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Active or Passive A Guide to Being a Better Defender by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg List Price: 142 pages. Paperback. Innumerable books have been written on declarer play. Far less attention has been paid by bridge writers to defense, which is the weakest part of most players' game. This book presents a series of problems in defensive play, the central theme being active versus passive defense. This problem may start with the opening lead, arise at Trick Two, or be a decision later during the play of the hand . . . read more. | |
An Entry, An Entry, My Kingdom For An Entry by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman List Price: 170 pages. Paperback. This little word is vital in every bridge player's lexicon in its entirety, and especially important is the final syllable--TRY. A clear understanding of this topic should be one of the top priorities of every bridge player. When the dummy comes down, both the declarer and the defenders should be thinking about entries. Declarer is planning the transportation between the hands while the defenders . . . read more. | |
Avoid Bidding Disasters Win by Steering Clear of Trouble by Danny Roth List Price: 148 pages. Paperback. It has been proven many times that winning at bridge at all levels is not about being brilliant but far more about not being stupid. If you read reports of matches and tournaments, there will be the occasional spectacular play or defense, but for every one of those, there will be a whole string of very bad decisions, particularly in the bidding. If those can be avoided, countless trophies can be . . . read more. | |
Big Deal A Memoir from the Wonderful World of Bridge by Augie Boehm List Price: 220 pages. Paperback. In this charming memoir, Augie Boehm shares tales and insights from his unique perspectives as an expert bridge player and a world-class musician. The book chronicles Augie's life journeys and reveals the highs and lows of a life in and around the game of bridge, from the highest-level tournaments to the most-dubious bridge club in Times Square; from the carriage trade to luxurious cruise ship . . . read more. | |
Boost Your Bidding to a Higher Level by Danny Roth List Price: 158 pages. Paperback. Bidding is all about learning a language: how to communicate and understand. Over the years, bidding languages or, "systems," have become more explicit and accurate than they were in decades past, and thus players joining clubs and entering tournaments need to be familiar with, at least, basic bidding in current use. It is particularly important to be able to judge the quality, or trick-taking po . . . read more. | |
Bridge Smarts A Path to Bridge Success by Augie Boehm List Price: 140 pages. Paperback. Winner of the ABTA 2016 Book of the Year award. Bridge success is the result of many factors: talent, knowledge, experience, and, to a surprising extent, luck. But there are other, perhaps less obvious, factors that are well within your control, such as maintaining stamina, an even temperment, and concentration. What to focus on? Start with evaluating what your hand is worth as an auction develop . . . read more. | |
Declarer Play: Break Out of the Pack by Danny Roth List Price: 146 pages. Paperback. The key to good declarer play is to make use of information not only from the bidding, but also from the play of the early tricks, especially the first one or two. This involves knowing how many rounds of each suit are likely to be played; how many of those are likely to be won or lost; whether the tricks lost will be to East or West--in this book, declarer is South--and whether that matters; and . . . read more. | |
Defense: Break Out of the Pack by Danny Roth List Price: 129 pages. Paperback. The key to good defense is to make use of information not only from the bidding, but also from the play of the early tricks, especially the first one or two. This involves knowing how many rounds of each suit are likely to be played; how many of those are likely to be won or lost; whether the tricks won will be to East or West--in this book, declarer is South--and whether that matters; and probab . . . read more. | |
Falsecards 2nd Edition by Mike Lawrence List Price: 188 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. The definitive book on (legally) pulling the wool over your opponents' eyes. Even if you don't want to get into more esoteric situations, there are times at the bridge table when playing a misleading card is essential if you are to have any chance of an optimum result. This new edition of a classic from Mike Lawrence is an expert account of falsecarding with suggestions for applications, and inc . . . read more. | |
Find the Play the Experts Missed by Danny Roth List Price: 156 pages. Paperback. This is the eighth installment in Danny Roth's Blunders series, featuring hands (mis)played by experts and reported by experts in the press who have either misanalyzed or missed the point of the hand altogether. The book features 70 problems on play and defense as well as opening leads. The last 21 problems are more difficult, bringing the reader into the awkward endplay and squeeze zones with th . . . read more. | |
From Zero to Three Hundred A Bridge Journey by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg List Price: 76 pages. Paperback. Three hundred. What's so special about the number 300? It's the magic number all serious bridge players seek, often unsuccessfully. It takes three hundred masterpoints of varying types to become a Life Master in the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL). When Dr. James Sternberg took up the game, he had never played, but thought it was a game that could be learned in a few weeks and would provid . . . read more. | |
Insights On Bridge Vol. 1 Moments in Bidding by Mike Lawrence List Price: 211 pages. Paperback. This is the first in a series of books designed to turn aspiring players into good players. The Insights on Bridge series includes hundreds of mini-lessons, complete with advice you can count on. The material is devoted to situations and problems you will see at the table but not in other books. Start on the path of being a good player and a good partner. Mike Lawrence is one of bridge's greats, . . . read more. | |
Insights On Bridge Vol. 2 Bid, Play, and Defend by Mike Lawrence List Price: 202 pages. Paperback. The second installment of the Insights on Bridge series contains more carefully crafted mini-lessons designed to turn aspiring players into good players. The material in this book is devoted to situations and problems you will see at the table but not in other books. Mike Lawrence is one of bridge's greats, a multi-talented master of the game. As an original member of the famed Dallas Aces, he wo . . . read more. | |
Insights On Bridge Vol. 3 Bid, Play, and Defend by Mike Lawrence List Price: 219 pages. Paperback. The third installment of the Insights on Bridge series, the first two of which won the prestigious ABTA Book of the Year Award, contains a multitude of carefully crafted mini-lessons designed to turn aspiring players into good players. The material in this book is devoted to situations and problems you will see at the table but are hard to find in books. . . . read more. | |
Judgment At Bridge What Went Wrong? Avoid the Common Errors by Mike Lawrence List Price: 151 pages. Paperback. Covers the short club, the takeout double, sign-offs, overbidding, suit preference, and many other neglected areas of the game. . . . read more. | |
Judgment at Bridge 2 Be A Better Player & More Difficult Opponent by Mike Lawrence List Price: 224 pages. Paperback. In his original Judgment at Bridge, Mike Lawrence gave us a lot of great advice on how to think at the bridge table. In Judgment at Bridge 2, Mike continues with his guidance on how to approach the game. Take Mike's counsel and you will become a better player and a more difficult opponent. Contents: 1) Luck; 2) A Winning Attitude; 3) Introducing Dubious Bridge Rules 4) Preempting; 5) Bidding When . . . read more. | |
Keys to Winning Bridge The Advancing Player's Handbook For Success by Frank Stewart List Price: 224 pages. Paperback. Syndicated columnist and author Frank Stewart believes that two factors determine who wins and loses at the bridge table. This book emphasizes sound fundamental skills and keeping avoidable errors to a minimum. In play and defense, he treats basic techniques; in the bidding, he discusses style and discipline -- concepts rarely found in the literature. The importance of conventions and systems is . . . read more. | |
LOL: It's Loser-On-Loser by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman List Price: 168 pages. Paperback. Just what is LOL? Yes, a common abbreviation for Laughing Out Loud, and often used to refer to a Little Old Lady, but in bridge it means a Loser-On-Loser play. At times a declarer can improve his/her situation by playing a losing card from one hand on a loser in a different suit from the hand opposite. This occurs when a player has a loser in two suits but can arrange to lose them both on one tri . . . read more. | |
Matchpoints Second Edition by Kit Woolsey List Price: 370 pages. Paperback. Matchpoints, originally published in 1982, is one of the absolute classic bridge books. World Champion Kit Woolsey discusses every aspect of bridge -- constructive bidding, competitive bidding, declarer play, defense -- from the perspective of matchpoint expectation: how many matchpoints will I win if I am right, and how many matchpoints will I lose if I am wrong? Even veteran matchpoint players . . . read more. | |
Outsmart the Bridge Experts by Danny Roth List Price: 168 pages. Paperback. This is the fourth in the series of bridge problems highlighting hands which have been reported in books, magazines and newspapers in which the 'expert' has either misanalyzed the problem or totally missed the point of the hand. The book presents more than 60 problems in declarer play or defense, bringing the reader to the critical moment of decision--but also sometimes well short of it or past i . . . read more. | |
Play Bridge With Me by Frank Stewart List Price: 216 pages. Paperback. The "over-my-shoulder" genre in bridge literature allows the reader to get into the mind of an expert player and follow their thought processes. The reader is exposed to techniques--such as counting and drawing inferences--that are supposedly reserved for experts. The author focuses on logical thinking, and problem solving. During a session, a player faces hundres of decisions. Some can be resolv . . . read more. | |
Players Quick Reference Companion by Larry Harris List Price: 106 pages. Spiral bound. Recommended for intermediate to advanced players. This book is for serious non-experts and will help bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. It facilitates quick direct look-up for answers about bidding, play and defense. By using PQRC you can avoid bidding accidents with your partner and apply continuous pressure on your opponents. . . . read more. | |
Reversing The Dummy And Its Cousin, The Crossruff by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg List Price: 87 pages. Paperback. When discussing declarer play, the first thing I always suggest is for declarer to try to determine what kind of hand he is dealing with. Proper play of the hand starts with planning your play at Trick 1. After identifying/counting your losers, you need to look for ways to eliminate them. Counting winners too sometimes makes things easier, especially for dummy reversals. After all, there are only . . . read more. | |
Simple Squeezes Made Simple by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman List Price: 104 pages. Paperback. Squeezes. Just the word strikes fear into the heart of many bridge players. But simple squeezes are actually quite simple. The single or simple squeeze accounts for 90% of squeezes and 90% of this book deals with simple squeezes. If you wish to become more than just a mediocre bridge player mastering the techniques of basic simple squeeze play is a must. In any session of bridge of twenty or so d . . . read more. | |
Swiss Match Challenge by Jeff Rubens List Price: 234 pages. Paperback. Challenge these hands, have some fun, and gain the judgment and insight needed to become a winning player. Try to find the best call or play--then check the analysis to help strengthen your bidding and play and see how your decisions turn out. . . . read more. | |
Teach Your Child Bridge Using a simplified Acol system by Ron Klinger List Price: 96 pages. Paperback. This is the Acol version of the book Bridge For Children. It is identical in the early part and introduces Acol near the end. The book expands on the author's original research into using a series of games, each slighty more complicated than the last, to build up the student's knowledge until it reaches bridge. Learning approaches are matched to approximate age levels. Suggestions for parents inc . . . read more. | |
Test Your Bidding Against the Experts by Danny Roth List Price: 264 pages. Paperback. There are a number of areas in bidding in which players at all levels demonstrate room for improvement. This includes bridge experts, whose (mis)bidding of actual hands constitutes the 140 problems in this book. Each chapter starts with 10 thematically linked bidding problems. In each case, you will be told where you are sitting and the conditions of play; any relevant conventional bidding and ot . . . read more. | |
Test Your Bridge Analysis Against the Experts by Danny Roth List Price: 160 pages. Paperback. In this latest book on hands that were played by experts and reported by expert writers, Roth presents 70 hands on play, defense, and opening leads where the play (using teams' IMP scoring throughout) or analysis or both were less than expert. Roth takes the reader through the bidding and early play, up to the critical point--or, in the interest of reality--sometimes short of or past it, challeng . . . read more. | |
Test Your Bridge Brain Against the Experts by Danny Roth List Price: 142 pages. Paperback. This book offers a collection of 66 hands that were played at the top level and reported by expert writers and commentators in newspapers, books, or magazines, but where mistakes and misanalyses occurred. These mistakes include some obvious blunders, but most are subtler. In many cases, the misplay went unpunished, thanks to inattentive opponents or a fortunate card distribution. Over the course . . . read more. | |
Test Your Bridge Judgement by Barry Rigal List Price: 207 pages. Paperback. One of Rigal's classics has been updated and modernized. Barry Rigal--the highly respected bridge commentator, author, and player--has set a series of tests of your bridge skill, and teaches you new skills at the same time. You are the player and he is your guide to making the crucial decisions at each stage of bidding and play. Rigal grades your performance and that of your partner and offers h . . . read more. | |
Test Your Opening Leads Against The Experts by Danny Roth List Price: 144 pages. Paperback. The opening lead is the only card played while the dummy's (North's) hand is still concealed and is therefore one of the most difficult parts of the game. While there is a luck element and it is very easy to be "wise afterwards," deciding which suit to attack (and which card in that suit to play) is crucial. The fate of countless contracts depends on the opening lead. This book presents dozens of . . . read more. | |
Test Your Play and Defense Against the Experts by Danny Roth List Price: 166 pages. Paperback. This book offers a collection of 72 hands that have been played at the top level and reported by writers and commentators, but where mistakes and misanalyses have abounded. Readers are invited to find the best line of play/defense so that success does not depend on lucky distribution or opponents' misplays. For most hands, the bidding and play are described up to the critical moment, but occasion . . . read more. | |
The Biggest Little Bridge Book In The World - Book 2 (Blue) Play and Defense in Suit Contracts by Beverly Card School • Jim Becker List Price: 55 pages. Paperback. Explains basics of play and defense in suit contracts. Mastery of the fundamentals is of first-rate importance for all bridge players. The series of "Biggest Little Books" are written in concise form to answer bridge questions that commonly arise, and provide answers to your questions as you advance in your knowledge of the game. This is the latest edition (1999). . . . read more. | |
The Biggest Little Bridge Book In The World - Book 3 (Red) Play and Defense in Notrump Contracts by Beverly Card School • Jim Becker List Price: 69 pages. Paperback. Explains basics of play and defense in no trump contracts. Mastery of the fundamentals is of first-rate importance for all bridge players. The series of "Biggest Little Books" are written in concise form to answer bridge questions that commonly arise, and provide answers to your questions as you advance in your knowledge of the game. This is the latest edition (1999). . . . read more. | |
The Biggest Little Bridge Book In The World - Book 4 (Green) Everyday Bridge Conventions by Beverly Card School • Jim Becker List Price: 71 pages. Paperback. Explains basic conventions in modern bridge bidding. Mastery of the fundamentals is of first-rate importance for all bridge players. The series of "Biggest Little Books" are written in concise form to answer bridge questions that commonly arise, and provide answers to your questions as you advance in your knowledge of the game. This is the latest edition (2005). . . . read more. | |
The Language of Bridge by Kit Woolsey List Price: 317 pages. Paperback. Kit Woolsey's first new bridge book in 35 years is aimed at an intermediate audience, but with plenty of insights for advanced and expert players. This book examines the communication between partners as they work together to reach the best contract or try to defeat declarer's contract on defense. Kit brings his unique take on the game to the subject of partnership communication -- thinking abou . . . read more. | |
The Partnership Coup by Adam Parrish List Price: 169 pages. Paperback. Aaron is back for another night at the Cranmer Club. This time he's playing with a partner he'd rather be rid of. Is there a solution to the age-old problem? This long-awaited sequel to The Cranmer Club tells another story of a night at Parrish's fictional club. The familiar club characters and table banter from the original return, with an exciting twist. A fun read with lots of interesting hand . . . read more. | |
The Pocket Guide To Bridge World Standard 2001 by The Bridge World List Price: 72 pages. Paperback. Bridge World Standard (BWS 2001) is the standard system developed by The Bridge World magazine based on the preferred methods of leading American experts. The system is ideal for use by impromptu or casual partnerships and as a basis for discussion by those who wish to formulate their own system. It was also used as a framework for problems in the magazine's monthly Master Solvers' Club contest f . . . read more. | |
The Pocket Guide to Declarer Play at Bridge by Barbara Seagram • David Bird List Price: 72 pages. Booklet. Also available as an E-book. Using the same format as The Pocket Guide to Bridge, this book provides a handy pocket summary of about two dozen basic concepts in declarer play. In a concise but readable manner, it summarizes most of the material presented in 25 Ways to Take More Tricks as Declarer, by the same author team. . . . read more. | |
The Pocket Guide to Defensive Play at Bridge by Barbara Seagram • David Bird List Price: 72 pages. Booklet. Also available as an E-book. Using the same format as The Pocket Guide to Bridge, this book provides a handy pocket summary of about two dozen basic concepts in defensive cardplay. In a concise but readable manner, it summarizes most of the material presented in 25 Ways to be a Better Defender by the same author team. . . . read more. | |
The Pocket Guide To Even More Bridge Conventions by Barbara Seagram • David Bird List Price: 71 pages. Booklet. Also available as an E-book. A pocket-sized edition of 25 More Bridge Conventions You Should Know by the same authors, this is a handy guide to popular intermediate-level conventions such as Bergen Raises, Support Doubles, Puppet Stayman, Inverted Minor Raises, Forcing 1NT and more. . . . read more. | |
To Ruff or Not to Ruff by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman List Price: 157 pages. Paperback. To ruff or not to ruff. The question seems so easy. To draw trumps promptly or is there something else to do first? Declarer has so many options. Ruff in dummy, a ruffing finesse, a crossruff, a dummy reversal, even a trump coup or scoring a trump 'en passant'. And preventing the opponents from obtaining ruffs. What about the defenders? Should they be the ones to draw trumps? Can they spin straw . . . read more. | |
Trump Suit Headaches Rx for Declarers and Defenders 2nd Edition by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg List Price: 250 pages. Paperback. The trump suit adds a dimension that makes bridge so different from other card games. In a suit contract, play is complicated by declarer's need to keep control. If control is lost, it may be almost impossible to make proper use of one's strength in the side suits. Before playing to trick one, one should ask what might go wrong? If playing a suit contract, is there a reason not to draw trumps? Or . . . read more. | |
What's Your Call? The Bridge Player's Handbook of Basic Bidding by Frank Stewart List Price: 224 pages. Paperback. This book helps intermediate players improve their valuation skills and provides a sound bidding foundation. Focusing more on judgment than on system, the author utilizes a question-and-answer format, with quizzes and short tutorials. Each chapter discusses a different stage of the auction, from the opening bid onwards. The author presents his views on key issues, followed by a series of problems . . . read more. | |
When to Bid Notrump (And How to Play It) by Adam Parrish List Price: 255 pages. Paperback. In When to Bid Notrump (And How to Play It), Adam Parrish gives the same thorough and understandable treatment to notrump contracts that he gave to trump contracts in When to Draw Trumps. The first section deals with common questions about notrump bidding: when do you need a stopper, when do you bypass a four-card major to bid notrump, when do you choose notrump over a major-suit fit? The second . . . read more. | |
Why You Lose At Bridge by S. J. Simon List Price: 160 pages. Paperback. Reprint of the classic. Win more consistently with the skill you already possess by following this simple advice. A wealth of common sense, philosophy, and how to attain the best result possible. PART ONE: YOUR TECHNICAL GAME: 1. The Points You Lose "Ignoring The Odds"; 2. The Points You Lose Playing the Dummy; 3. The Points You Lose in Defense; 4. The Points You Lose "Bidding"; 5. The Points You . . . read more. |
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