How You Can Play Like An Expert

Item ImageHow You Can Play Like An Expert
(Without Having To Be One)
by Mel Colchamiro
List Price: $21.95  Sale Price: $17.56  You Save: 20%
276 pages. Paperback.

Mel's 21st Century Rules and Other Guidelines for Winning at Your Level and Above. Expert thinking, simply summarized. Geared to low intermediates, this book addresses criteria for opening, and, in specific situations, responding, inviting, and accepting game-tries. Mel's unique "user-friendly" writing style enables the reader to learn how to think like the experts do. He includes sound advice from bridge stars (Zia Mahmood, for one) and a variety of other famous personalities (such as Catherine Zeta Jones, believe it or not) that will help everyone improve their game. Many of the concepts in this book have never before appeared in print and each one is priceless. The section on competitive doubles, in particular, is superb. Studying the quizzes and easy-to-follow rules will put you and your partner, no matter what your bridge level, further ahead on the road to success.