A Great Deal Of Bridge Problems by Julian Pottage List Price: 293 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. This popular book contains 177 bridge problems, each one fresher than the last. Julian Pottage has developed a well-earned reputation as a great problem constructor. His answers are sharp, to the point, and usually make you say, "of course." "...a delight to work through." and "...a top shelf, value-for-money bridge book."--Tim Bourke . . . read more. | |
Back Through The Pack by Julian Pottage List Price: 266 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. One of today's most popular and successful bridge authors offers a sequel to one of the most popular and successful bridge books of all time. All fifty-two members of the pack have stories to tell and deuces and treys are attended to with the same respect accorded aces and kings. The cards are a bit more worldly than they were, but just as sentimental. Suspend your disbelief and travel to a timel . . . read more. | |
Becoming A Bridge Expert by Frank Stewart List Price: 300 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. A compendium of advice for the improving player from one of North America's best-known bridge teachers and writers. Each tip is bite-sized - 3-4 pages in length - so the reader can dip in briefly and still take away an important idea. As well as the usual sections on bidding, play and defense, the author includes much advice on the psychological aspects of the game, including how to be a good par . . . read more. | |
Breaking The Bridge Rules First Hand Play by Barry Rigal List Price: 176 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. Rules are made to be broken, and bridge is no exception. The first of a planned four-book series on cardplay, this book deals with situations where the player who is on lead - defender or declarer, at the start of the deal or in the middle - needs to do something that involves ostensibly 'breaking the rules'. Not, obviously, the rules of bridge itself, but the well-tried adages that every player . . . read more. | |
Bridge At The Enigma Club by Peter Winkler List Price: 184 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. Robert Tischman is just looking for a game of bridge, but when a mysterious woman persuades him to partner her in a two-session event at the Engima Club, he gets much more than that. This is a book that can be enjoyed on several levels: 1) as a fun read with lots of great bridge deals; 2) as a glimpse of what the game might be like if technology were applied to it with more imagination; 3) as an . . . read more. | |
Bridge Behind Bars by Julian Pottage • Marc Smith List Price: 208 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. "There was a loud metallic thud as the outside door closed behind Timothy Newman. So this is my new home then, he thought. Prison. Clink. The slammer. Prison is no place for an ordinary, law-abiding, middle-class guy like me, he reflected. Not even Great Yarborough Prison." But it turns out that prison life in Great Yarborough has a silver lining for Tim -- bridge. An expert player, he finds that . . . read more. | |
Bridge Master vs. Bridge Amateur by Mark Horton List Price: 184 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. What makes a bridge expert, and why does he always come out on top compared to the average club player? No, it's not the ability to execute esoteric squeezes and endplays - they simply don't come up enough to account for the way the experts consistently win against weaker opposition. This book is a collection of deals that illustrate the difference between the expert player and the would-be exper . . . read more. | |
Bridge Probability And Information by Robert F. MacKinnon List Price: 242 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. While firmly rooted in sound mathematics, this is a book that aims to be accessible to any bridge player. It develops the ideas of probability and information theory and applies them to bridge in a way no previous author has done. Concepts such as Vacant Spaces, Restricted Choice, and how splits in one suit affect the probabilities in other suits, are discussed in depth. Readers will emerge with . . . read more. | |
Bridge Problems for a New Millennium by Julian Pottage List Price: 160 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. In this quiz book, British author Julian Pottage has compiled a set of challenges that will test the reader's ability both as declarer and on defense. The hands are organized by theme, so readers are able to concentrate on a particular aspect of card-play if they wish. . . . read more. | |
Bridge Squeezes Complete: Winning Endplay Strategy 2nd Edition by Clyde E. Love List Price: 364 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. This book was first published in 1959, and quickly became one of the classics of the game. Generations of bridge players have learned the fundamentals of squeeze play from Love. The original version has been out of print for some time, however, and it is now being republished in its first revision in 50 years. In its new modernized form, the concepts and terminology are much more accessible, and . . . read more. | |
Card By Card Adventures at the Bridge Table by Roy Hughes List Price: 192 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. This book gives the reader a chance to watch an expert play a number of hands, either as declarer or defender. Most of the hands come from the author's own experience of top-level play. As usual in this type of presentation, the reader is offered the opportunity to make his own decisions at critical points in the play, and will be able to learn from situations where an expert took a different lin . . . read more. | |
Deceptive Card Play (BT) Bridge Technique Series by David Bird • Marc Smith List Price: 64 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. Short and full of practical examples, each book takes the reader through the most important aspects of card-play technique at bridge. Where appropriate, play is examined from the point of view both of declarer and defenders. Full of quizzes and chapter reviews, these award-winning books will also reinforce the bridge concepts you learn. At this price, what bridge player could stand not to have al . . . read more. | |
Expert Bridge Simplified Arithmetic Shortcuts For Declarer by Jeff Rubens List Price: 416 pages. Paperback. This book takes a lighthearted approach to tackling challenging problems, and demystifies bridge mathematics for the practical player. After mastering the basic techniques for declarer, bridge players improve by applying those procedures more effectively. The most common question among those who study declarer's craft is: "How do I calculate the odds?" Even highly experienced players sometimes st . . . read more. | |
Inferences at Bridge by Marshall Miles List Price: 192 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. In this book, Miles addresses the complex area of inferences for the more advanced player. A good bridge player must be like a detective, constantly on the alert for those vital clues in the auction or play that will lead him to draw the right inferences and make the right bids or plays. The author shows how to do this, and describes many common situations where inferences are typically missed by . . . read more. | |
It's All In The Game The Fun Side Of Winning Bridge by Robert Ewen • Jeff Rubens List Price: 236 pages. Paperback. Expert-level bridge is a serious game but that doesn't mean it can't be wild, wacky and downright fun! In this humorous book, Bob Ewen and Jeff Rubens bring us some of the funniest bridge stories ever collected. The bridge is top-notch, and the zany cast of characters and their escapades are unforgettable. Come join them and take a look into the fun side of winning bridge! . . . read more. | |
Master Class: Lessons from the Bridge Table by Fred Gitelman List Price: 176 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. Imagine sitting beside a world-class bridge player and being able to listen to his thoughts as each hand develops... you can help but improve your own game! Every hand in this fascinating book comes from actual play; many of them are taken from the author's own experience in world-level competition. Fred Gitelman believes that there is something to be learned from every bridge hand, whether you a . . . read more. | |
Matchpoint Tricks by Ib Axelsen • Villy Dam List Price: 96 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. A collection of declarer play problems in matchpoint pairs. How do you manufacture that vital overtrick, or, just as importantly, give the defenders a chance to go wrong? A book for all duplicate players. . . . read more. | |
Matchpoints Second Edition by Kit Woolsey List Price: 370 pages. Paperback. Matchpoints, originally published in 1982, is one of the absolute classic bridge books. World Champion Kit Woolsey discusses every aspect of bridge -- constructive bidding, competitive bidding, declarer play, defense -- from the perspective of matchpoint expectation: how many matchpoints will I win if I am right, and how many matchpoints will I lose if I am wrong? Even veteran matchpoint players . . . read more. | |
Off-Road Declarer Play Unusual Ways to Play a Bridge Hand by David Bird List Price: 160 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. Every intermediate player is familiar with the routine techniques of dummy play. What this book describes are less well-known stratagems that may save the day in non-routine situations. They include methods for creating entries, surviving bad trump breaks, elopements, getting the defenders to help you out, and many more. In this unique and quirky book, the author introduces to the reader to new w . . . read more. | |
Play Bridge With Reese by Terence Reese List Price: 250 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. Reese introduced the 'over the shoulder' approach to describing bridge hands in this classic book, and it was an immediate success. In this book, the reader can follow the thought processes of an expert through the bidding and play of many fascinating hands. First published in 1960, it is now back in print after being unavailable for a number of years. . . . read more. | |
Play or Defend? 68 Hands to Test Your Bridge Skill by Julian Pottage List Price: 184 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. This is an unusual problem book in the style of Diosy's There Must Be a Way, in that the reader is shown all four hands and asked whether declarer or defense should prevail with best play. A fascinating challenge for the advancing player. . . . read more. | |
Play These Hands With Me by Terence Reese List Price: 202 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. Reese was the first author to introduce the 'over the shoulder' approach to describing bridge hands, and it was an immediate success. In this book, the reader can follow the thought processes of an expert through the bidding and play of many fascinating hands. First published in 1960, it is now back in print after being unavailable for a number of years. . . . read more. | |
Somehow We Landed In Six Notrump by David Bird List Price: 190 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. The stories and anecdotes in this collection have one thing in common: in every case, the contract is 6NT! The first half of the book features the world's finest players at work, tackling all manner of 6NT contracts ? some commendable, some truly awful. You will have a chance to plan your play in these contracts yourself before seeing what fate befell the original declarer. The second half of the . . . read more. | |
Swiss Match Challenge by Jeff Rubens List Price: 234 pages. Paperback. Challenge these hands, have some fun, and gain the judgment and insight needed to become a winning player. Try to find the best call or play--then check the analysis to help strengthen your bidding and play and see how your decisions turn out. . . . read more. | |
The Bridge Journal (CD) The Complete Collection by The Bridge Journal Price: $79.95 1485 pages. Compact disc. Also available as an E-book. This collection contains digital replicas of all 30 issues (over 1400 pages) of The Bridge Journal ever published, reproduced exactly as they originally appeared. The Bridge Journal was a magazine published from 1963 to 1966, produced by unpaid young tournament enthusiasts who were hoping to improve the game in several dimensions: technique, partnership methods, logistics, laws, forthrightness in . . . read more. | |
The Bridge Magicians by Mark Horton • Radoslaw Kielbasinski List Price: 192 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. This is two books in one. You can treat it is an advanced text on declarer play, trying to solve each problem hand as it comes up. Or you can just relax and enjoy finding out more about these Polish stars who have won more international medals than the players from any other country over the last twenty years. . . . read more. | |
The Encyclopedia Of Card Play Techniques At Bridge by Guy Leve List Price: 424 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book. Unique in the literature of the game, this book describes and classifies hundreds of tactics, stratagems and coups used during the play of the hand at bridge. Each technique is illustrated with an example deal, and its application fully explained. The topics run the gamut from the simplest finesses to the most complex squeeze positions, and cover literally everything in between. This book will be . . . read more. | |
The Secrets of Winning Bridge Second Edition by Jeff Rubens List Price: 224 pages. Paperback. The classic, easy-to-understand shortcut to winning bridge. Jeff Rubens' classic book is as relevant today as when it was first published to critical acclaim. The secrets herein are not system-dependent; they pertain to general bridge skills and to bridge thinking. The book consistently makes successful bridge players' top-10 list of most influential books. Now back in print in a modernized Secon . . . read more. | |
Why You Lose At Bridge 2 copies remaining by S. J. Simon List Price: 160 pages. Paperback. Reprint of the classic. Win more consistently with the skill you already possess by following this simple advice. A wealth of common sense, philosophy, and how to attain the best result possible. PART ONE: YOUR TECHNICAL GAME: 1. The Points You Lose "Ignoring The Odds"; 2. The Points You Lose Playing the Dummy; 3. The Points You Lose in Defense; 4. The Points You Lose "Bidding"; 5. The Points You . . . read more. |
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