Item ImageBig Deal
A Memoir from the Wonderful World of Bridge
3 copies remaining
by Augie Boehm
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $11.97  You Save: 50%
220 pages. Paperback.

In this charming memoir, Augie Boehm shares tales and insights from his unique perspectives as an expert bridge player and a world-class musician. The book chronicles Augie's life journeys and reveals the highs and lows of a life in and around the game of bridge, from the highest-level tournaments to the most-dubious bridge club in Times Square; from the carriage trade to luxurious cruise ship . . . read more.

Item ImageBridge In Muttropolis Book 1
1 copy remaining
by Jeff Rubens
List Price: $9.95  Sale Price: $4.97  You Save: 50%
40 pages. Booklet.

A fun-filled romp featuring unusual bridge in unusual circumstances. . . . read more.

Item ImageExpert Bridge Simplified
Arithmetic Shortcuts For Declarer
by Jeff Rubens
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $17.96  You Save: 25%
416 pages. Paperback.

This book takes a lighthearted approach to tackling challenging problems, and demystifies bridge mathematics for the practical player. After mastering the basic techniques for declarer, bridge players improve by applying those procedures more effectively. The most common question among those who study declarer's craft is: "How do I calculate the odds?" Even highly experienced players sometimes st . . . read more.

Item ImageIt's All In The Game
The Fun Side Of Winning Bridge
by Robert Ewen • Jeff Rubens
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $19.16  You Save: 20%
236 pages. Paperback.

Expert-level bridge is a serious game but that doesn't mean it can't be wild, wacky and downright fun! In this humorous book, Bob Ewen and Jeff Rubens bring us some of the funniest bridge stories ever collected. The bridge is top-notch, and the zany cast of characters and their escapades are unforgettable. Come join them and take a look into the fun side of winning bridge! . . . read more.

Item ImageKantar for the Defense Volume 1
An Eddie Kantar Bridge Classic
by Eddie Kantar
List Price: $19.95  Price: $23.94
This is a Special Order item.
204 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Think Defense: Multiple world champion Eddie Kantar's popular bridge column, Kantar for the Defense, has run in The Bridge World for almost fifty years, challenging players to defeat the contract in a variety of situations. Now available once more in print, Kantar for the Defense Volume 1 and Volume 2 are a collection of the best of these columns, offering the reader 100 practical defensive probl . . . read more.

Item ImageKantar for the Defense Volume 2
An Eddie Kantar Bridge Classic
by Eddie Kantar
List Price: $19.95  Price: $23.94
This is a Special Order item.
204 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Think Defense: Multiple world champion Eddie Kantar's popular bridge column, Kantar for the Defense, has run in The Bridge World for almost fifty years, challenging players to defeat the contract in a variety of situations. Now available once more in print, Kantar for the Defense Volume 1 and Volume 2 are a collection of the best of these columns, offering the reader 100 practical defensive probl . . . read more.

Item ImagePlaying Suit Combinations
by Fred Gitelman • Jeff Rubens
List Price: $16.95  Sale Price: $12.71  You Save: 25%
96 pages. Paperback.

This book serves two purposes: One is to enable the reader to improve card-play technique. The text illustrates how best to handle some specific holdings, and, more importantly, assists in the development of patterns of bridge problem-solving that apply not only to single-suit situations but to declarer-play and defensive problems in general. The other purpose is to share some of the beauties and . . . read more.

Item ImageSwiss Match Challenge
by Jeff Rubens
List Price: $11.95  Sale Price: $5.97  You Save: 50%
234 pages. Paperback.

Challenge these hands, have some fun, and gain the judgment and insight needed to become a winning player. Try to find the best call or play--then check the analysis to help strengthen your bidding and play and see how your decisions turn out. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge Journal (CD)
The Complete Collection
by The Bridge Journal
Price: $79.95
1485 pages. Compact disc. Also available as an E-book.

This collection contains digital replicas of all 30 issues (over 1400 pages) of The Bridge Journal ever published, reproduced exactly as they originally appeared. The Bridge Journal was a magazine published from 1963 to 1966, produced by unpaid young tournament enthusiasts who were hoping to improve the game in several dimensions: technique, partnership methods, logistics, laws, forthrightness in . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Pocket Guide To Bridge World Standard 2001
by The Bridge World
List Price: $8.95  Sale Price: $4.47  You Save: 50%
72 pages. Paperback.

Bridge World Standard (BWS 2001) is the standard system developed by The Bridge World magazine based on the preferred methods of leading American experts. The system is ideal for use by impromptu or casual partnerships and as a basis for discussion by those who wish to formulate their own system. It was also used as a framework for problems in the magazine's monthly Master Solvers' Club contest f . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Pocket Guide To Bridge World Standard 2017
by The Bridge World
List Price: $8.95  Sale Price: $6.71  You Save: 25%
76 pages. Paperback.

Bridge World Standard (BWS 2017) is the standard system developed by The Bridge World magazine based on the preferred methods of leading American experts. The system is ideal for use by impromptu or casual partnerships and as a basis for discussion by those who wish to formulate their own system. It is used as a framework for problems in the magazine's monthly Master Solvers' Club contest beginni . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Secrets of Winning Bridge
Second Edition
by Jeff Rubens
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $19.16  You Save: 20%
224 pages. Paperback.

The classic, easy-to-understand shortcut to winning bridge. Jeff Rubens' classic book is as relevant today as when it was first published to critical acclaim. The secrets herein are not system-dependent; they pertain to general bridge skills and to bridge thinking. The book consistently makes successful bridge players' top-10 list of most influential books. Now back in print in a modernized Secon . . . read more.

Item ImageTricks of the Trade
Strategic Thinking for Advanced Bridge
by Larry Cohen
List Price: $18.95  Sale Price: $15.16  You Save: 20%
144 pages. Paperback.

This book is for players who take their bridge seriously. It is intended for those who want to improve their technique and understanding, to become more-desirable partners, to achieve better results, and to gain increased respect among their colleagues. The book investigates many paths to achieving these ends: increasing the value of experience by knowing what things to watch for, learning how to . . . read more.

Item ImageWhat's Your Call?
The Bridge Player's Handbook of Basic Bidding
by Frank Stewart
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $11.97  You Save: 50%
224 pages. Paperback.

This book helps intermediate players improve their valuation skills and provides a sound bidding foundation. Focusing more on judgment than on system, the author utilizes a question-and-answer format, with quizzes and short tutorials. Each chapter discusses a different stage of the auction, from the opening bid onwards. The author presents his views on key issues, followed by a series of problems . . . read more.

Item ImageWho Has The Queen?
The Bridge Player's Handbook of Card Reading
by Frank Stewart
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $17.96  You Save: 25%
206 pages. Paperback.

An introduction to inference, counting, assumption and related topics, things players can use to see their opponents' cards. It's in a quiz format and treats both declarer play and defense. This book is full of interesting deals in which finding a missing queen, or one of her relatives, is the key to making a contract. The problems cover various types of logical thinking, including: counting and . . . read more.



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