Item ImageBridge and the Romantics
by Nick Smith
List Price: $19.95  Price: $23.94
This is a Special Order item.
250 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

It is June 1822. Percy Shelley is planning a new bridge book. It will feature the most dazzling, difficult deals ever published, the bridge of the gods... But before he leaves on his ill-fated trip to Livorno, Shelley only has time to send his publisher a short 'Declarer Play Problems' pamphlet. Nick Smith, however, has unearthed a series of hitherto unchronicled episodes in the poet's life, whic . . . read more.

Item ImageBridge and the Romantics (E-BOOK)
by Nick Smith
List Price: $15.99  Sale Price: $12.79  You Save: 20%
250 pages. E-book (PDF)

It is June 1822. Percy Shelley is planning a new bridge book. It will feature the most dazzling, difficult deals ever published, the bridge of the gods... But before he leaves on his ill-fated trip to Livorno, Shelley only has time to send his publisher a short 'Declarer Play Problems' pamphlet. Nick Smith, however, has unearthed a series of hitherto unchronicled episodes in the poet's life, whic . . . read more.

Item ImageBridge and the Victorians
by Nick Smith
List Price: $19.95  Sale Price: $15.96  You Save: 20%
203 pages. Paperback.

THE GREATEST BRIDGE MATCH EVER PLAYED? Great Britain has given the world many great games--football, cricket, tennis, golf, shove ha'penny, etc.--and the world has repaid them by playing them better than the Britons and winning all the shiny baubles ever since. The same is true with bridge but there was a time, in the mid-nineteenth century, when English bridge players, especially women, were the . . . read more.

Item ImageBridge Literature
by Nick Smith
List Price: $18.95  Price: $22.94
This is a Special Order item.
179 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

First published in 1993, and long out of print, Nick Smith's Bridge Literature is an anthology of literary parodies that for the most part appeared first in magazines such as English Bridge and International Popular Bridge Monthly. Characters from Shakespeare, Marlowe, the Bible, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Charlotte Bronte, Thomas Hardy, Lewis Carroll and George Orwell all make their appearanc . . . read more.

Item ImageBridge Literature (E-BOOK)
by Nick Smith
List Price: $14.99  Sale Price: $11.99  You Save: 20%
179 pages. E-book (PDF)

First published in 1993, and long out of print, Nick Smith's Bridge Literature is an anthology of literary parodies that for the most part appeared first in magazines such as English Bridge and International Popular Bridge Monthly. Characters from Shakespeare, Marlowe, the Bible, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Charlotte Bronte, Thomas Hardy, Lewis Carroll and George Orwell all make their appearanc . . . read more.

Item ImageMore Bridge Literature
by Nick Smith
List Price: $18.95  Price: $22.94
This is a Special Order item.
205 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Nick Smith's first book, Bridge Literature, was originally published in 1993 and has since been acclaimed as one of the quirky classics of the game. More Bridge Literature takes a similar form, as a set of parodies of well-known works of English literature. King Lear finds himself playing for France, Winnie-the-Pooh makes his first slam and Lady Bracknell proves hard to impress. Sherlock Holmes' . . . read more.

Item ImageMore Bridge Literature (E-BOOK)
by Nick Smith
List Price: $14.99  Sale Price: $11.99  You Save: 20%
205 pages. E-book (PDF)

Nick Smith's first book, Bridge Literature, was originally published in 1993 and has since been acclaimed as one of the quirky classics of the game. More Bridge Literature takes a similar form, as a set of parodies of well-known works of English literature. King Lear finds himself playing for France, Winnie-the-Pooh makes his first slam and Lady Bracknell proves hard to impress. Sherlock Holmes' . . . read more.

Item ImageSublime Declarer Play
After the Contested Auction
by Nick Smith
List Price: $21.95  Price: $25.94
This is a Special Order item.
237 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Play like a Bermuda Bowl champion. It's not often that a bridge book comes along that takes dummy play into a new dimension, but Sublime Declarer Play does exactly that. The focus is on the competitive auction and the inferences that can be drawn from opponents' bidding choices. Moments of sublimity are the consequence of a series of logical steps rooted in that initial analysis. Tournament playe . . . read more.

Item ImageSublime Declarer Play (E-BOOK)
After the Contested Auction
by Nick Smith
List Price: $17.99  Sale Price: $14.39  You Save: 20%
237 pages. E-book (PDF)

Play like a Bermuda Bowl champion. It's not often that a bridge book comes along that takes dummy play into a new dimension, but Sublime Declarer Play does exactly that. The focus is on the competitive auction and the inferences that can be drawn from opponents' bidding choices. Moments of sublimity are the consequence of a series of logical steps rooted in that initial analysis. Tournament playe . . . read more.



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