Item ImageBridge, A Love Story
by Zia Mahmood
List Price: $34.95  Sale Price: $27.96  You Save: 20%
328 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Zia is one of a kind and so is his story. This book is the compelling memoir of Zia, and his passion for the greatest game ever invented. He unlocks his personal bridge vault to share the secrets to his remarkable and enduring success for over 50 years. Fast-paced, irreverent, humorous and instructive, this book is for bridge players of all levels, from beginner to super-expert. Join Zia as he tr . . . read more.

Item ImagePlay Better Bridge: All About Declarer Play - Part 1
by Lars Blakset • Knut Blakset
List Price: $21.95  Sale Price: $17.56  You Save: 20%
221 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

If you want to become a complete player, you absolutely must acquire the techniques you need to know to master the complexities of card play. More than that, you need to appreciate the importance of all 13 cards, not only the aces, kings and queens. This book, the first of two volumes, takes you on a voyage of discovery like no other devoted to declarer play. Utilizing hundreds of examples of ind . . . read more.

Item ImagePolish Club
by Trevor Mathews
List Price: $19.95  Sale Price: $15.96  You Save: 20%

In contests between strong teams, the majority of swings occur when different contracts are reached at the two tables. Brilliant card play and card play errors do contribute swings, but most gains and losses arise in the bidding. At the time of writing, the winning teams at each of the three most recent Bermuda Bowls included at least one pair playing Polish Club. They are full time professional . . . read more.

Item ImageTwelve Important Bridge Lessons - Declarer Play: The Next Level
by David Bird
List Price: $21.95  Sale Price: $17.56  You Save: 20%
227 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Bridge lessons for the next level. The instructive material in this book is presented in a novel way, as if the author is delivering a series of bridge lessons to a small group of enthusiasts. Occasionally, members of the audience ask questions, or make comments. Its predecessors, Twelve Important Bridge Lessons on Declarer Play and Twelve Important Bridge Lessons on Defense won Book of the Year . . . read more.

Item ImageWorld Championship 2023 at Marrakech (Expected Feb.)
by World Bridge Federation
List Price: $34.95  Sale Price: $27.96  You Save: 20%
340 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Published by the World Bridge Federation, the official book of the World Bridge Championships 2023, held in Marrakech, Morocco. It is comprised of approximately 340 full color pages. The principal contributors are Mark Horton, David Bird, Maurizio Di Sacco, Barry Rigal, Brian Senior & Marc Smith. . . . read more.

Item ImageBridge and the Victorians
by Nick Smith
List Price: $19.95  Sale Price: $15.96  You Save: 20%
203 pages. Paperback.

THE GREATEST BRIDGE MATCH EVER PLAYED? Great Britain has given the world many great games--football, cricket, tennis, golf, shove ha'penny, etc.--and the world has repaid them by playing them better than the Britons and winning all the shiny baubles ever since. The same is true with bridge but there was a time, in the mid-nineteenth century, when English bridge players, especially women, were the . . . read more.

Item ImageBridge's First Hippie Book 2
1983 to Present
by Peter Weichsel
List Price: $21.95  Sale Price: $17.56  You Save: 20%
242 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Peter Weichsel has won five world bridge championships, including two coveted Bermuda Bowls, and twenty-seven North American titles. He became a member of the Bridge Hall of Fame in 2004. He has been part of great teams (C.C. Wei's Precision Team in the 1970s, and the Aces later on), and has won everything it is possible to win in the game. But that's just his bridge career. This fascinating auto . . . read more.

Item ImageGetting to Thin Games
by Terry Bossomaier
List Price: $19.95  Price: $23.94
This is a Special Order item.
215 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Applying the same kind of computer analysis to real-life deals that he did in Getting to Good Slams, the author identifies the elements necessary to be successful in pushing for that game bonus, often with far fewer than the traditional number of points. Anyone who plays IMPs will tell you that this is the area where most matches are won and lost. . . . read more.

Item ImageSimple Squeezes Made Simple
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $11.97  You Save: 50%
104 pages. Paperback.

Squeezes. Just the word strikes fear into the heart of many bridge players. But simple squeezes are actually quite simple. The single or simple squeeze accounts for 90% of squeezes and 90% of this book deals with simple squeezes. If you wish to become more than just a mediocre bridge player mastering the techniques of basic simple squeeze play is a must. In any session of bridge of twenty or so d . . . read more.

Item ImageWorld Class 21st Century: USA and Rest of World
by Marc Smith
List Price: $25.95  Sale Price: $20.76  You Save: 20%
308 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Marc Smith's original World Class, published in 1999, became a classic. This all-new edition features the world's best players of today discussing their lives, at the table and away from it--how they started, their best and worst bridge memories, their favorite hands, why partnerships work well, and their hopes for the future. You may recognize the names from your bridge magazine or from watching . . . read more.

Item ImageMy Life with Bridge
by Mike Lawrence
List Price: $29.95  Sale Price: $23.96  You Save: 20%
322 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

The rumors that Mike Lawrence has a new book have come to fruition. The book is the culmination of Mike's years in and out of the world of bridge. It includes stories behind the scenes of the Aces, touches on the cheating scandals, his travels around the world, and some of Mike's signature hands and opinions on conventions as well. Mike says, "I've written thirty books and thousands of articles o . . . read more.

Item ImageBridge: The Cutting Edge
Applications of Information Science, Game Theory & Computers to Bridge
by Dave Caprera
List Price: $15.95  Sale Price: $12.76  You Save: 20%
116 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

The game of bridge has been at close to a standstill for at least 50 years while the world of language, computers and mathematics has experienced so many changes. The bridge techniques and methods your grandmother taught you are probably still the same techniques and methods you use today. The way that bridge problems are approached and analyzed is the same basic use of language, probability and . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Art of Becoming a Top Bridge Player
by Samantha Punch • Tim Rees
List Price: $19.95  Sale Price: $15.96  You Save: 20%
168 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Dr. Samantha Punch has interviewed many of the world's top bridge personalities. The players discuss their approach to the game, including subjects such as improving your game, coping with mistakes and emotions, how to become a good partner in a successful partnership, dealing with pressure and coping with loss. This book aims to show aspiring and expert players how they might develop their game . . . read more.

Item ImageCard Reading
Picturing the Unseen Hands
by Trevor Mathews
List Price: $19.95  Sale Price: $15.96  You Save: 20%
216 pages. Paperback.

Accurate card reading is the key to making the kind of contracts that are written up in bridge columns. Card reading is a skill that is widely recognised as the mark of an expert. Unlike work on your bidding system and other gadgets it is an individual discipline, something you can practice and work to perfect on your own. This book is filled with deals that can only be solved by picturing the un . . . read more.

Item ImageCombining Your Chances
Better Declarer Play - Book 1
by Danny Roth
List Price: $19.95  Price: $23.94
This is a Special Order item.
220 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

The first book in Danny Roth's new intermediate-level series on declarer play, this book covers topics that, once mastered, will bring any intermediate player an immediate improvement in their scores. Topics include: to finesse or play for the drop (why not both?), loser-on-loser plays, entries, disposing of losers, and much more. The overall theme is: 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket--inst . . . read more.

Item ImagePlacing the Cards
Better Declarer Play - Book 2
by Danny Roth
List Price: $21.95  Price: $25.94
This is a Special Order item.
186 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

The second book in Danny Roth's intermediate-level series on declarer play, this book covers topics that, once mastered, will bring any intermediate player an immediate improvement in their scores. Topics include: placing the cards missing one honor, missing two honors, missing three honors, inferences from the defense and second-degree assumption. This book is designed to help you to get a more . . . read more.

Item ImageWorld Championship 2021 at Salsomaggiore Terme
45th World Bridge Team Championship
by World Bridge Federation
List Price: $34.95  Sale Price: $27.96  You Save: 20%
340 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

The official publication of the World Bridge Championships 2021 at Salsomaggiore Terme. From the World Bridge Federation. Edited by Mark Horton. It is comprised of approximately 300 full colour pages. The principal contributors are Brian Senior, Barry Rigal, Mark Horton, Marek Wojcicki, Daniel Gulyas & Ron Tacchi. The book includes many photographs from the championships, a full list of results a . . . read more.

Item ImageWorld Championship 2022 at Wroclaw
16th World Bridge Series
by World Bridge Federation
List Price: $34.95  Sale Price: $27.96  You Save: 20%
391 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Published by the World Bridge Federation, this is the official book of the 16th World Bridge Series. The events took place from August 19 to September 3, 2022 in Wroclaw, Poland. The book is comprised of almost 400 full color pages and includes pictures and articles. . . . read more.

Item ImageKK Relay
by Karen McCallum • Kit Woolsey
List Price: $19.99  Sale Price: $15.99  You Save: 20%
614 pages. Paperback.

Multi-time world champions Karen McCallum and Kit Woolsey explain their relay system, KK Relay, which they have used and perfected for several years. For readers not familiar with relay systems, the relay concept is quite simple: instead of making a descriptive bid, one of the partners makes a call that asks a question. Their partner answers that question. That's it! Many such systems are obtuse . . . read more.

Item ImageParrish the Thought Volume 1
Preempts and Overcalls
by Adam Parrish
List Price: $19.99  Sale Price: $15.99  You Save: 20%
304 pages. Paperback.

Adam Parrish covers these essential topics in his signature easy-to-understand style. The book has two distinct sections, the first covering preempts and the second overcalls. All aspects of both topics are covered, from when and how to preempt or overcall to responding to your partner's preempt or overcall to dealing with the opponents' preempt or overcall. Each chapter has a quiz to reinforce t . . . read more.

Item ImageParrish the Thought Volume 2
Modern Defensive Thinking
by Adam Parrish
List Price: $19.99  Sale Price: $15.99  You Save: 20%
349 pages. Paperback.

Defense is the hardest part of the game. You'll end up on defense about half the time, so honing your defensive skills is a prerequisite to becoming a better bridge player. It's essential to have solid agreements with your partner about your signals and leads. What sort of signal applies in a given situation? Which card to you lead from different holdings? But leading the correct card and giving . . . read more.

Item ImageWorld Class 21st Century: European Stars
by Marc Smith
List Price: $24.95  Price: $28.94
This is a Special Order item.
296 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Marc Smith's original World Class, published in 1999, became a classic. This all-new edition features the world's best players of today discussing their lives, at the table and away from it--how they started, their best and worst bridge memories, their favorite hands, why partnerships work well, and their hopes for the future. You may recognize the names from your bridge magazine or from watching . . . read more.

Item ImageUnder the Table
The Case Against The Blue Team
by Avon Wilsmore
List Price: $24.95  Sale Price: $19.96  You Save: 20%
396 pages. Paperback.

This book looks at the actions of the Italian Blue Team, whose incredible run of victories include the World Championships of 1957-1959, 1961-1969 and 1972-1975. Throughout that time, there were suspicions as to how these victories were achieved. To what extent were these suspicions justified? The actions of administrators, in response to the problem of cheating over the last 60 years, is discuss . . . read more.

Item ImageHeroes, Icons and Scandals
by Barnet Shenkin
List Price: $21.95  Sale Price: $17.56  You Save: 20%
226 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Bridge was always a hot topic in the Shenkin household. Barnet's father, Louis, as a member of the British Bridge League Executive, oversaw the investigation into cheating allegations against Terence Reese and Boris Schapiro in 1965. Louis Shenkin left a treasure trove of papers in his files that have now been brought to light by the author. The BBC picked up this story in 2014. In Heroes, Icons . . . read more.

Item ImageTwelve Important Bridge Lessons On Declarer Play
by David Bird
List Price: $21.95  Sale Price: $17.56  You Save: 20%
216 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Bridge Lessons for Aspiring players. The instructive material in this book is presented in a novel way, as if the author is delivering a series of bridge lessons to a small group of enthusiasts. Occasionally, members of the audience ask questions or make comments. Twelve important topics on declarer play have been chosen, describing techniques that you might apply several times during every sessi . . . read more.

Item ImageTwelve Important Bridge Lessons On Defense
by David Bird
List Price: $21.95  Sale Price: $17.56  You Save: 20%
213 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

The instructive material in this book is presented in a novel way, as if the author is delivering a series of bridge lessons to a small group of enthusiasts. Occasionally, members of the audience ask questions, or make comments. Twelve important topics have been chosen, describing defensive techniques that you might apply several times during every session you play. Each lesson contains at least . . . read more.

Item Image2/1 On Steroids
by Daniel Solow
List Price: $19.95  Sale Price: $9.97  You Save: 50%
154 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Modern bidding systems have evolved over the past hundred years, starting with four-card majors and culminating in 2/1, together with a plethora of conventions along the way (Stayman, transfers, Roman Key Card, to name a few). Yet you can still encounter the occasional deficiency--such as an ambiguous bid or ending up in the wrong contract. When this happened to Daniel Solow, he wondered if it wa . . . read more.

Item ImageBridge, A Love Story (Hardcover)
1 copy remaining
by Zia Mahmood
List Price: $39.95  Sale Price: $31.96  You Save: 20%
328 pages. Paperback.

Zia is one of a kind and so is his story. This book is the compelling memoir of Zia, and his passion for the greatest game ever invented. He unlocks his personal bridge vault to share the secrets to his remarkable and enduring success for over 50 years. Fast-paced, irreverent, humorous and instructive, this book is for bridge players of all levels, from beginner to super-expert. Join Zia as he tr . . . read more.

Item ImageBridge's First Hippie Book 1
The First 40 Years
by Peter Weichsel
List Price: $21.95  Sale Price: $17.56  You Save: 20%
240 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Fascinating autobiography of the controversial three-times world bridge champion who brought the sensibility and dress sense of 1960s San Francisco to the staid bridge scene. Peter Weichsel has won three world bridge championships, twenty-five North American titles and became a member of the Bridge Hall of Fame in 2004. He has been part of great teams (C.C. Wei's Precision Team in the 1970s, and . . . read more.

Item ImageBoost Your Bidding to a Higher Level
by Danny Roth
List Price: $14.95  Sale Price: $7.47  You Save: 50%
158 pages. Paperback.

Bidding is all about learning a language: how to communicate and understand. Over the years, bidding languages or, "systems," have become more explicit and accurate than they were in decades past, and thus players joining clubs and entering tournaments need to be familiar with, at least, basic bidding in current use. It is particularly important to be able to judge the quality, or trick-taking po . . . read more.

Item ImageDuplicate Bridge 403
Defending Second Seat Interference
by Stephen Paul
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $11.97  You Save: 50%
230 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Improving your partnership's ability to overcome interference is essential for good results. Finding the right contract requires a clear understanding of the values represented by responder's bids after the opponents interfere. This book provides the reader with two sets of tools for this: (1) Hand valuation in competition using an algorithm developed by Lawrence and Wirgren. This method of hand . . . read more.

Item ImageLet's Play Some Bridge
by Frank Stewart
List Price: $21.95  Price: $25.94
This is a Special Order item.
216 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

The "over-my-shoulder" method of bridge writing became prominent in the writing of Terence Reese and continued in the work of excellent writers such as Mike Lawrence and Larry Cohen. In this genre, the reader gains access to the mind and thought processes of an expert. The reader encounters techniques, such as counting and drawing inferences, that are supposedly expert territory. Stewart's writin . . . read more.

Item ImageSublime Declarer Play
After the Contested Auction
by Nick Smith
List Price: $21.95  Price: $25.94
This is a Special Order item.
237 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Play like a Bermuda Bowl champion. It's not often that a bridge book comes along that takes dummy play into a new dimension, but Sublime Declarer Play does exactly that. The focus is on the competitive auction and the inferences that can be drawn from opponents' bidding choices. Moments of sublimity are the consequence of a series of logical steps rooted in that initial analysis. Tournament playe . . . read more.

Item ImageTo Ruff or Not to Ruff
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $11.97  You Save: 50%
157 pages. Paperback.

To ruff or not to ruff. The question seems so easy. To draw trumps promptly or is there something else to do first? Declarer has so many options. Ruff in dummy, a ruffing finesse, a crossruff, a dummy reversal, even a trump coup or scoring a trump 'en passant'. And preventing the opponents from obtaining ruffs. What about the defenders? Should they be the ones to draw trumps? Can they spin straw . . . read more.

Item ImageWhy I Lose at Bridge
A Collection of Cardplay Errors
by Ben Norton
List Price: $21.95  Sale Price: $17.56  You Save: 20%
230 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Learn from Ben's mistakes. Here is a rare jewel: an expert bridge player admitting to his own mistakes. In this, his first book, England international Ben Norton passionately describes the cardplay errors he committed in various events over a span of some three-and-a-half years. From a game at the local pub to the top echelon of world-class competition, each of these errors is instructive no matt . . . read more.

Item ImageBridge Bidding Tips
by Fred Parker
List Price: $17.95  Price: $21.94
This is a Special Order item.
131 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Bridge Bidding Tips is a great addition to the knowledge base for intermediate duplicate bridge players. Players are often in doubt about borderline cases; the tips in this book will address these concerns and improve your bidding. There are many nuances to bidding difficult hands. You have to know when to bid, when to pass, when to be aggressive and when to sit back and let the opponents win the . . . read more.

Item ImageSolving the Mystery of the Redouble
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $17.95  Price: $21.94
This is a Special Order item.
120 pages. Paperback.

More often than any other calls in bridge, redoubles produce confusion. When they do, the resulting disasters are more catastrophic than any others. Many doubles originally treated as penalty have been supplanted by conventional doubles. So also many "business" redoubles, originally used to quadruple the stakes, have been diverted to other uses. In this book we shall show you how to tell the diff . . . read more.

Item ImageA Swiss Teams Challenge
by Rakesh K. Kumar
List Price: $19.95  Price: $23.94
This is a Special Order item.
214 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

In this book, you are in the hot seat for a two-day Swiss Teams tournament, consisting of 8 rounds of 7 board matches each day. Your first goal is to finish in the top half of the field at the end of day one, so that you qualify to the final on day two. After that, you don't have unrealistic ambitions, but would really like to play well enough to achieve a top ten finish. Can you manage that? Of . . . read more.

Item ImageActive or Passive
A Guide to Being a Better Defender
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg
List Price: $17.95  Sale Price: $8.97  You Save: 50%
142 pages. Paperback.

Innumerable books have been written on declarer play. Far less attention has been paid by bridge writers to defense, which is the weakest part of most players' game. This book presents a series of problems in defensive play, the central theme being active versus passive defense. This problem may start with the opening lead, arise at Trick Two, or be a decision later during the play of the hand . . . read more.

Item ImageBridge with Another Perfect Partner
by John Carruthers
List Price: $19.95  Price: $23.94
This is a Special Order item.
216 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Bridge with a Perfect Partner, by P. F. Saunders, was published in 1976. Many read and delighted in Saunders' articles in Bridge Magazine (UK), and Saunders' character Wilson, according to the flyleaf of the book, is "... an austere character, whose scholarly discourses are enlivened by frequent flashes of mordant wit." The anonymous narrator comments, "He is very kind in explaining, when I go d . . . read more.

Item ImageLOL: It's Loser-On-Loser
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $17.95  Sale Price: $8.97  You Save: 50%
168 pages. Paperback.

Just what is LOL? Yes, a common abbreviation for Laughing Out Loud, and often used to refer to a Little Old Lady, but in bridge it means a Loser-On-Loser play. At times a declarer can improve his/her situation by playing a losing card from one hand on a loser in a different suit from the hand opposite. This occurs when a player has a loser in two suits but can arrange to lose them both on one tri . . . read more.

Item ImageStep by Step: Playing Notrump Contracts
by Robert Berthe • Norbert Lebely
List Price: $19.95  Price: $23.94
This is a Special Order item.
176 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Forty years ago, in 1980, Robert Berthe and Norbert Lebely put the finishing touches on two books that would revolutionize the teaching of bridge cardplay: the first two books in the Step by Step series (Pas a Pas in the original French). Based on an innovative yet clear and easily-understandable pedagogical approach involving the reader in a series of questions and answers, the series has allowe . . . read more.

Item ImageStep by Step: Playing Suit Contracts
by Robert Berthe • Norbert Lebely
List Price: $19.95  Price: $23.94
This is a Special Order item.
176 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Forty years ago, in 1980, Robert Berthe and Norbert Lebely put the finishing touches on two books that would revolutionize the teaching of bridge cardplay: the first two books in the Step by Step series (Pas a Pas in the original French). Based on an innovative yet clear and easily-understandable pedagogical approach involving the reader in a series of questions and answers, the series has allowe . . . read more.

Item ImageSuit Preference
The Abused and Misused Signal
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $17.95  Price: $21.94
This is a Special Order item.
98 pages. Paperback.

If there was ever an area in bridge that resembles walking thru a mine field this is it. No topic causes more confusion and arguments than suit preference signals. "Partner, I played a deuce. Why didn't you switch to a club?" is heard everywhere all the time. Most signals in bridge are attitude and some are count. At the end of the line are suit preference signals. And yet, they can be found in t . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Abbot's Senior Moment
by David Bird
List Price: $19.95  Price: $23.94
This is a Special Order item.
198 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

For forty-three years, David Bird's tales of the bridge-crazy monks of St. Titus have appeared in magazines around the world. They have been translated into several languages. In this fourteenth collection of stories in book form, the pompous and self-important Abbot wonders for the first time if old age is starting to affect his play. Regular followers of David Bird's work will know what to expe . . . read more.

Item ImageToucan Club Complete
by Ron Beall • Ron Woodard
List Price: $16.95  Price: $20.94
This is a Special Order item.
116 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Toucan is a modified 2/1 system using a natural but short club opening with transfer responses to it. Toucan Club Complete is a much-expanded version of the original Toucan Club book, and contains many example hands and auctions. "The one-club sequences are powerful. Transfer auctions are valuable because they allow the partnership an extra step to exchange more information. Responder knows the e . . . read more.

Item ImageTrump Promotion
The Uppercut
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $17.95  Price: $21.94
This is a Special Order item.
92 pages. Paperback.

How do defenders win trump tricks? Other than having high honors, natural winners, it's by getting an early ruff of a short suit. Far more fulfilling and intriguing possibilities arise in poking away at declarer's trump suit and plucking out an unexpected trick. Trump promotion has been described as the magic of creating trump tricks that didn't exist at the beginning of the deal. The basis for t . . . read more.

Item ImageGood, Better, Best
by Jan Eric Larsson
List Price: $19.95  Price: $23.94
This is a Special Order item.
190 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Bridge players constantly argue about the 'best' bidding systems and conventions. Strong Club or Natural? With or without relays? Standard or 2/1? Weak or strong notrump? Was Blue Club really better than the natural systems in the 1950s and 1960s? Is Two-way Stayman as good as Stayman and transfers? Disciplined or undisciplined weak twos--which work better? And many, many more... Well, now we hav . . . read more.

Item ImageEliminations and Endplays
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $17.95  Price: $21.94
This is a Special Order item.
155 pages. Paperback.

Card play at bridge embraces both declarer play and defense. Hundreds of books have been written about it. Our approach here, as in our previous books, is to focus on a particular deal type. Repeated experience with a theme makes it easier to recognize deal types and employ the appropriate techniques for each. A common and important line of play is elimination play, eliminating the side suits to . . . read more.

Item ImageFrom Zero to Three Hundred
A Bridge Journey
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg
List Price: $17.95  Sale Price: $8.97  You Save: 50%
76 pages. Paperback.

Three hundred. What's so special about the number 300? It's the magic number all serious bridge players seek, often unsuccessfully. It takes three hundred masterpoints of varying types to become a Life Master in the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL). When Dr. James Sternberg took up the game, he had never played, but thought it was a game that could be learned in a few weeks and would provid . . . read more.

Item ImageMisbid These Hands With Me
by Mark Horton
List Price: $19.95  Sale Price: $9.97  You Save: 50%
197 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

In 2007, Horton wrote Misplay These Hands with Me, a deliberate homage to Reese's classic, Play These Hands with Me. The difference was that the declarer in Horton's book always made an error, sometimes obvious, sometimes not so much. This successful book was the basis of a long-running column in the ACBL's Bridge Bulletin, a sequel in 2019, and earlier this year, Misdefend These Hands with Me. N . . . read more.

Item ImageReversing The Dummy
And Its Cousin, The Crossruff
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg
List Price: $17.95  Sale Price: $8.97  You Save: 50%
87 pages. Paperback.

When discussing declarer play, the first thing I always suggest is for declarer to try to determine what kind of hand he is dealing with. Proper play of the hand starts with planning your play at Trick 1. After identifying/counting your losers, you need to look for ways to eliminate them. Counting winners too sometimes makes things easier, especially for dummy reversals. After all, there are only . . . read more.

Item ImageShortness
A Key to Better Bidding
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg
List Price: $17.95  Price: $21.94
This is a Special Order item.
125 pages. Paperback.

This book is about only one thing: Shortness, singletons or voids. It's impossible to overestimate the value distribution plays in bidding accuracy. High cards are nice; anybody can bid games and slams when the high cards are falling out of their hands onto the table. But usually those results don't get you very far. It's usually an average or maybe just above. You don't win bridge tournaments th . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Search for a Second Suit
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $17.95  Price: $21.94
This is a Special Order item.
178 pages. Paperback.

Becoming a good declarer starts with some basic principles. All the books tell you the same thing; before playing to Trick 1, think and form a plan. But what should you think about? Players often look at a deal and see a new mystery, a complex problem. They become overwhelmed. Of all the ways of winning tricks, cashing high cards and taking finesses are easiest. But establishing a long suit requi . . . read more.

Item ImageWhen Michaels Met The Unusual
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg
List Price: $17.95  Price: $21.94
This is a Special Order item.
97 pages. Paperback.

In the earlier days of bridge, a direct cue bid of the opponent's opening bid was traditionally played as a 'strong cue bid', a hand too strong for an ordinary take-out double, and forcing to game. A typical hand was any 4-4-4-1 hand with 18-19+ HCP. These occurred so seldom and players found they could be handled by starting with a take-out double anyhow that the direct cue bid was finally put t . . . read more.

Item ImageDouble Dummy Problems in the 21st Century
Problems from 2005 to 2022 with Full Solutions
by Hugh Darwen
List Price: $23.95  Price: $27.94
This is a Special Order item.
231 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

This is the first of two volumes forming a sequel to the author's A Compendium of Double Dummy Problems, containing 134 double dummy problems, ranging from 'very easy' to 'moderate' in difficulty. The collection is derived from the monthly series of problems that have been presented at the author?s website for competitive solving. It features as many as 24 different composers, several of whom mad . . . read more.

Item ImageOver Hoffman's Shoulder
by Martin Hoffman • Marc Smith
List Price: $19.95  Price: $23.94
This is a Special Order item.
199 pages. Paperback.

Travel the world of bridge with Martin Hoffman. After surviving the Nazi death camps, Martin Hoffman moved to England and discovered a talent for bridge. He went on to achieve great success in tournament play, and at his peak was known as the best pairs player in Europe, if not in the world. He was especially skilled at scoring well despite playing with much weaker partners. His chief weapons wer . . . read more.

Item ImageHow You Can Play Like An Expert
(Without Having To Be One)
by Mel Colchamiro
List Price: $21.95  Sale Price: $17.56  You Save: 20%
276 pages. Paperback.

Mel's 21st Century Rules and Other Guidelines for Winning at Your Level and Above. Expert thinking, simply summarized. Geared to low intermediates, this book addresses criteria for opening, and, in specific situations, responding, inviting, and accepting game-tries. Mel's unique "user-friendly" writing style enables the reader to learn how to think like the experts do. He includes sound advice fr . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Secrets of Winning Bridge
Second Edition
by Jeff Rubens
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $19.16  You Save: 20%
224 pages. Paperback.

The classic, easy-to-understand shortcut to winning bridge. Jeff Rubens' classic book is as relevant today as when it was first published to critical acclaim. The secrets herein are not system-dependent; they pertain to general bridge skills and to bridge thinking. The book consistently makes successful bridge players' top-10 list of most influential books. Now back in print in a modernized Secon . . . read more.

Item ImageTest Your Bidding Against the Experts
by Danny Roth
List Price: $15.95  Sale Price: $7.97  You Save: 50%
264 pages. Paperback.

There are a number of areas in bidding in which players at all levels demonstrate room for improvement. This includes bridge experts, whose (mis)bidding of actual hands constitutes the 140 problems in this book. Each chapter starts with 10 thematically linked bidding problems. In each case, you will be told where you are sitting and the conditions of play; any relevant conventional bidding and ot . . . read more.

Item ImageTest Your Play and Defense Against the Experts
by Danny Roth
List Price: $14.95  Sale Price: $7.47  You Save: 50%
166 pages. Paperback.

This book offers a collection of 72 hands that have been played at the top level and reported by writers and commentators, but where mistakes and misanalyses have abounded. Readers are invited to find the best line of play/defense so that success does not depend on lucky distribution or opponents' misplays. For most hands, the bidding and play are described up to the critical moment, but occasion . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Bridge Journal (CD)
The Complete Collection
by The Bridge Journal
Price: $79.95
1485 pages. Compact disc. Also available as an E-book.

This collection contains digital replicas of all 30 issues (over 1400 pages) of The Bridge Journal ever published, reproduced exactly as they originally appeared. The Bridge Journal was a magazine published from 1963 to 1966, produced by unpaid young tournament enthusiasts who were hoping to improve the game in several dimensions: technique, partnership methods, logistics, laws, forthrightness in . . . read more.

Item ImageBig Deal
A Memoir from the Wonderful World of Bridge
by Augie Boehm
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $11.97  You Save: 50%
220 pages. Paperback.

In this charming memoir, Augie Boehm shares tales and insights from his unique perspectives as an expert bridge player and a world-class musician. The book chronicles Augie's life journeys and reveals the highs and lows of a life in and around the game of bridge, from the highest-level tournaments to the most-dubious bridge club in Times Square; from the carriage trade to luxurious cruise ship . . . read more.

Item ImageHow to Remember Every Card in the Deck
by Bob Hampton
List Price: $14.95  Sale Price: $11.96  You Save: 20%
81 pages. Paperback.

Have you ever wondered how many hearts are left or what happened to the Jack of Spades? This book will teach you how to remember which cards have been played and in what order. Bob Hampton is one of the country's most successful memory teachers. He applied his memory techniques to his own card play with amazing results. If you play Bridge, Canasta, Gin Rummy, Spades, Blackjack or other card ga . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Pocket Guide To Bridge World Standard 2001
by The Bridge World
List Price: $8.95  Sale Price: $7.16  You Save: 20%
72 pages. Paperback.

Bridge World Standard (BWS 2001) is the standard system developed by The Bridge World magazine based on the preferred methods of leading American experts. The system is ideal for use by impromptu or casual partnerships and as a basis for discussion by those who wish to formulate their own system. It was also used as a framework for problems in the magazine's monthly Master Solvers' Club contest f . . . read more.

Item ImageWhat's Your Call?
The Bridge Player's Handbook of Basic Bidding
by Frank Stewart
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $19.16  You Save: 20%
224 pages. Paperback.

This book helps intermediate players improve their valuation skills and provides a sound bidding foundation. Focusing more on judgment than on system, the author utilizes a question-and-answer format, with quizzes and short tutorials. Each chapter discusses a different stage of the auction, from the opening bid onwards. The author presents his views on key issues, followed by a series of problems . . . read more.

Item ImageEric Rodwell's Bidding Topics - Book 1
by Eric Rodwell
List Price: $19.95  Sale Price: $9.97  You Save: 50%
169 pages. Paperback.

This title won the 2017 Intermediate-Advanced ABTA Book Award. The techniques in this book are sustainable and can be incorporated into any bidding system. Learn from the best and see instant improvement in your results at the bridge table. The nine excellent topics that haven been selected will have wide appeal, including two about conventions Rodwell invented himself: Support Doubles, and Serio . . . read more.

Item ImageIt's All In The Game
The Fun Side Of Winning Bridge
by Robert Ewen • Jeff Rubens
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $19.16  You Save: 20%
236 pages. Paperback.

Expert-level bridge is a serious game but that doesn't mean it can't be wild, wacky and downright fun! In this humorous book, Bob Ewen and Jeff Rubens bring us some of the funniest bridge stories ever collected. The bridge is top-notch, and the zany cast of characters and their escapades are unforgettable. Come join them and take a look into the fun side of winning bridge! . . . read more.

Item ImageWho Has The Queen?
The Bridge Player's Handbook of Card Reading
by Frank Stewart
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $17.96  You Save: 25%
206 pages. Paperback.

An introduction to inference, counting, assumption and related topics, things players can use to see their opponents' cards. It's in a quiz format and treats both declarer play and defense. This book is full of interesting deals in which finding a missing queen, or one of her relatives, is the key to making a contract. The problems cover various types of logical thinking, including: counting and . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Biggest Little Bridge Book In The World - Book 2 (Blue)
Play and Defense in Suit Contracts
by Beverly Card School • Jim Becker
List Price: $7.00  Sale Price: $3.50  You Save: 50%
55 pages. Paperback.

Explains basics of play and defense in suit contracts. Mastery of the fundamentals is of first-rate importance for all bridge players. The series of "Biggest Little Books" are written in concise form to answer bridge questions that commonly arise, and provide answers to your questions as you advance in your knowledge of the game. This is the latest edition (1999). . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Biggest Little Bridge Book In The World - Book 3 (Red)
Play and Defense in Notrump Contracts
by Beverly Card School • Jim Becker
List Price: $7.00  Sale Price: $3.50  You Save: 50%
69 pages. Paperback.

Explains basics of play and defense in no trump contracts. Mastery of the fundamentals is of first-rate importance for all bridge players. The series of "Biggest Little Books" are written in concise form to answer bridge questions that commonly arise, and provide answers to your questions as you advance in your knowledge of the game. This is the latest edition (1999). . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Biggest Little Bridge Book In The World - Book 4 (Green)
Everyday Bridge Conventions
by Beverly Card School • Jim Becker
List Price: $7.00  Sale Price: $3.50  You Save: 50%
71 pages. Paperback.

Explains basic conventions in modern bridge bidding. Mastery of the fundamentals is of first-rate importance for all bridge players. The series of "Biggest Little Books" are written in concise form to answer bridge questions that commonly arise, and provide answers to your questions as you advance in your knowledge of the game. This is the latest edition (2005). . . . read more.

Item ImageAn Entry, An Entry, My Kingdom For An Entry
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $17.95  Sale Price: $8.97  You Save: 50%
170 pages. Paperback.

This little word is vital in every bridge player's lexicon in its entirety, and especially important is the final syllable--TRY. A clear understanding of this topic should be one of the top priorities of every bridge player. When the dummy comes down, both the declarer and the defenders should be thinking about entries. Declarer is planning the transportation between the hands while the defenders . . . read more.

Item ImageBlocking and Unblocking
Don't Paint Yourself Into A Corner
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg
List Price: $17.95  Price: $21.94
This is a Special Order item.
166 pages. Paperback.

In this book, we will see a variety of examples of how to unblock your suits and how to block theirs. Mastering these will lessen your frustrations. The plays are easy, it's the anticipation in sufficient time that is a good deal more tricky. I'm sure you will recognize some of these situations from your own times at the tables where you may have found yourself blocked. There is some overlap; som . . . read more.

Item ImagePlaying to Trick One
There Are No Mulligans in Bridge
Second Edition
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg
List Price: $17.95  Price: $21.94
This is a Special Order item.
178 pages. Paperback.

Bridge is a game of mistakes. The best players make fewer mistakes. It's not a matter of being brilliant--the real expert players never make basic mistakes, they keep the ball in the court, in the fairway. Sure there is an occasional hand where they make a brilliant play but that's not what distinguishes the true expert from the good player. One often hears an expert say "I've seen this hand befo . . . read more.

Item ImageSecond Hand High, Third Hand Not So High
No Rules, Just Right
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $17.95  Price: $21.94
This is a Special Order item.
206 pages. Paperback.

"Second hand low" and "third hand high" are adages we learned in Bridge 101 along with others like "cover an honor with an honor" and "always return your partner's suit." These so-called rules will get you by, but they won't see you very far. Second hand must become familiar with certain basic positions to try to foil declarer's plans, often by playing second hand high. Likewise, many contracts a . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Partnership Coup
by Adam Parrish
List Price: $14.95  Sale Price: $7.47  You Save: 50%
169 pages. Paperback.

Aaron is back for another night at the Cranmer Club. This time he's playing with a partner he'd rather be rid of. Is there a solution to the age-old problem? This long-awaited sequel to The Cranmer Club tells another story of a night at Parrish's fictional club. The familiar club characters and table banter from the original return, with an exciting twist. A fun read with lots of interesting hand . . . read more.

Item ImageTrump Suit Headaches
Rx for Declarers and Defenders
2nd Edition
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg
List Price: $17.95  Sale Price: $8.97  You Save: 50%
250 pages. Paperback.

The trump suit adds a dimension that makes bridge so different from other card games. In a suit contract, play is complicated by declarer's need to keep control. If control is lost, it may be almost impossible to make proper use of one's strength in the side suits. Before playing to trick one, one should ask what might go wrong? If playing a suit contract, is there a reason not to draw trumps? Or . . . read more.

Item ImageAvoid Bidding Disasters
Win by Steering Clear of Trouble
by Danny Roth
List Price: $14.95  Sale Price: $7.47  You Save: 50%
148 pages. Paperback.

It has been proven many times that winning at bridge at all levels is not about being brilliant but far more about not being stupid. If you read reports of matches and tournaments, there will be the occasional spectacular play or defense, but for every one of those, there will be a whole string of very bad decisions, particularly in the bidding. If those can be avoided, countless trophies can be . . . read more.

Item ImageTest Your Opening Leads Against The Experts
by Danny Roth
List Price: $14.95  Sale Price: $7.47  You Save: 50%
144 pages. Paperback.

The opening lead is the only card played while the dummy's (North's) hand is still concealed and is therefore one of the most difficult parts of the game. While there is a luck element and it is very easy to be "wise afterwards," deciding which suit to attack (and which card in that suit to play) is crucial. The fate of countless contracts depends on the opening lead. This book presents dozens of . . . read more.

Item ImageBridge at the Top: Behind the Screens
by Samantha Punch
List Price: $22.95  Sale Price: $18.36  You Save: 20%
256 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

In the course of her Bridge: a MindSport for All research project, sociologist Dr. Samantha Punch has been able to interview many of the world's top bridge personalities. The topics of these conversations were wide-ranging, and included the dynamics at the table, challenges, motivations, emotions, partnerships, teammates, skill development and gender issues. As a bonus, each subject offers their . . . read more.

Item ImageMisdefend These Hands with Me
by Mark Horton
List Price: $19.95  Sale Price: $9.97  You Save: 50%
200 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

In 2007, Mark Horton wrote Misplay These Hands with Me, a deliberate homage to Reese's classic, Play These Hands with Me. The difference was that the declarer in Horton's book always made an error, sometimes obvious, sometimes not so much. This successful book was the basis of a long-running column in the ACBL's Bridge Bulletin, and a sequel appeared in 2019. Now the same author turns to the topi . . . read more.

Item ImageInsights On Bridge Vol. 1
Moments in Bidding
by Mike Lawrence
List Price: $19.95  Sale Price: $9.97  You Save: 50%
211 pages. Paperback.

This is the first in a series of books designed to turn aspiring players into good players. The Insights on Bridge series includes hundreds of mini-lessons, complete with advice you can count on. The material is devoted to situations and problems you will see at the table but not in other books. Start on the path of being a good player and a good partner. Mike Lawrence is one of bridge's greats, . . . read more.

Item ImageInsights On Bridge Vol. 2
Bid, Play, and Defend
by Mike Lawrence
List Price: $19.95  Sale Price: $9.97  You Save: 50%
202 pages. Paperback.

The second installment of the Insights on Bridge series contains more carefully crafted mini-lessons designed to turn aspiring players into good players. The material in this book is devoted to situations and problems you will see at the table but not in other books. Mike Lawrence is one of bridge's greats, a multi-talented master of the game. As an original member of the famed Dallas Aces, he wo . . . read more.

Item ImageInsights On Bridge Vol. 3
Bid, Play, and Defend
by Mike Lawrence
List Price: $21.95  Sale Price: $17.56  You Save: 20%
219 pages. Paperback.

The third installment of the Insights on Bridge series, the first two of which won the prestigious ABTA Book of the Year Award, contains a multitude of carefully crafted mini-lessons designed to turn aspiring players into good players. The material in this book is devoted to situations and problems you will see at the table but are hard to find in books. . . . read more.

Item ImageExpert Bridge Simplified
Arithmetic Shortcuts For Declarer
by Jeff Rubens
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $17.96  You Save: 25%
416 pages. Paperback.

This book takes a lighthearted approach to tackling challenging problems, and demystifies bridge mathematics for the practical player. After mastering the basic techniques for declarer, bridge players improve by applying those procedures more effectively. The most common question among those who study declarer's craft is: "How do I calculate the odds?" Even highly experienced players sometimes st . . . read more.

Item ImageOutsmart the Bridge Experts
by Danny Roth
List Price: $14.95  Sale Price: $7.47  You Save: 50%
168 pages. Paperback.

This is the fourth in the series of bridge problems highlighting hands which have been reported in books, magazines and newspapers in which the 'expert' has either misanalyzed the problem or totally missed the point of the hand. The book presents more than 60 problems in declarer play or defense, bringing the reader to the critical moment of decision--but also sometimes well short of it or past i . . . read more.

Item ImagePlayers Quick Reference Companion
by Larry Harris
List Price: $19.95  Sale Price: $9.97  You Save: 50%
106 pages. Spiral bound.

Recommended for intermediate to advanced players. This book is for serious non-experts and will help bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. It facilitates quick direct look-up for answers about bidding, play and defense. By using PQRC you can avoid bidding accidents with your partner and apply continuous pressure on your opponents. . . . read more.

Item ImageJudgment at Bridge 2
Be A Better Player & More Difficult Opponent
by Mike Lawrence
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $11.97  You Save: 50%
224 pages. Paperback.

In his original Judgment at Bridge, Mike Lawrence gave us a lot of great advice on how to think at the bridge table. In Judgment at Bridge 2, Mike continues with his guidance on how to approach the game. Take Mike's counsel and you will become a better player and a more difficult opponent. Contents: 1) Luck; 2) A Winning Attitude; 3) Introducing Dubious Bridge Rules 4) Preempting; 5) Bidding When . . . read more.

Item ImageUseful Probability for Bridge Players
by Julian Laderman
List Price: $19.95  Price: $23.94
This is a Special Order item.
232 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

The emphasis here is on 'useful'. This is not an academic tome, but a discussion of the aspects of probability that every bridge player needs to know and understand. Topics include suit splits, suit combinations, percentage plays, the Principle of Restricted Choice, and even the application of probability to bidding decisions. . . . read more.

Item ImageWhen to Bid Notrump
(And How to Play It)
by Adam Parrish
List Price: $19.95  Sale Price: $9.97  You Save: 50%
255 pages. Paperback.

In When to Bid Notrump (And How to Play It), Adam Parrish gives the same thorough and understandable treatment to notrump contracts that he gave to trump contracts in When to Draw Trumps. The first section deals with common questions about notrump bidding: when do you need a stopper, when do you bypass a four-card major to bid notrump, when do you choose notrump over a major-suit fit? The second . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Language of Bridge
by Kit Woolsey
List Price: $19.99  Sale Price: $9.99  You Save: 50%
317 pages. Paperback.

Kit Woolsey's first new bridge book in 35 years is aimed at an intermediate audience, but with plenty of insights for advanced and expert players. This book examines the communication between partners as they work together to reach the best contract or try to defeat declarer's contract on defense. Kit brings his unique take on the game to the subject of partnership communication -- thinking abou . . . read more.

Item ImagePlaying Suit Combinations
by Fred Gitelman • Jeff Rubens
List Price: $16.95  Sale Price: $12.71  You Save: 25%
96 pages. Paperback.

This book serves two purposes: One is to enable the reader to improve card-play technique. The text illustrates how best to handle some specific holdings, and, more importantly, assists in the development of patterns of bridge problem-solving that apply not only to single-suit situations but to declarer-play and defensive problems in general. The other purpose is to share some of the beauties and . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Pocket Guide To Bridge World Standard 2017
by The Bridge World
List Price: $8.95  Sale Price: $6.71  You Save: 25%
76 pages. Paperback.

Bridge World Standard (BWS 2017) is the standard system developed by The Bridge World magazine based on the preferred methods of leading American experts. The system is ideal for use by impromptu or casual partnerships and as a basis for discussion by those who wish to formulate their own system. It is used as a framework for problems in the magazine's monthly Master Solvers' Club contest beginni . . . read more.

Item ImageA Compendium of Double Dummy Problems
by Hugh Darwen
List Price: $39.95  Price: $43.94
This is a Special Order item.
336 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Almost 1000 double dummy problems, ranging from 'very easy' to 'fiendishly difficult', collected by the acknowledged expert in the field. Double dummy problems are to bridge players what chess problems are to lovers of that game: exercises in ingenuity, unexpected maneuvers, art and beauty. Some of the problems in this book were created before bridge -- they come from its precursor, whist, but th . . . read more.

Item ImageBridging Two Worlds
by Martin Hoffman
List Price: $21.95  Price: $25.94
This is a Special Order item.
278 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

This is a rare account of the horrors of the WW2 death camps from someone who experienced them. Born into an Orthodox Jewish family in Prague, Hoffman lost his entire family in the Holocaust. Fourteen-year-old Martin Hoffman escapes immediate death on arrival at Auschwitz by claiming to be eighteen. Through a combination of chutzpah and luck, he first survives a year at Auschwitz, then the Death . . . read more.



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