Test Your Bridge Play Vol. 2 (E-BOOK)

Item ImageTest Your Bridge Play Vol. 2 (E-BOOK)
by Eddie Kantar
List Price: $15.99  Sale Price: $12.79  You Save: 20%
234 pages. E-book (PDF)

Become a better declarer - and Eddie Kantar promises it will be relatively painless! The problems in this book are not for experts - they are, however, for anyone whose ambition is to become a better bridge player. The problems involve the everyday cardplay maneuvers you have to master if you are going to improve as a declarer. As you work through this book, you will encounter more than one example of each theme - endplay, avoidance play, etc. This is intentional - it is important to recognize these situations, and by the end of the book you will be able to do just that. You are making progress if you get a problem wrong the first time a theme appears, but spot it the next time it comes around. And if you have a friend who consistently goes down in cold contracts, you could not do him/her a better favor than to give them a copy of this book.