals by Kit Woolsey * Fall Nationals Major Results * Andy and the Black Jack by Ernst T. Theimer * The Way It Is by Geza Ottlik * The Forest For the Trees by Terence Reese * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1976
Volume 48 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * What's New In Bridge: Transfers, the Next Frontier * D-i-r-e-c-t-o-r! by Orval Swander * Bridge In Poland by Martin Sat * The Limits Of Artificiality by Frank B. Casey * A Question Of Play by Terence Reese * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Puzzle Corner by Jeffrey C. Halle * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1976
Volume 48 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Deceptive Cards by H. W. Kelsey * The Spingold of '76 by Edgar Kaplan * A Question of Play by Terence Reese * Not So Random Choice by Ernst T. Theimer * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1976
Volume 48 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Spingold of '76 by Edgar Kaplan * Summer Nationals Major Results * A Question of Play by Terence Reese * You Be The Judge * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Letter from an Editor * Kantar for the Defense * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1976
Volume 47 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Match That Never Was by Jeff Rubens * Midnight Defense by James S. Kauder * What's New in Bridge * Bermuda Bowl by Edgar Kaplan * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * May * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * The Bridge World is published . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1976
Volume 47 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Olympiad: the Last Day by Edgar Kaplan * He Who Holds the Long Suit by Frank Vine * Haunted by Steve Gregory * Bermuda Bowl by Edgar Kaplan * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Bridge World Standard . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1976
Volume 47 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Bermuda Bowl by Edgar Kaplan * All at Sea by Victor Mollo * The Way It Is by Geza OttIik * The Gadget Maker by Orval Swander * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1976
Volume 47 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Slammed by Lancia by Ron Klinger * The Well-Rounded Game * Kansas City Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * Later Leads Against Suits by Journalist * Dr. Downone, Bridge Psychiatrist by Otto Feuer * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1976
Volume 47 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Kansas City Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplin * Later Leads Against Suit Contracts by Journalist * Rorschach Test by Orval Swander * You Be The Judge * Spring Nationals Major Results * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1976
Volume 47 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Roshomon by Frank Vine * Plagiarizing the Editor by George A.W. Boehm * Who Killed Elwell? by Robert Darvas and Geza Ottlik * The Fish That Got Away by Ernst T. Theimer * The Way It Is by Geza Ottlik * Later Leads Against Notrump by Journalist * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Sulvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1976
Volume 47 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Later Leads Against Notrump by Journalist * I Was a Winner in a Loser's Game by Orval Swander * What's New in Bridge * How Would You Rule * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1976
Volume 47 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Heavyweight Title--15 Rounds by Edgar Kaplan * Fall Nationals Major Results * The Way It Is by Geza Ottlik * Club Knave by Bob Ewen * Special Prize by Robert Gray * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Bridge World Standard . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1976
Volume 47 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Deep Six * Playoff in Palo Alto by Edgar Kaplan * Adjustments in Journalist Leads by Journalist * Coldbottom on Practical Bridge by Frank Vine * Over My Shoulder by Terence Reese * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1975
Volume 47 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Playoff in Palo Alto by Edgar Kaplan * Lightner Would Be De-Lighted by Max Sapire * The Way It Is by Geza Ottlik * Odd Bridge by Kenneth Lebensold * One Man's Meat by Ernst T. Theimer * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1975
Volume 47 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Way It Is by Geza Ottlik * A Pipe Dream? by Barnet J. Shenkin * Archie's Bridge Lecture by Ernst T. Theimer * What's New in Bridge * The Negative Redouble by David J. Weiss * Gadgets for the Forcing Club Set by Orval Swander * Forcing Major Raises by Marshall Miles * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Kantar-for . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1975
Volume 47 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Miami Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * A Few Secondary Squeezes by Henry H. Rich * Over My Shoulder by Terence Reese * You Be The Judge * What's New in Bridge * A Disciplined Diamond by L.S. Torkelson * Constructive Two-Bids by Lynn Harris * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1975
Volume 46 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The '75 European Championship * Brighton Belles by Terence Reese * European Tournament by Steen Muller * Autumn Quiz by H.W. Kelsey * Without a Flicker by Peter Gould * Caribbean Championship by D.A. Berah * Huctuating Odds by Edgar Kaplan * Over My Shoulder by Terence Reese * Summer Nationals Major Results * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Puzzle Corner * Test Your Play . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1975
Volume 46 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Deceptive Defense by Kenneth Lebensold * Guys and the Doll by John Wignall * How Would You Rule * Bridge Movie * The Man From Mars by Jeff Rubens * Over My Shoulder by Terence Reese * The Fatal Question by Ernst Thcimer * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1975
Volume 46 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Aloha'Vand'erbilt, II Edgar Kaplan * What's New In Bridge: * Idak and Wonder Bids by Robert Crossley * The 75 Sunday Times Pairs: * Temporary Glory by Alan Sontag * Fantastic! by Peter Weichsel * A Sunday Times Dream by Sam Leckie * Some Sunday Times Deals by Derek Rimington * How Would You Rule * Do You Lead Trumps? by Petcr Pigot * A Short But Subtle Quiz by Jim Stein * Over My . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1975
Volume 46 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Aloha Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * Major Results Spring Nationals * Deuces Wild by Jeff Rubens * The Way It Is by Geza Ottlik * Fire! by Robert Gray * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1975
Volume 46 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Another Story by Jean Besse * The Super Bowl, III by Edgar Kaplan * The Way It Is by Geza Ottlik * Bridge Movie * World War, III by Edgar Kaplan * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Bridge World Standard * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1975
Volume 46 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * World War, II by Edgar Kaplan * Photographs by Betty Lipton * The Way It Is by Geza Ottlik * The Super Bowl, II by Edgar Kaplan * You Be The Judge * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1975
Volume 46 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Super Bowl by Edgar Kaplan * What's New in Bridge * World War by Edgar Kaplan * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bidding Contest * Bits and Pieces * Bidding Contest * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Bridge World Standard . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1975
Volume 46 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Wild Nights on the Lido by Michael Ledeen * Andy and the Queen of Hades by Ernst T. Theimer * SUPERCONFI by Dr. George Rosenkranz * Over My Shoulder by Terence Reese * Bidding Contest * Bridge Movie * Kantar far the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Bidding Contest * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1975
Volume 46 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The European Championship by Tannah Hirsch * Busy Bidder: Barry Crane by Ron Garber * CONFI by Dr. George Rosenkranz * Fall Nationals Major Results * Queens by Robert Gray * Over My Shoulder by Terence Reese * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Patti Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Cl . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1974
Volume 46 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Capital Playoff, II by Edgar Kaplan * Four New Books * Controls in Balanced Hands by Dr. George Rosenkranz * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1974
Volume 46 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Capital Playoff by Edgar Kaplan * Three Notrump? by Edwin B. Kantar * Ace, King, Queen, Jack by Robert Gray * The Ultimate Vision by David Lee Powell * Over My Shoulder by Terence Reese * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1974
Volume 46 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Spingold '74 Final by Edgar Kaplan * The Two Red Aces by Robert Gray * You Be The Judge * Over My Head by John Swanson * Which Is Which? by Fred L. Karpin * Challenge the Champs * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1974
Volume 45 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Spingold Seventy-Four by Edgar Kaplan * Major ResuIts of Summer Nationals * You Be The Judge by Frank Vine * Bermuda Bowl Final, III by Edgar Kaplan * Over My Shoulder by Terence Reese * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1974
Volume 45 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * How I Won the Venice Trophy by Alan Truscott * Bermuda Bowl Final, II by Edgar Kaplan * Over My Shoulder by Terence Reese * The Montreal Relay by Eric Kokish * How Would You Rule * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Apr * Master Solvers' Forum * Kantar for the Defense . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1974
Volume 45 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Results of the World's Championships * Bermuda Bowl Final by Edgar Kaplan * The Olympiad Open Pairs by Albert Dormer * Over My Shoulder by Terence Reese * How Would You Rule * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1974
Volume 45 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Vancouver Vanderbilt, II by Edgar Kaplan * Archie and the Bridge Machines by Ernst Theimer * Over My Shoulder by Terence Reese * Hero Story by Orval Swander * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1974
Volume 45 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Vancouver Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * Major Results Spring Nationals * Short, Anyway by Edwin B. Kantar * The Way It is by Geza Ottlik * Over My Shoulder by Terence Reese * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1974
Volume 45 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * R*A*T*S by Betty Kaplan * A Simple Suit Combination by Charles Blair * The Way It Is by Geza Ottlik * Over My Shoulder by Terence Reese * for 73 * You Be The Judge * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Kantar for the Defense . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1974
Volume 45 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Sunday Times Pairs by Sam Leckie * Over My Shoulder by Terence Reese * The Way It Is by Geza Ottlik * The Curse of the Blue Team by Frank Vine * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Forum * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1974
Volume 45 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Way It Is by Geza Ottlik * How Would You Rule * Fall Nationals Major Results * We Are Still Pursuing by Terence Reeseand Albert Dormer * The Eight of Clubs by Peter Weichsel * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Puzzle Corner Solution * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1974
Volume 45 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Playoff Final by Edgar KapIan * Vine's Theorem Extrapolated by Dave Phelps * What's New in Bridge * How Would You Rule * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Puzzle Corner * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1973
Volume 45 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Playoff Semi-Finals by Edgar Kaplan * The Pause That Refreshes by Stephen White * The Ace of Spades Woman by Robert Gray * You Be The Judge * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1973
Volume 45 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Italy Wins '73 European * When the Breaks Are Bad by H, W, Kelsey * The Huddlers Strike Back by Frank Vine * The Gold Cup by Sam Leckie * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Puzzle Corner * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1973
Volume 45 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Precision Meets Precision by Gabriel Chagas * The Spy Who Did No Wrong by Ernst T. Theimer * The Deep Nine by Edgar Kaplan * Captain-Crew by Laura Jane and Ed Gordy * How Would You Rule * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1973
Volume 44 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Spingold '73 by Edgar Kaplan * What's New in Bridge * Major Results, Summer Nationals * Brazil Journal, III by Jeff Rubens * Test Your Play by Paul Lucaks * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Bridge World Standard * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1973
Volume 44 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Bridge Is a Separatist Game by Frank Vine * Brazil Jourual, II by Jeff Rubens * You Be The Judge * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bridge Movie * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1973
Volume 44 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Aces Trumped by Alfred P. Sheinwold * A Slam to Remember by Robert Gray * Brazil Jourual by Jeff Rubens * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Bits and Pieces * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1973
Volume 44 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * In Spa, Spades Spell Pique by Alan Truscott * The Grosvenor Gambit by Frederick B. Turner * Partner! by Ernest Gruenfeld and Robert B. Ewen * How Would You Rule * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Bridge World Standard . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1973
Volume 44 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Pros and Contracts by Edgar Kaplan * The Inverse Square Theory of Relatives by Norman Jacobowitz * Unusual Finesses by Ricardo Maria Argerich * Major Results Spring Nationals * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1973
Volume 44 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Sunday Times Pairs by Sam Leckie * Cornelius Coldbottom on Coming From Behind by Frank Vine * A Short Quiz by Marshall Miles * Andy and the Undercover Man by Ernst T. Theimer * You Be The Judge * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Puzzle Corner * Kantar for the Defense * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Clu . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1973
Volume 44 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Those Coups by Robert Gray * Big Time Bridge by George A.W. Boehm * Seven Against Thebes by Jeff Rubens * What's New in Bridge * 72 * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1973
Volume 44 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Precision in South America by Gabriel Chagas * Athletes as Bridge Players by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Bridge Players as Athletes by Frederick B. Turner * Nine--X False Cards by John Boeder * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bridge Movie * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1973
Volume 44 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * International Playoff Final by Jeff Rubens * The Alcatraz Coup by Kit Woolsey * The Reisinger by Edwin B. Kantar * Fall Nationals Major Results * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Forum * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1972
Volume 44 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Shell Game by Jeff Rubens * European Junior Championship by Philip Alder * You Be The Judge * Polish Precision by Carole and Jim Gobert * How Would You Rule * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Puzzle Corner * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1972
Volume 44 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Playoff Semi-Finals by Jeff Rubensand Edgar Kaplan * The Annual Bridge Awards by Frank Vine * The Fatal Commitment by Jeff Isralsky * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1972
Volume 44 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Mile-High Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * Summer Nationals Major Results * The Olympiad as Theatre by Michael Ledeen * How Would You Rule * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1972
Volume 43 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Miami Summit, H by Edgar Kaplan * Photos by Betty Lipton * The Mixed-Up Pairs by Matthew Granovetter * Olympiad Semi-Finals by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Bridge World Standard . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1972
Volume 43 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Miami Summit by Edgar Kaplan * You Be The Judge * Round Thirty-Nine by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1972
Volume 43 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Wodd Mixed Teams by Edgar Kaplan * Summer Quiz by H. W. Kelsey * Solomon's Judgment * What's New in Bridge * Personality and Duplicate Bridge by Seymour F. Kuvin. M.D * Rate Your Own Game * Kantar for the Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Challenge the Champs * Bits and Pieces * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1972
Volume 43 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * '72 Vanderbilt--the Final by Edgar Kaplan * The Taming of the West by Sam Leckie * Something to Think About by Edwin B. Kantar * The Three Questions by Jean Besse * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Post-Mortem * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Masters Solvers' Forum . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1972
Volume 43 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Major Results Spring Nationals * The 72 Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * Andy and the Barn Door by Ernst Theimer * for 71 * What's New in Bridge * How Would You Rule * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1972
Volume 43 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Case Against Alerting by Frank Vine * Las Vegas Blues, H by Edgar Kaplan * The Terrible Ten by Terence Reese * You Be The Judge * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club * Puzzle Corner . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1972
Volume 43 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Las Vegas Blues by Edgar Kaplan * The 71 European Championships, H by Robert Stucker. * I'm in Great Form, Partner by Gabriel Chagas * Bridge Movie * Bits and Pieces * Pro and Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1972
Volume 43 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Major Results Fall Nationals * Blue Team Quiz by Jose Le Dentu * Four-Tricker by Jeff Rubens * The 71 European Championships by Robert Stucker * How Would You Rule * Test Your Play by Paul Lukas * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1972
Volume 43 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Playoff Final by Edgar Kaplan * Top Secret by Jess B. Cohen * Sep Mourn by Ronald M. Blau * Shuffling Quiz * How Would You Rule * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1971
Volume 43 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Playoff Semi-Final by Edgar Kaplan * Photographs by Tom Griffin * Last Board by Ron Klinger * You Be The Judge * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1971
Volume 43 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The '71 Spingold Final by Edgar Kaplan * Only the Enemy Will Believe Your Lies by Jack Nessel * Taiwan L.O.L. by Eugenie Mathe * Around the World With Precision by Dorothy Hayden * Rate Your Own Game * Puzzle Corner * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1971
Volume 43 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The 71 Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * He Who Hesitates by Terence Reese * The Slams of Taiwan, II by Jeff Rubens * Summer Nationals Major Results * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Master Solvers' Forum * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1971
Volume 42 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Slams of Taiwan by Jeff Rubens * Bowl Game * Aces Up, II by Edgar Kaplan * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1971
Volume 42 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Aces Up by Edgar Kaplan * You Be The Judge * Cornelius Coldbottom on Deception by Frank Vine . * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1971
Volume 42 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * A Gift From China by Thomas M. Smith * Three Strikes and Down by Frederick B. Turner * When Greek Meets Greek by H.W. Kelsey * We Really Should Have Won by Mary I. Nees * The Immediate Jump Shift by Carl F. Cronemiller, Jr * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play by Pa . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1971
Volume 42 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The 70 Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * Major Results Spring Nationals * The French Menace in Taipei by Jose LeDentu * Sound Bidding by Jeff Rubens * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bridge Movies * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1971
Volume 42 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * How Would You Have Fared atfair? * Blue Murder by Terence Rcese * Long or Short? by Dr. George Rosenkranz * Bridge Behind Bars by Orval Swander * for 70 * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1971
Volume 42 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Number Quiz * You Be The Judge * Defense Is Not All Guesswork by Kai A. Larsen * The Bridge Columnist by Norman Jacobowitz * Filling a Gap, II by Edwin B. Kantar * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1971
Volume 42 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Filling a Gap by Edwin B. Kantar * How I Discovered the Secret of the Blue Team by Frank Vine * Repeat Performance by Michael Ledeen * The South American Championships by Gabriel Chagas * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Rate Your Own Game * Challenge the Champs * Puzzle Corner * Master Solvers' Club * Nov . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1971
Volume 42 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Three by Four by Edgar Kaplan * Major Results Fall Nationals * Take Your Time by Jeff Rubens * The Australian Trials by Denis Howard * The 70 World Bidding Contest * Better Late Than Never * Rate Your Own Game * Bits and Pieces * Bidding Contest * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Master Solvers' Forum * Post-Mortem * Bidding Contest . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1971
Volume 42 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * International Playoff Final by Edgar Kaplan * Photographs by Tom Griffin * The Threepenny Opera by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Kibitzing * The 70 European Championship * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem * Bridge Movies * Master Solvers' Forum * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1970
Volume 42 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Four Americans in Deauville by Jose Le Dentu * International Team Playoff, II by Edgar Kaplan * Photographs by Tom Griffin * lebensohl, II by George Boehm * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1970
Volume 42 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * International Team Playoff by Edgar Kaplan * Photographs by Tom Griffin * lebensohl by George Boehm * Andy and the King of Hades by Ernst Theimer * Regrettable Leads by Peter Pigot * Rate Your Own Game * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Pro et Conlra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1970
Volume 42 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Seven Spingold Slams * The 70 Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * Photographs by Tom Griffin * Summer Nationals Major Results * Diamonds by Moneybags * The 70 World Pairs, II by Edwin B. Kantar * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Bridge World Standard * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1970
Volume 41 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * World Pairs Quiz * The 70 Wodd Pairs Championship by Edwin B. Kantar * Stockholm Diary, II by Edgar Kaplan * Rate Your Own Game * Bridge Movies * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1970
Volume 41 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Stockholm Diary by Edgar Kaplan * Upside-Down Signals by Journalist * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1970
Volume 41 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Rate Your Own Game., * How I Abolished the Rule of Restricted * Choice by Frank Vine * Gullible's Travails by Ernst Theimer * Bridgetie by Waldemar yon Zedtwitz * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Puzzle Corner * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum * Bridge Movies * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1970
Volume 41 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * To Bid or Not to Bid * The Vanderbilt Finals by Edgar Kaplan * Photographs by Alex Danilenko, Jr. * Major Results, Spring Nationals * Weekend Players by Richard L. Frey * New-Suit Bids Over Takeout Doubles by Jeff Rubens * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1970
Volume 41 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Fan-Safe by H W. Kelsey * How I Challenged the Champs and Made Them Cry by Frank Vine * Cover an Honor by Robert Ewen * What's New in Bridge * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Puzzle Corner * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bridge Movies * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Master Solvers' Forum * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1970
Volume 41 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Odd Leads From Length by Journalist * Test Your Slam Judgment * Twenty-Six Slams by Edgar Kaplan * It's All in the Game by Jeff Rubens * for 1969 * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1970
Volume 41 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Under the Bright Lights * Oh Me! Oh My! Omar! by Terence Reese * A Record, I Think by Edwin B. Kantar * Andy and the Flying Saucer by Ernst Theimer * Bidding Contest * Bidding Contest * Puzzle Corner * Bits and Pieces * Test Your Play by Paul Lukacs * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1969
Volume 41 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Playoff Quiz * International Playoff by Edgar Kaplan * Second Hand Low by Bob Ewen * Pin Money by Terence Reese * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Book Review * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1969
Volume 41 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Italy Again! by Paolo Frendo and Mike Ledeen * Clubs and Diamonds by Jess B. Cohen * Ten Imps by Edwin B. Kantar * Bridge on the Moon by Jeff Rubens * Visual Problems of Playing Bridge by James R. Gregg, O.D * Test Your Play * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1969
Volume 41 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Moot Question * The 1969 Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * Helen Takes a Hand by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Jackie Plays 'the System,' by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem * Test Your Play . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1969
Volume 40 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Third Hand High by Bob Ewen * Five Aces by Jeff Rubens * 100 Honors * Disaster in Rio, III by Edgar Kaplan * World Bidding Contest * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem * Test Your Play . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1969
Volume 40 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Dirty Dozen * Disaster in Rio, II by Edgar Kaplan * World Bidding Contest * Social Climber by Sam A. Smith * Bridge World Standard, XIX * Four Notrump Revisited, II by Jeff Rubens * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1969
Volume 40 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Bermuda Bowl Quizzes * Disaster in Rio by Edgar Kaplan * David and Goliath by Alan Truscott * Four Notrump Revisited by Jeff Rubens * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1969
Volume 40 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Law of Total Tricks by Jean-Rene Vernes * The 1969 Vanderbilt, II * What's New in Bridge: Trump Asking Bids by Daniel S. L. Wang * The wild, wild West by Olle Holmgren * World Bidding Contest, II * Bridge World Standard, XVIII * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem * Test Your Play . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1969
Volume 40 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Twenty Questions * The 1969 Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * Major Results--Spring Nationals * World Bidding Contest * Book Reviews * Test Your Play * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem * Fast Hands for Jun . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1969
Volume 40 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The French Team for Rio by Jose Le Dentu * High Season by Terence Reese * Set Game by Mike Ledeen * To Chase a Dream by Dorothy Hayden * Mayhem atfair by Alvin L. Roth * Puzzle Corner * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem * Test Your Play . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1969
Volume 40 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * In-and-Out Valuation by Jeff Rubens * First Blow by Terence Reese * CoBege Bridge in the Crystal Ball by Aug Boehm * The Ladies' Far East Championship by Carmen Tuason La Guardia * Nocturne by Frederick B. Turner * Chance of a "Lifetime" Contest Results * Balancing in Fourth Seat by Edgar Kaplan * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1969
Volume 40 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Fall Nationals by Jeff Rubens * Major Results, Fall Nationals * Last Chance Quiz * The Last Trials, II by Edgar Kaplan * The Computer and I by Dorothy Hayden * Hand of the Year: A Hog's-Eye View by Victor Mollo * Bridge World Standard, XVII * Puzzle Corner * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Test Your Play * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1969
Volume 40 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Last Chance Quiz * The Last Trials, I by Edgar Kaplan * Homicide Squeezes by Geza Ottlik * The Coup of Angels by Jeff Rubens * Test Your Play * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club * Post-Mortem . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1968
Volume 40 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Andy and the Red King by Ernst Theimer * The Omar Sharif Bridge Circus Tour 68 by Giorgio Belladonna * The Wickle-Jar Pinlde by Jeff Rubens * Mystery and Imagination by M. Harrison-Gray * Chance of a "Lifetime." Contest * Bridge World Standard * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1968
Volume 40 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Grazie, Julius by Pietro Forquet * Distributional Considerations by Marshall Miles * The Philosophy of American Slam Bidding, II by Ed Manfield * The Deauville Tournament by Terence Reese * The Roth Point-Count by Alvin Roth and Jeff Rubens * Chance of a "Lifetime" Contest * Sophisticated Sequence * Three New Books * Bridge World Standard Poll 3-A * Challenge the Champs * Master Solve . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1968
Volume 40 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The 1968 Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * Major Results--Summer Nationals * The Circus' American Tour * Seeing is Believing by Fred L. Karpin * The Philosophy of American Slam Bidding by Ed Manfield * Daddy, How Do You Write a Bridge Column? by Norman Jacobowitz * Morning Glory by Terence Reese * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1968
Volume 39 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Women's Olympiad by Dorothy Hayden * Yells that Got Yelled by Experts by Barbara Kachmar. * Italy Does It Again, II by Tony Trad * Olympiad Diary, II by Edgar Kaplan * The Aces by Monroe Ingberman * Bridge World Standard, XVI * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1968
Volume 39 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Italy Does It Again by Tony Trad * Olympiad Results * The Olympic Champions * Olympic Diary by Edgar Kaplan * Book Reviews * Andy and the Red Queen, II by Ernst Theimer * The Five-Card Fit by Don Guerin * The New Frontier by Jeff Rubens * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1968
Volume 39 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Amly and the Red Queen by Ernst Theimer * The 1968 Italian Championship by Pietro Forquet . * Bridge World Standard, XV * Expert Defense by J. R. Wignail * Modern Informatory Doubles by Jeff Rubens * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1968
Volume 39 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Vanderbilt Quiz * The U.S. Team in the Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * Informatory Doubles by Jeff Rubens * The French Trials by Jose Le Dentu * Project Handieap, II by Victor Mollo * The Women's Trials by Betty Kaplan * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1968
Volume 39 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Springtime in New York by Jeff Rubens * Major Results Spring Nationals * Play with an Expert Quiz * Project Handicap by Victor Mollo * Book Reviews * The Man in Charge by Terence Reeseand Albert Dormer * Bridge Wodd Standard, XIV * Missed Opportunities by Jack Kroes * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1968
Volume 39 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * North American Scrimmage by Alfred P. Sheinwold * The Six-Shooter, the Periscope., and the Oddball by Terence Reeseand * Albert Dormer * A Bridge Safafi by Peter Pender * The Omar Sharif Bridge Circus in Holland by Leon Yallouze and Claude * Delmouly * Continuous Performance by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge Word Puzzle by Bob Ewen * Bridge World Standard, XIII: Responding to Weak Two-Bids * B . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1968
Volume 39 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Win-A-Partner Contest * The Far Eastern Championship by Pietro Forquet * Echoes from the Far East by Jose J. Reyes * Test Your Play by Edwin B. Kantar * What's New in Bridge: A New Lead-Director by Sidney Mandell * Bridge World Standard, XII * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Puzzle Corner * Bits and Pieces * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1968
Volume 39 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Way Down South in the Land of Cotton by Tannah Hirsch * Major Results, Fall Nationals * The Moysian Fit, V by Jeff Rubens * The Best Hands of 1967 by Jose Le Dentu * Bridge World Standard, XI * Bits and Pieces * Puzzle Comer * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Challenge the Champs * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1968
Volume 39 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Win-A-Partner Contest * What's New In Bridge: the Negative Free Bid by Allen Van Gelder * European Championship Quiz * The 1967 European Championship * A Little Learning by Terence Reese * A Quiz for Partner by Marshall Miles * The Moysian Fit, IV by Jeff Rubens * Bridge World Standard, X * Challenge the Champs * Bits and Pieces * Puzzle Comer * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jaeoby * Master . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1967
Volume 39 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Quest by Geza Ottlik * Trials Quiz * Trials and Errors by Edgar Kaplan * Bridge Word Puzzle by Bob Ewen * Bridge World Standard, IX * Challenge the Champs * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1967
Volume 39 Number 2

Price: $5.00

The 1967 Spingold, II by Edgar Kaplan * The Canadian Open Trials by Sammy Kehela * An Evening in Rome by Michael Ledeen * An International Quiz by Peter Boender * Diamonds for Mrs. Huslebush by Jack Kroes * Bridge World Standard, VIII * Book Reviews * Challenge the Champs * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1967
Volume 39 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The 1967 Spingold by Edgar Kaplan * Summer Nationals Major Results * Examples from Expo-Land by Tannab Hirsch * Rubber Bridge Tournaments by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Test Your Play by Edwin B. Kantar * The Hideous Hog Visits the States by Victor Mollo * The Tournament of Champions by Harold Franklin * Bridge World Standard, VII * Bridge WorId Standard Poll 2-B * Challenge the Champs * Pr . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1967
Volume 38 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The World Championship Finals, II by Monroe Ingberman * World Championship Diary, III by Jeff Rubens * Extracting the Sting by Terence Reese * The Expert Touch by Bob Ewen * Bridge World Standard, VI * Bridge World Standard Poll 2-A * Book Review * Challenge the Champs * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Master Solvers' Club . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1967
Volume 38 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The World Championship Finals by Monroe Ingberman * World Championship Diary, II by Jeff Rubens * Problems of Coexistence by Terence Reese * Bridge World Standard, V * We Don't Use Blackwood by Carl Brett * Challenge the Champs * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Master Solvers' Club by Alan Truscott . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1967
Volume 38 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Editorial * World Championship Diary by Jeff Rubens * What's New with Roth by Al Roth * Bridge World Standard Poll 1-D * Bridge World Standard, IV * Never Put Off to Tomorrow by Jeff Rubens * Challenge the Champs * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Master Solvers' Club by Alfred P. Sheinwold . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1967
Volume 38 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The 1967 Vanderbilt by Edgar Kaplan * The Most Beautiful Hands of the Year by Jose Le Dentu * Book Review * The West Coast Invitational Trials by Edwin B. Kantar * Bridge World Standard, III * Challenge the Champs * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Master Solvers' Club by Howard Schenken . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1967
Volume 38 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Spring Nationals by Edgar Kaplan * Major Results--Spring Nationals * Spring Fancies by Maury Genud * Bridge World Standard, II * Down the Rabbit Hole by Jeff Rubens * Challenge the Champs * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Master Solvers' Club by Alphonse Moyse Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1967
Volume 38 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Editorial * World Championship Quiz * Bridge World Standard * The Sunday Times Invitation Pairs by Harold Franklin * Europe's Most Exclusive Tournament by Victor Mollo * The Riviera Tournament by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Clubs by Moneybags * The Moysian Fit III by Jeff Rubens * Snowbound by Betty Kaplan * The Biter Bit by Jack Kroes * Challenge the Champs * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1967
Volume 38 Number 6

Price: $5.00

Editorial * Step Responses to Forcing Opening Bids by Journalist * Slam Bidding in the Trials by Ron Garber * Pittsburgh Problems by Edwin B. Kantar * The Fall Nationals, II by John Lowenthal * The Moysian Fit, II by Jeff Rubens. * Challenge the Champs Schenken-Leventritt vs. Flint-Pender * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Master Solvers' Club by Alfred P. Sheinwold . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1967
Volume 38 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Fall Nations by John Lowenthal * Major Results--Fall Nationals * Teachers Talk Quiz * The Moysian Fit by Jeff Rubens * Trials Quiz * Trials Diary by Edgar Kaplan * Oh, That Lead by D.A. Berah * Teachers Talk featuring Charles Solomon and William Root * Challenge the Champs Schenken-Leventfitt vs. Jordan-Robinson * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Master Solvers' . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1967
Volume 38 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Editorial * The Foster-Bourne Report * Why We Won by Terence Reese * Clouds of Witness by Alan Truscott * Trials Quiz * Trials Diary by Edgar Kaplan * Challenge the Champs Roth-Root vs. Schenken-Leventritt * Pro et Contra by Oswald Jacoby * Bits and Pieces * Master Solvers' Club by Alphonse Moyse Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1966
Volume 38 Number 3

Price: $5.00

The Great Las Vegas Tournament by Airred Sheinwold * Challenge the Champs, A New Feature * Potpourri by Brooks Hughes * A Bas les Femmes by David H. Lang * Do You Really Think? by Dorothy Hayden * The Red Herring Queen by Lee Hazen * The Roman Club System by Jason H. Floyd * Judy over Notrump by Jean Dryer * Bits and Pieces * Master Solvers' Club by Alphonse Moyse Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1966
Volume 38 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Albert H. Morehead: 1909-1966 * Acol, Anyone? by Edgar Kaplan * A Westerner Picks the Trials by Ron Garber * Teat Your Play by Marshall Miles * Trump Opening Leads by Alfred Shemwold * Vive la France! by Edwin B. Kantar * Bits and Pieces * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Master Solvers' Club by Alphonse Moyse Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1966
Volume 38 Number 1

Price: $5.00

The 1966 Summer Nationals by Fred L. Karpin * The Spingold Finals by Tannah Hirsch * The Intercity Match by Monroe Ingberman * Journalist Leads by Journalist * Which Side Do You Take? by Dr. Andrew Diosy * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1966
Volume 37 Number 12

Price: $5.00

Ups and Downs in St. Vincent, II by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Deceptive Defensive Hold-Ups by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Extracurncular Activities of Los Angeles Bridge Week by Ron Garber * Hands from Here and There by Frederick B. Turner * Progress! by Marshall Miles * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1966
Volume 37 Number 11

Price: $5.00

World Pairs at Amsterdam by Tannab Hirsch * North American Slam Bidding in St. Vincent by David A. Berah * Into Each Life by George T. Lay * Interesting Hands from Bridge Week by Max Hardy * That "Idle" Fifth Card by Jean Besse * The Superior Third-Best Lead by James S. Kauder * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1966
Volume 37 Number 10

Price: $5.00

North America vs. Italy, the Early Rounds by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Ups and Downs in St. Vincent by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * That's How the Ravioli Ravels by Eugenic Mathe * Is the Weak-Two Too Weak? by Tannah Hirsch * Hold that Limit Raise by Jeff Rubens * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1966
Volume 37 Number 9

Price: $5.00

The 1966 Vanderbilt by Alfred Shcinwold * Some Chuckles from Louisville by Barbara Kachmar * The National Open Pairs by John Lowenthal * That Tragic Day by Michael H. Agranoff * Oddities from the Nationals by Maury Genud * Baltimore Chicago by David P. Barrett * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1966
Volume 37 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Is This Game for Red? by Edwin B. Kantar * The World's Worst Bidders by M. Harrison-Gray * Bridge Travels by Dr. Julius Smith * The New England Knockouts by John Lowenthal * Coupe in Tel Aviv by Tannab Hirsch * The Westwood Sectional by Ron Garber * The Riviera Masters by Max Hardy * Partner vs. Kandler by Jerene Cline * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1966
Volume 37 Number 5

Price: $5.00

The San Francisco Open Pairs by Frederick B. Turner * Final Year for the Blue Team by Carl Alberto Perroux, translated by * Salvatore Ramondino * The International Team Trials by Maury Genud * Walter Mitty and the Old Maid by Brooks Hughes * Slam Bidding in South America by D.A. Berah * The 1965 Far East Championships by Thomas D. Butcher * Defense Against Notrump, III by Robert Conot * Bits and . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1966
Volume 37 Number 4

Price: $5.00

The San Francisco Trials by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * American Standard in the Trials by John Lowenthal * Brief Review between Sessions by Marshall Miles * How I Came Out Eighteenth and Eighteenth in San Francisco by Barbara Kachmar * Ideas, Ideas! by Edwin B. Kantar * The Court of Uncommon Plays by M. Bernard Goetz * Defense against Notrump, II by Robert Conot * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Ma . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1965
Volume 37 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Proposed Modifications Of the Schenken System by Marshall Miles * The Mistress Solvers' Club by Barbara Kachmar * The European Bridge Championships by Harold Franklin * Cue-Bidding Below the Notrump Game-Level by William R. Becket * Defense Against Notrump by Robert Conot * Mismanagement At the Union by Bob Ewen * It's Really A Simple Game, Says My Friend Joe by F. Lester Simon * Dig That Crazy C . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1965
Volume 37 Number 1

Price: $5.00

The Summer Nationals by Fred L. Karpin * The Case For Reese and Schapiro by Rixi Markus * Hands From Chicago by Marshall Miles * Canape: Panacea For Bidding Ills by Les Atchley * Deauville-The Tournament Of Champions by Harold Franklin * America vs. Italy, the Last Day by Alan Truscott * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1965
Volume 36 Number 12

Price: $5.00

A Jam Session by Sam Fry, Jr * The Moment Of Truth by Brooks Hughes * My Father's Son, the Bridge Teacher by Edwin B. Kantar * The Bixby Cup by Robert Conot * Trials For Europe by Tannah Hirsch * The Clem Buser Coup by Robert Stucker * The Charmer In the Del by Daniel R. Howe * North America vs. Italy, the Second Day by Alan Truscott * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by Alphon . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1965
Volume 36 Number 10

Price: $5.00

The Scandal In Buenos Aires by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * The Case Against Reese and Schapiro * Random Deals From Buenos Aires by Richard L. Frey * Sidelights On the 1965 World Championship by Arturo F. Jaques * Dear Mr. Moyse by Barbara Kachmar * Test Your Defense by Robert Conot * This Is Bridge? by R. Fred Canaday * The 1965 Intercollegiates: II by William Root, by Lawrence Roslerand by Jeff Rubens . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1965
Volume 36 Number 9

Price: $5.00

"What Happened?" by Terence Reese * The 1965 Intercollegiates by William Root, by Lawrence Roslerand by Jeff Rubens * Little Lil's Five Questions by Dr. Julius Smith * A Rebuttal by Monroe Ingberman * How Some Big Ones Get Away by Jose J. Reyes and Vicente Reyes * The Functioning Of the Expert Mind by Fred L. Karpin * I Was A Loser In A Winners' Game by Orval Swander * Losers' Report From Clevela . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1965
Volume 36 Number 6

Price: $5.00

The Scientists Win by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Science On the Upgrade by Alan Truscott * Observations by Players, Team Captains and Committeemen After the Match * The British Selection Trials by Harold Franklin * Ruffs-'N-Sluffs by Brooks Hughes * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1964
Volume 36 Number 3

Price: $5.00

The Second Bridge Battle Of the Century, * "Scientists" Vs. "Traditionalists" * The Difference, A New Kind Of Quiz by Edwin B. Kantar. * Conquest Of the Regency by Marshall Miles * Part-Score Bidding by Dorothy Hayden * George Meets Cyborg by Fred L. Karpin * Fools Rush In by Eric Crowhurst * A Bermuda Holiday by Dorsey W. Brooks * Common Errors In Bidding and Play by F. Lester Simon * Bits and P . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1964
Volume 36 Number 2

Price: $5.00

"How Did We Get There?" by Frank K. Perkins * Cyborg Meets George by Barbara Kachmar * Average-plus Can't Win by Frederick B. Turner * Yarn From the Distaff by Eugenie Mathe * Saving Partner by Terence Reese * Who Stole the Seat Of Our Pants? by Andrew Gabrilovitch * Information Pleases by Fred L. Karpin * Stacoby Over Notrump by Paul F. Zweifel * Jackie Takes Over by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Some Th . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1964
Volume 36 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Ask Me, Partner! by Edwin B. Kantar * The Devil and Daniel Webster by Robert Conot * The Mysteries Of Probabilities by M. Bernhard Goetz * Crybaby by James M. Leonard * Some Believe-it-or-nots by Albert H. Morehead * The Redouble: A New Look At An Old Call by Jack Marsch * What Price Master Points? by Audrey H. Thomas * Enjoying the Olympiad: II by Jeff Rubens * A Shoulder To Cry On by by Fred L. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1964
Volume 35 Number 12

Price: $5.00

The Summer Nationals by Fred L. Karpin * Leading Questions by Terence Reese * Cyborg and I by Barbara Kachmar * Enjoying the Olympiad by Jeff Rubens * What's It Like To Be Married To A Bridge Expert? by Mabel Frey * Afterthoughts On the Olympiad by Jean Besse * Tournament Of Champions At Deauville by Harold Franklin * The Club Convention System Of Bidding At Contract Bridge by Harold S. * Vanderb . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1964
Volume 35 Number 11

Price: $5.00

Seven Problems Of Play by Marshall Miles * What's the Point? by Robert Conot * The Black Spades by Prof. Nathan Divinsky * The Columnist Reports To the President by Daniel R. Howe . * Choosing the Trump Snit by Albert H. Morehead * The Trial Of the Solvers' Club Director by Bob Ewen * Israel's Olympiad Debut by Tannah Hirsch * Par Bridge, Present and Future by Sanford Wagner * First the Whisper, . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1964
Volume 35 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Defense In the Olympiad by B. Jay Becker * Edgar, Betty and I by Barbara Kachmar * Cutting the Communications by Robert Conot * Low Leads Vs. High by Dr. Jay Etkin * A Shoulder To Cry On by Fred L. Karpin * A Game With Marty by Brooks Hughes * The Shorts Fight Back by Edwin B. Kantar * Slam Bidding In the Trials, Conclusion by Edgar Kaplan * A Quiet Evening At Home by Elaine Needel * Little Lil a . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1964
Volume 35 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Little Lil and the Big Boys by Dr. Julius Smith * The Long and Short Of It by Journalist * The Oregon Trail by Robert Hamman * Maximal Expectation by John A. Tierney * Bidding Over A Takeout Double by Theodore A. Lightner . * Master Points--the Vices and Virtues, * by the Rev. Alien Hollis * Test Your Play by Edwin B. Kantar * Slam Bidding In the Trials: II by Edgar Kaplan * Pro et Contra by Char . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1964
Volume 35 Number 7

Price: $5.00

Slam Bidding In the Trials by Edgar Kaplan * The Vanderbilt Cup Tournament by Dorothy Hayden * A Leading Question by Frank K. Perkins * The Keafles and I by Barbara Kachmar * More Slams On Fewer Points by George Rosenkranz * Slow Play and Ethics by Kenneth Konstam * The First Board by Edwin B. Kantar * A Shoulder To Cry On by Fred L. Karpin * Those Individual Blues by David H. Lang * Pro et Contr . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1964
Volume 35 Number 6

Price: $5.00

First Three Members Elected To Bridge Hall Of Fame * Four Spade-five Heart Dilemma by Edwin B. Kantar * The Stumblebum by Sidney S. Lenz * Handling the Dummy by Frederick B. Turner * Mrs. Ample's Sneeze by Dorothy Hayden * A Shoulder To Cry On by Fred L. Karpin * The 1964 World Bridge Olympiad, Previewed by Sam Keheia * South America In World Competition by Arturo Jaques * Light Opening Bids Revi . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1964
Volume 35 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Rate Your Own Dummy-play by Marshall Miles * A Shoulder To Cry On by Fred L. Karpin * The Proper Care and Feeding Of Trumps by Mike Michaels * A Lesson For the Columnist by Daniel R. Howe * Twenty Years Ago and Now * Industrial Bridge Abroad by Sanford Wagner * Raises Of Opening Forcing Bids by Theodore A. Lightner * Conventions and Systems by Herman Filarski * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1964
Volume 35 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Rate Your Own Game by Edwin B. Kantar * Ethics, Huddles and Protests by Edgar Kapian * The Light-light Opening Bids by Les Atchlev * Old Bids and New by Arturo F. Jaques * Nothing But Notrump by Frederick B. Turner * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1963
Volume 35 Number 3

Price: $5.00

The International Trials by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * A Shoulder To Cry On by Fred L. Karpin * The Nightmare Of Signaling by Theodore A. Lightnet * Overcall Rs. Takeout Double by Mike Michaels * Imp Tactics For Match-point Players: II by Edgar Kaplan * We Never Learn by Frederic M. Wood * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1963
Volume 35 Number 2

Price: $5.00

Imp Tactics For Match-point Players by Edgar Kaplan * Wasted Bids by Marshall Miles * Rehearsal For New York by Terence Reese * The Columnist Receives His A.B. by Daniel R. Howe * Venezuela Wins South American Championship by D. A. Berah * Expert Is As Expert Does by Herbert C. Wilton * The 1963 World Championship: IV by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1963
Volume 35 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Cavendish Team Match by Jeff Rubens and Alan Truscott * Card Combinations by Edwin B. Kantar * Stoney and I by Barbara Kachmar * The 1963 World Championship: III by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * International Team Trials * The "Big Club" System, Reviewed by A.H. Morehead * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1963
Volume 34 Number 12

Price: $5.00

The Summer Nationals by Mike Shutnan * Los Angeles Lulus by Edwin B. Kantar * How the Odds Change by Terence Reese * Luncheon At Willie's by Mike Michaels * The European Championship by Herman Filarski * British Bomb Baden Baden by Rudol/Muhsam * The 1963 World Championship: II by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1963
Volume 34 Number 11

Price: $5.00

The 1963 World Championship by A. Moyse., Jr. * One Murder Is Worth Two Finesses by Bob Ewen and Jeffrubens * Make It Easy For Partner by Marshall Miles * Misadventure In Macao by Jose Le Dentu * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1963
Volume 34 Number 10

Price: $5.00

A Neutral View of the 1963 World Championship by Herman Filarski * To Talk Of Many Things by Fred L. Karpin * Rate Your Own Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * The Aspro Convention by Terence Reese * The Case Of Aspro Vs. Astro by Paul Allinger, Roger Stern and by Lawrence Rosler * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Master Solvers' Club Guest Director, by Alan Truscott . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1963
Volume 34 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Cavendish Team Match by Alan Truscottand by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * A New Cue-Bid by Edwin B. Kantar * Slaughter In Southgate by Frederick B. Turner * The Columnist Plays It Safe by Daniel R. Howe * The World Championships: An Analysis, Part II by Robert Conot * The New Frontier by Lawrence Friedman * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Master Solvers' Club by . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1963
Volume 34 Number 8

Price: $5.00

The Wonderland Individual by Jeff Rubens * The World Championships: An Analysis, Part I by Robert Conot * Small Doubleton by Alan Truscott * The New Wonder Bids by Major L.C. Atchley * "Watson On Play," by C.C. Ramsay, Jr. * The 1963 Intercollegiates, II by Lawrence Rosler * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1963
Volume 34 Number 7

Price: $5.00

The Vanderbilt Finals by Alan Truscott * St. Louis Sidelights by Mike Michaels * Two Hands, As Ordered by Edwin B. Kantar * The 1963 Intercollegiates by Lawrence Rosler * The Landy Convention by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Dorothy and I by Barbara Kachmar * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1963
Volume 34 Number 6

Price: $5.00

And They Shall Follow by Mike Michaels * Variations of the Trump Squeeze by Mike Shuman * The Unfinished Match by Harold B. Guiver * We Raise On Three by Bigelow Orange * Lose To the Honors Doubleton by S. I. Rubinow, * Defensive Downfalls by Frederick B. Turner * The Columnist and A.C. Entwhistle by Daniel R. Howe * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Mast . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1963
Volume 34 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Responding To One Notrump by Sam Fry Jr. * Of Men and Machines by Fred L. Karpin * Skirmishing In Dixie by Tom and Carol Sanders * Are You A Worm? by Alan Truscott * Alvin Roth and I by Barbara Kachmar * First Industrial Par Tournament * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1962
Volume 34 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Rules, Regulations, and Tribulations by Fred L. Karpin * The European Championship by Ewart Kempson * Minneapolis Misfortunes by Edwin B. Kantar * The Philosophy of Limit Bidding: II by Larry Weiss * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1962
Volume 33 Number 10

Price: $5.00

Los Angeles Bridge Week by Mike Shuman * Bridge In Wonderland, Part II by Jeff Rubens * The 1962 World Championship, V by .4. Moyse, Jr. * Common Sense Bidding Over Takeout Double by Sue Camp * "The System" In Action by Edwin B. Kantar * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World June 1962
Volume 33 Number 9

Price: $5.00

Bridge In Wonderland by Jeff Rubens * Toward Better Bridge by Lawrence Rosier and Roger Stern * Candid Shots From Cannes by Tom and Carol Sanders * Watch Your Overcalls In Phoenix by Tony Adler * The 1962 World Championship, IV by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morebead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1962
Volume 33 Number 8

Price: $5.00

Dear Editor by Alan Truscott * Interim Reports On the Olympiad In France by Terence Reese * by Rixi Markus * Test Your Play by Edwin B. Kantar * The 1962 World Championship: III by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1962
Volume 33 Number 6

Price: $5.00

The 1962 World Championship by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * From A Kibitzer's Chair by Oke J. Spendrup * Defense, Unstandardized by Mike Shuman * Let's Keep the Bidding Simple by George A. W. Boehm * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1962
Volume 33 Number 5

Price: $5.00

Jackie the Journalist by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * The Two Notrump Response by Fred L. Karpin * Some Reflections On Third-seat Openings by Mike Shaman * Table Presence, Or the Art Of Being Alert by Mike Michaels * The Lost Art Of Overcalling by Barbara Tepper * Astro Extended by Lawrence Rosler, Roger Stern, and Paul Allinger * One Man's View of the San Francisco Regionals by Harold Simon * Bits and P . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1962
Volume 33 Number 4

Price: $5.00

Rate Your Own Defense by Edwin B. Kantar * Cavendish Cave-Ins, Series IV by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Astro Revisited by Lawrence Rosler, Roger Stern, and Paul Allinger * What Do You Play and Why? by Alvin Roth and Tobias Stone * South American Championships by D. A. Berah * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1961
Volume 32 Number 8

Price: $5.00

The 1961 World Championships: Italy Wins Again by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * The Doctor's Diagnosis by Jeff Rubens * My Favorite Hands From Denver by Marshall Miles * What Do You Play and Why? by Alvin Roth and Tobias Stone * Slam Bidding on Balanced Hands, Chapter 11 by Milton M. Miller * Four Outstanding Books, Reviewed by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by A . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1961
Volume 32 Number 5

Price: $5.00

How's Your Visualization? * The Maximum Guess by Mike Michaels * Key Play by Don Horwitz * What Do You Play and Why? by Alvin Roth and Tobias Stone * Bridge in the Sixties, Part V by Lawrence Roslerand Roger Stern * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1961
Volume 32 Number 4

Price: $5.00

More Cave-ins At the Cavendish by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Froth From the Fall Nationals by Alfred P. Sheinwold * What Do You Play and Why? by Alvin Roth and Tobias Stone * Bridge In the Sixties, Part IV by Lawrence Roslerand Roger Stern * New Defensive Signals, Ethics and Asterisks by Marshall Miles * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1960
Volume 32 Number 3

Price: $5.00

The Second Inter-City Match, * Los Angeles vs. New York by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * International Bridge Seminar, Reported by Florence Osborn * Jottings From the Winter Nationals by Edwin B. Kantar * What Do You Play and Why? by Alvin Roth and Tobias Stone * Bridge in the Sixties, Part III by Lawrence Rosler, Roger Stern and Paul Allinger * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Master Solvers' Club by . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1960
Volume 32 Number 2

Price: $5.00

An Interview With America's Greatest Bridge Player * Never Say Always by Alan Truscott * What Do You Play and Why? by Alvin Roth and Tobias Stone * Bridge In the Sixties, Part II by Lawrence Roslerand Roger Stern * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * A Rebuttal by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1960
Volume 32 Number 1

Price: $5.00

Cavendish Cave-ins by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Bath and Anti-bath Coups by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Bridge In the Sixties by Lawrence Roslerand Roger Stern * Pittsburgh's Roman Club by John D. McGervey * What Do You Play and Why? by Alvin Roth and Tobias Stone * Letter From South America by D. A. Berah * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Master Solvers' Club Guest Director, Morton Rubino . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1960
Volume 31 Number 11

Price: $5.00

The Awkward Range by Mike Michaels * Echoes from the Olympiad by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * The Asking Cue-Bid by Frederic I. Carpenter * Duplicate Bridge Is Easy! by Della Lynn Hart * What Do You Play and Why? by Alvin Roth and Tobias Stone * The Strategy Of Psychic Bidding, Part III by Bernard L. Trippett * Bulletin: Los Angeles Wins Inter-City Match * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pie . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1958
Volume 30 Number 3

Price: $5.00

Boogie Woojie Had A Great Fall by Don Von Elsner * Plays of the Month by Alfred P. Sheinwold * The Tale Of the Second-highest by Clyde E. Love * Analysis Of the 1958 World Championship, Part IV by Edgar Kaplan * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1958
Volume 30 Number 2

Price: $5.00

A Re-examination Of the Two-Over-One Response by Albert H. Morehead * Fishbein Team Wins Play-off * Plays Of the Month by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Analysis Of the 1958 World Championship, Part III by Edgar Kaplan * The New Roth-Stone Book * Pro et Contra by Charles H. Goren * Bits and Pieces by Alphonse Moyse Jr. * Master Solvers' Club by Albert H. Morehead . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1951
Volume 23 Number 2

Price: $12.00

The US Team Championship by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Are Experts At Their Best In Slam Bidding? by A. Moyse, Jr. * Bertrand Russell Honors Ely Culbertson * Clubbed By The Queen by David E. Wilder * The Defenders Don't Know by R. Gray * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for August * MSC Forum moderated by A. Moyse, Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1951
Volume 22 Number 12

Price: $12.00

Letters from Readers * Hands from the National Team Championships by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Australia Offers World Par Contest by M. J. Sullivan * Take Your Places Please Part I by Jerome Scheuer * High From Dummy by R. Gray * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for June * MSC Forum moderated by A. Moyse, Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1951
Volume 22 Number 11

Price: $12.00

The 1951 Summer Nationals by A. Moyse, Jr. * Some Inconsequentional Moments In Washington by Charles H. Goren * At The Summer Nationals by Fred L. Karpin * Slightly Left Of Center by Bernard L. Trippett * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for May * MSC Forum moderated by A. Moyse, Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1951
Volume 22 Number 6

Price: $12.00

The Northwest Regionals by John C. Stablein * One Touch Of Chicago by Charles H. Goren * Sharon And Mr. Morehead by S. Tupper Bigelow * An Americans View Of The ACOL System Part 3 by Alexander Spencer * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for December * MSC Forum moderated by A. Moyse, Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1950
Volume 22 Number 3

Price: $12.00

What Would You Have Done * First International Team Of Four Match by Alfred P. Sheinwold * A Gulfstream Idyll by Charles H. Goren * Senseless Signals by Rochester Hart Rogers, Jr. * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for September * MSC Forum moderated by A. Moyse, Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1950
Volume 22 Number 2

Price: $12.00

The Stayman Convention by Samuel M. Stayman * Horatius At Bridge by Marshall Miles * All The Tricks But One by Helen Sobel * This Swan Was A Goose by Terence Reese * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Point-Count Column edited by Fred L. Karpin * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for August * MSC Forum moderated by A. Moyse, Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1950
Volume 22 Number 1

Price: $12.00

Problems Of Bidding In Notrump by Samuel M. Stayman * San Francisco Bridge Week by Douglas Steen * Slam Doubles by Theodore A. Lightner * Negative Doubles In Competitive Situations by Everett F. Taft * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Point-Count Column edited by Fred L. Karpin * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for July * MSC Forum moderated by A. Moy . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1950
Volume 21 Number 12

Price: $12.00

The Summer Nationals 1950 by Fred L. Karpin * Tournament Sidelight by Charles H. Goren * Hand Of The Week by G. Eloise Neil * Blackouts by John C. Stablein * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for July * MSC Forum moderated by A. Moyse, Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World August 1950
Volume 21 Number 11

Price: $12.00

Alertness: Pro And Con by Jerome Scheuer * Rate Your Own Game * Los Angeles Bridge Week by Robert J. Marks * Something New? by K. Polakow * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Point-Count Column edited by Fred L. Karpin * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for May * MSC Forum moderated by A. Moyse, Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1950
Volume 21 Number 8

Price: $12.00

It Ain't All Science by Alexander Spencer * Point-Count Column edited by Fred L. Karpin * A Dull Run Of Hands by Geoffrey Mott-Smith * Who Has The Edge? by I. T. Sun * Crisis In Jennyburg by Nathalie O'Brien * Some Vanderbilt Highlights by Henry Brandt * The One-Loser Three-Suit Squeeze by Clyde E. Love * The Count Of Five by R. H. Skinner * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master S . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1950
Volume 21 Number 7

Price: $12.00

A Little Learning by Terence Reese * If by John C. Stablein * Polling the Experts * We The People by Ivy Oeschger * Problems Of Defense by Geoffrey Mott-Smith * The 1950 Intercollegiate by Felix J. Vondracek * Report From Down Under by M. J. Sullivan * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for January * MSC Forum moderated b . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World February 1950
Volume 21 Number 5

Price: $12.00

One Point At A Time by Fred L. Karpin * The Thin Red Line by Guy Ramsay * An Interesting Hand by Rudolph Eisner * Duel by Norman B. Hasselriis * Addendum by Theodore A. Lightner * Inferential Problem by Terence Reese * Double Trouble by Alexander Spencer * Book Reviews Culbertson On Canasta reviewed by Jesse C. Beesley * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1950
Volume 21 Number 4

Price: $12.00

The Winter Nationals by A. Moyse, Jr. * Tournament Sidelights by Charles H. Goren * The Coronado Championships by Robert J. Marks * Point Counter Point by Charles H. Goren * An International Match by John C. Stablein * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for October * MSC Forum moderated by A. Moyse, Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1949
Volume 21 Number 3

Price: $12.00

A Case In Points by Mortimer D. Goldstein * Four Hands In Notrump by I. T. Sun * Lone Wolf At The Bridge Table by Anonymous * The Stumblebum by Sidney S. Lenz * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Polling the Experts * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World November 1949
Volume 21 Number 2

Price: $12.00

Blocks And Stumbling Blocks by Richard L. Frey * Interview Culbertson On Canasta * Didn't Know The Gun Was Loaded by John C. Stablein * Lead Values by John Brown * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for August * MSC Forum moderated by A. Moyse, Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World October 1949
Volume 21 Number 1

Price: $12.00

Tricks On Time by Sam Gold * Bridge And The Law by S. Tupper Bigelow * Plain And Fancy by I. T. Sun * A Study In The Double Squeeze by Kay Polakow * Book Reviews A Provocative New Book * All Wester And National Championships by Douglas Steen * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for July * MSC Forum moderated by A. Moyse, . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World September 1949
Volume 20 Number 12

Price: $12.00

The Summer Nationals by Fred L. Karpin * Tournament Sidelights by Charles H. Goren * What Price Fancy? by Fred Odom * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for June * MSC Forum moderated by A. Moyse, Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1949
Volume 20 Number 10

Price: $12.00

The Red Herring And Others by I. T. Sun * A New Plan Of Matchpointing by A. J. and B. Nielsen * The Anglo-American Match by Ewart Kempson * The National And All-Western Championships by Robert J. Marks * No Breaks For McSlively by A. E. Armstrong * Homemade Olympics by Carleton G. Howard * The Insolvents' Club by W. R. Dodd * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club dire . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World May 1949
Volume 20 Number 8

Price: $12.00

A Comparison Of Point Counts by Samuel M. Stayman * The 1949 Intercollegiates by Luther A. Dittmer * Thanks You, Mr. Goren by Stewart W. Bowers * Honor Tricks Vs. Point Count At Suit Bidding by Hy Lavinthal * The Chance Of A Lifetime by I. T. Sun * Mystery Of The Lurking Kings by George S. Coffin * Those Extra Ten Points by Leslie E. Parker * A Helluva A Game by Robert N. Blum * Pro et Contra edi . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1949
Volume 20 Number 7

Price: $12.00

Think! Think! Think! by Geoffrey Mott-Smith * The Great Hal by Ely Culbertson * Psychic Bids On Three Card Suits by Terence Reese * No Night To Howl by William Allen Smith, Jr. * The Second Eucom Championships by Robert S. Boyer * Practical Bridge XX by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for January . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World March 1949
Volume 20 Number 6

Price: $12.00

The Vanderbilt Tournament by A. Moyse, Jr. * The Masters' Individual by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for December * MSC Forum moderated by A. Moyse, Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World January 1949
Volume 20 Number 4

Price: $12.00

The 1948 Winter National Tournament by A. Moyse, Jr. * McSlively Scores A Knockout by A. E. Armstrong * Tournament Bridge by G. T. Humphries * Her Majesty by George Coffin * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * Honor Roll for October * MSC Forum moderated by A. Moyse, Jr. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World December 1948
Volume 20 Number 3

Price: $12.00

Two Important Changes In The Culbertson System by Ely Culbertson * A Letter From Charlie Goren * Turner-Brown Still Scintillates by M. J. Sullivan * Second Round Controls by Henry Brandt * Puzzle Corner Another Inferential Problem by Terence Reese * Practical Bridge XVIII by Alfred P. Sheinwold * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed by Albert H. Morehead * H . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World July 1947 (no cover)
Volume 18 Number 10

Price: $12.00

Winning Play by John C. Stablein * Two Clubs Or Two Notrump? by Samuel M. Stayman * Entry Promotion De Luxe by Bruce C. Bell * Cue Bids by Lee Hazen * How To Lose Tricks by Henry Brandt * Rate Your Own Game * Pro et Contra edited by Josephine Culbertson * Master Solvers Club directed by Samuel Fry, Jr. * MSC Forum moderated by A. Moyse, Jr. * Honor Roll For April . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge World April 1938
Volume 9 Number 7

Price: $12.00

Five-Suit Bridge Is Here * The First Question In Five-Suit Bridge * Five-Suit Auction * Damages: $1,000,000 * Slam Bidding Simplified by Josephine Culbertson * Three Big Tournaments On The Bill For April * Coming Master-Point Tournaments * What Do You Know? prepared by Culbertson National Studios * Thirteen-Our Friend! * Ely Culbertson Says * Culbertson System Of Five-Suit Bridge * An Open Letter . . . read more.



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